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TSD I will have a hunt for some on some of the US and UK youtube videos I stalk if nobody else can find a good one. Bedazzledx2 occasionally does a flip finish so she might point you in the direction of a decent hand signal.

Kenz has a flip finish but I mainly go with around the back finishes for her because some of the judges here aren't keen on the flip finishes and will crucify them - my older girl failed once under a judge for as far as a few people are concerned doing a flip finish in UD signals at one trial - still not sure on that but I just prefer not to take any chances.

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Thanks ness - would really appreciate it. I practice both with Ziggy but only ever do a regular finish in the ring. Em's style is better suited to a flip finish I think, and she will definitely be doing that in retrieving. I'll be teaching her both regardless. Although, her current idea of "find heel" is Springing into the air, bouncing off my left hip and landing in the perfect heel position....might need to refine that just a little :laugh:

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. I'll be teaching her both regardless. Although, her current idea of "find heel" is Springing into the air, bouncing off my left hip and landing in the perfect heel position....might need to refine that just a little :laugh:

Yep judges don't like enthusiasm :)

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. I'll be teaching her both regardless. Although, her current idea of "find heel" is Springing into the air, bouncing off my left hip and landing in the perfect heel position....might need to refine that just a little :laugh:

Yep judges don't like enthusiasm :cheer:

Truly, it's so hard to keep a straight face - we were showing off to Mr TSD last night and he was nearly in tears :)

How much would I get pinged for an over enthusiastic finish do you think? :cheer: And what are the traps for flip finishes in the ring - I think they look lovely.

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. I'll be teaching her both regardless. Although, her current idea of "find heel" is Springing into the air, bouncing off my left hip and landing in the perfect heel position....might need to refine that just a little :laugh:

Yep judges don't like enthusiasm :cheer:

Truly, it's so hard to keep a straight face - we were showing off to Mr TSD last night and he was nearly in tears :)

How much would I get pinged for an over enthusiastic finish do you think? :cheer: And what are the traps for flip finishes in the ring - I think they look lovely.

hard to say and would depend on what level and the judge, but could be 5 if it was really ugly. The traps, as Ness said some judges just really don't like em.

My pet hate - no matter what finish you do is the exaggerated signal!

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Ptolomy do you have any video links to good and 'bad' ones- ie, ones likely to be marked well and ones likely to be penalised.

ETA- TSD- My JRT does the same kind of bounce into heel, usually accompanied by a tiny bark or growl.. Who was it that said i was crazy to shape a bark!! LOL

Edited by Cosmolo
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Ptolomy do you have any video links to good and 'bad' ones- ie, ones likely to be marked well and ones likely to be penalised.

Nah sorry Cosmolo - Ness is the one to ask for videos. I teach my kids the flip finish but seldom do it in a trial - if I do it would be with Beans, usually because she has presented very crooked, and it is ugly VERY ugly.

JulesP is this weekend the weekend you are trialling?? If so, good luck!!!!!

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. I'll be teaching her both regardless. Although, her current idea of "find heel" is Springing into the air, bouncing off my left hip and landing in the perfect heel position....might need to refine that just a little :laugh:

Yep judges don't like enthusiasm :)

Yip my lab also does this!!!

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JulesP is this weekend the weekend you are trialling?? If so, good luck!!!!!

Nope not entered anything at the moment. I missed the closing date of the one I was going to enter. Am avoiding training as I will be in trouble!

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Did some proofing work on scent discrim tonight.. Had OH spread favourite frisbees, tugs and balls through the articles increasing the number and favouriteness (if you know what I mean) each time. For a retrieve mad dog this was a big ask and she passed with flying colours. Then took the tugs and hung them all over her jumps and she didnt blink for that either. What a good girl she was!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just took Toby down to my local shops and did some obedience practice! He was a bit overwhelmed with the cars going past on the road and the people coming and going near the shop entrance so I dumbed things down but I was pretty happy with how he went! I have found that because Toby isn't as food motivated as most but loves chase and running games if he gets a bit distracted suddenly breaking into a run (he was on leash of course!) and redirecting him into a bit of a chase game ending with a front got his attention back!

