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Bad luck Wuffles. I've heard that the CCD judges are doing mega long recalls since the rule change.

Is there any reason behind this?

I plan on giving CCD a crack in a couple of months, just fine tuning a few smaller points like drop position before I do, so interesting to learn about what the CCD judges are currently doing.

Edited by tollersowned
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I don't know what it's like in Vic, but I've done 4 CCD trials now here in the ACT (mostly under NSW judges) and this was the first that I thought "wow, that's a long way". There was possibly one other that was a few extra metres.

As far as other stuff I wasn't really expecting, in two of the trials the judges have come over the top of the dog to pat the opposite side in the SFE. Also, one of the judges walked between the handlers and dogs a few times for the stays. 3 times we've done the figure of 8 at the end of heeling and 1 time before the heeling. Not complaining about any of this, but it's definitely keeping me on my toes!

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Bad luck Wuffles. I've heard that the CCD judges are doing mega long recalls since the rule change.

Is there any reason behind this?

I plan on giving CCD a crack in a couple of months, just fine tuning a few smaller points like drop position before I do, so interesting to learn about what the CCD judges are currently doing.

Yep the wording changed to read "at least twelve (12) metres away". So some are doing really long distances.

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Thanks for the best wishes JulesP.

I was very pleased with her work today. i just did a very short sharp heeling session, COP, recall and she did well! Not sure how I feel about tomorrow. I think if I can keep my heeling speed even and my the length of my steps as I have worked on. I have been walking with my metranome and working on my stride length and Cindy's heeling has improved-still a bit soon to be trialling in Novice I think. Teach me to get over-confident after 1 good training session. :thumbsup:

PS You should see some of the looks I have been getting in the park as a train the heel position with a dog and a metranome sounding in my pocket. :thumbsup: The things we do for our dogs.

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Must have been something in the air Wuffles - oh wait, it was rain here :) .

Well - we had an interesting obedience trial - it's been raining on and off all day, but was clear when we got to the trial, and just as I was about to step into the ring, it started spitting - all was fine and we started off, but as we got to the 'fast pace' the skys REALLY opened up!!! So we left the ring (as did the judge), to see if it would ease up a bit - well maybe 5-10mins later it had a little, but unfortunately I couldn't get Lottie to work in the rain :(:) The most annoying thing was I had only lost 2points in my heelwork - and we were sooooo close to finishing the heel pattern - why oh why did it have to rain right then!!!!!! and the poor judge just kept appologising to me about the rain and not finishing!! But I couldn't have been happier with the work she did prior to the downpour - was definitely going nicer then her first trial :) :D so unfortunately no qualie for me and Lot at our trial!

I learnt an important lesson - I need to do training in the pouring rain :laugh: :D

Goodluck tomorrow sue and cindy!!!

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Bad luck Wuffles. I've heard that the CCD judges are doing mega long recalls since the rule change.

Is there any reason behind this?

I plan on giving CCD a crack in a couple of months, just fine tuning a few smaller points like drop position before I do, so interesting to learn about what the CCD judges are currently doing.

Yep the wording changed to read "at least twelve (12) metres away". So some are doing really long distances.

Ahh OK Thanks, I will make sure to reread the rules!

Thanks for that Wuffles, will definately need to work on her stands if some judges are leaning right over the dog, shouldn't be a problem once she knows what I want and if I can get her to do a SFE for myself and my sister (who she adores) then I am sure we will have no problem!

Bugger Lottie! Don't blame her for not wanting to work in the rain, I refuse to as well :)

Edited by tollersowned
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Must have been something in the air Wuffles - oh wait, it was rain here :) .

Well - we had an interesting obedience trial - it's been raining on and off all day, but was clear when we got to the trial, and just as I was about to step into the ring, it started spitting - all was fine and we started off, but as we got to the 'fast pace' the skys REALLY opened up!!! So we left the ring (as did the judge), to see if it would ease up a bit - well maybe 5-10mins later it had a little, but unfortunately I couldn't get Lottie to work in the rain :(:) The most annoying thing was I had only lost 2points in my heelwork - and we were sooooo close to finishing the heel pattern - why oh why did it have to rain right then!!!!!! and the poor judge just kept appologising to me about the rain and not finishing!! But I couldn't have been happier with the work she did prior to the downpour - was definitely going nicer then her first trial :) :D so unfortunately no qualie for me and Lot at our trial!

I learnt an important lesson - I need to do training in the pouring rain :laugh: :D

Goodluck tomorrow sue and cindy!!!

Your judge was soft LL!!! I was in the ring at the same time and we powered on despite the very very heavy rain! I had to really try to keep a straight face during scent discrimination because Ella was looking up at me and blinking and squinting and clearly not enjoying herself because of all the water in her eyes! Poor girl, she still worked like a trooper despite the torrential rain!

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Must have been something in the air Wuffles - oh wait, it was rain here :) .

Well - we had an interesting obedience trial - it's been raining on and off all day, but was clear when we got to the trial, and just as I was about to step into the ring, it started spitting - all was fine and we started off, but as we got to the 'fast pace' the skys REALLY opened up!!! So we left the ring (as did the judge), to see if it would ease up a bit - well maybe 5-10mins later it had a little, but unfortunately I couldn't get Lottie to work in the rain :rock::) The most annoying thing was I had only lost 2points in my heelwork - and we were sooooo close to finishing the heel pattern - why oh why did it have to rain right then!!!!!! and the poor judge just kept appologising to me about the rain and not finishing!! But I couldn't have been happier with the work she did prior to the downpour - was definitely going nicer then her first trial :):party: so unfortunately no qualie for me and Lot at our trial!