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Thanks ness - would really appreciate it. I practice both with Ziggy but only ever do a regular finish in the ring. Em's style is better suited to a flip finish I think, and she will definitely be doing that in retrieving. I'll be teaching her both regardless. Although, her current idea of "find heel" is Springing into the air, bouncing off my left hip and landing in the perfect heel position....might need to refine that just a little :grouphug:

Funny, I do the behind the back finish with Ruby in obedience, but always do the flip finish in retrieving for some reason.

I do the flip with Millie in the obedience ring as she was always so enthusiastic to jump into heel position, so I never taught her the round the back one til recently. Both need a tidy up, however. Millie's flip used to be lovely, and somewhere along the line I broke it so she doesn't always come in with her butt pulled all the way round. She used to jump into position, too :laugh: But I am guessing with nowhere near as much SPRING as your springer :D

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Good work kathq and Rally Valley - all this work will pay off in the long run :grouphug:

Ditto to this!!!! :laugh: Well done guys!! :D :D

I did some shaping this afternoon, getting the girls to walk backwards and target an object with their back feet to eventually place both back feet on it. We had some fun! Love shaping with them, especially Ruby, she tries soooooooo hard!! :( That's not to say Millie doesn't try hard, because she does, it's just that Ruby is harder to motivate than Millie, but get the clicker out and Ruby's face lights up and I just love to see her enjoy it :(



Mind the alarms and birds going off in the background - and the extremely messy backyard! :D

Edited by RubyStar
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Out of interest do you always throw the food on the ground or do you give it from your hand as well.

And what is the reason to throw the food on the ground??

Just interested as I don't throw the food on the ground as it annoys me when they get a treat or a click and imediately drop their head and look for a treat on the ground.

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Good work kathq and Rally Valley - all this work will pay off in the long run :laugh:

Ditto to this!!!! :o Well done guys!! :D :(

I did some shaping this afternoon, getting the girls to walk backwards and target an object with their back feet to eventually place both back feet on it. We had some fun! Love shaping with them, especially Ruby, she tries soooooooo hard!! :cheer: That's not to say Millie doesn't try hard, because she does, it's just that Ruby is harder to motivate than Millie, but get the clicker out and Ruby's face lights up and I just love to see her enjoy it :heart:



Mind the alarms and birds going off in the background - and the extremely messy backyard! :)

Thanks guys!!! Working hard at it as really want that title this year. :)

RS looking good

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I did some shaping this afternoon, getting the girls to walk backwards and target an object with their back feet to eventually place both back feet on it. We had some fun! Love shaping with them, especially Ruby, she tries soooooooo hard!! :( That's not to say Millie doesn't try hard, because she does, it's just that Ruby is harder to motivate than Millie, but get the clicker out and Ruby's face lights up and I just love to see her enjoy it :D

I am always impressed by dogs that can move backwards with precision! :o I taught Erik to back onto a log, and then recently got him to reverse up a few stairs while we were out. I was so chuffed I could barely contain myself. I was like, "OMG! My dog can walk backwards up steps! That is freaking insane!!" :laugh:

Recently I've been teaching Kivi to balance on some logs. He is really awful at it, but consistently improving, bless him. After a couple of weeks he has started pushing Erik out of the way on the logs so he can do his log tricks. They are like children. "Move, Erik, I have to do my log trick." "KIVI! I was there first!" "Mine is more important." "I want to do mine! Get out of the way!" "Make me." "Ha! I got your treat!" Erik always puts exclamation marks at the end of every sentence. This morning he helped Kivi dig a hole at the dog park and tried to force Kivi to get into it. We joke that he likes to pretend to be a psychopath. :)

I throw treats when I'm resetting the dog so they learn the behaviour from every angle and learn to move across greater distances.

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Out of interest do you always throw the food on the ground or do you give it from your hand as well.

And what is the reason to throw the food on the ground??

Just interested as I don't throw the food on the ground as it annoys me when they get a treat or a click and imediately drop their head and look for a treat on the ground.

I don't always throw, depends on the exercise I guess, a lot of times it comes from my hand as well. I have no real scientific method as I too am still learning :laugh: I just decided that in this session I would throw, I guess cos it keeps them moving and gives them the opportunity to refocus, and I was throwing it close to me so they'd have the room to back away from me again.

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