I learnt an important lesson - I need to do training in the pouring rain :laugh: :D

Goodluck tomorrow sue and cindy!!!

Your judge was soft LL!!! I was in the ring at the same time and we powered on despite the very very heavy rain! I had to really try to keep a straight face during scent discrimination because Ella was looking up at me and blinking and squinting and clearly not enjoying herself because of all the water in her eyes! Poor girl, she still worked like a trooper despite the torrential rain!

She was :D :( Ah well, live and learn (and do lots of training in the rain :eek: ).

Ella is a little trooper - and awesome!!! Such a gorgeous girl!! How did you go in the end??

Was good to catch up - will see you at the next trial :laugh:

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She was :):) Ah well, live and learn (and do lots of training in the rain :) ).

Ella is a little trooper - and awesome!!! Such a gorgeous girl!! How did you go in the end??

Was good to catch up - will see you at the next trial :laugh:

I don't. I left before presentations because the novice judge was taking forever to judge her 3 dogs. I waited around for about 20mins after my groups finished thinking 3 novice dogs won't take long but I was wrong... they hadn't even started novice groups when I left! I think I ended up on 2nd place but am not completely sure.

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Must have been something in the air Wuffles - oh wait, it was rain here :) .

Well - we had an interesting obedience trial - it's been raining on and off all day, but was clear when we got to the trial, and just as I was about to step into the ring, it started spitting - all was fine and we started off, but as we got to the 'fast pace' the skys REALLY opened up!!! So we left the ring (as did the judge), to see if it would ease up a bit - well maybe 5-10mins later it had a little, but unfortunately I couldn't get Lottie to work in the rain :(:) The most annoying thing was I had only lost 2points in my heelwork - and we were sooooo close to finishing the heel pattern - why oh why did it have to rain right then!!!!!! and the poor judge just kept appologising to me about the rain and not finishing!! But I couldn't have been happier with the work she did prior to the downpour - was definitely going nicer then her first trial :) :D so unfortunately no qualie for me and Lot at our trial!

I learnt an important lesson - I need to do training in the pouring rain :laugh: :D

Goodluck tomorrow sue and cindy!!!

Your judge was soft LL!!! I was in the ring at the same time and we powered on despite the very very heavy rain! I had to really try to keep a straight face during scent discrimination because Ella was looking up at me and blinking and squinting and clearly not enjoying herself because of all the water in her eyes! Poor girl, she still worked like a trooper despite the torrential rain!

Dont know about you Nic but I am sooooo over the **!!!*$%# rain. I wanna trial in fine weather again...

Good girl Ella anyway.

Edit cause I cant type.

Edited by kathq
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Well first the good news! I attended the trial and met the spotted devil who is more angel than devil! I also met the lovely Em who had a competition with Cindy "I am more submissive than you" "no you aren't" They were very cute.

More good news:

Our scores:

SFE 29/30 (crooked stand)

Recall 38/40 (crooked return)

COP 30/30

Sit stay 30/30

Down stay 30/30

Wait for it:

The very bad news:

heel free 18/40

I had worked SO HARD on my footwork and I am so cross with myself. The dog before me withdrew less than half way through their heeling pattern and I had only just got Cindy out to warm her up so instead of taking a minute I rushed into the ring flustered. Cindy was slow to heel and I started looking at her instead of concentrating and blew the whole heel free. :):) Honestly it was a shocker of a run.

Got some great tips from the spotted devil-thanks Sally.

If only...

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Your other marks are very good though :)

In CCD it was the same. I keep blowing the heeling AND NOT LEARNING FROM IT.

If I learnt it would be different. :) Ah well. I was proud of her though-she igonored a dog in the next ring who had lost its seek back article and thought it would try our ring while we were doing the SFE.

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Can you show is some video of heeling?

I often see people click and reward heeling by c & t'ing the sit at heel part, they accidently train the dogs to have bad heeling but great sit at halts.

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Can you show is some video of heeling?

I often see people click and reward heeling by c & t'ing the sit at heel part, they accidently train the dogs to have bad heeling but great sit at halts.

No need to see a video-GUILTY! I have also trained a lag by rewarding her coming into heel rather than a heel. To make it 3 /3 I walk into her so puch her away.

It is the untraining of the handler that is so frustrating.

At least I enjoyed the trial (apart from the heeling) so for me and my nerves this is a big plus.

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Today Tollersowned and I met up to do some NRA training.

I wanted to fix Geordie's breaking when the bumper is thrown, which happens about 70% of the time.

I fixed it SO GOOD that he was holding position and when I released him he wouldn't go fetch. :thumbsup: Bloody Tollers!! :thumbsup:

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Today Tollersowned and I met up to do some NRA training.

I wanted to fix Geordie's breaking when the bumper is thrown, which happens about 70% of the time.

I fixed it SO GOOD that he was holding position and when I released him he wouldn't go fetch. :thumbsup: Bloody Tollers!! :thumbsup:

LOL I have done this too with the dumbbell. Don't fall into the trap of giving a second signal to fetch! You need to break it off line them up again and give the release command again. Bloody tollers way too smart for me!

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