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I attended an agility seminar today (sat next to Caffy and Bedazzled) and came home enthused :thumbsup:

I have never done very much shaping with my kids - so this afternoon - with a very small box, a clicker and a truck load of food I took each of the kids outside to see what would happen. The results were very interesting. I started with Strauss - he isn't very forthcoming in offering behaviours and he tends to just sit there waiting for me to do or say something. After a few minutes I had him initially trying to pick the box up and this turned into pushing the box around the verandah. Chevy, Dekka and Scoota had absolutely no idea. Chevy would keep dropping and sitting and fast as he could and it was a case of "what box". Dekka sat there crying in increasing volume and Scoota went through his change of positions multiple times in different combinations (you can see what we have been working on), oblivious to any box.

Beans surprised me - in less than 60 seconds she was sitting in the box - it was a very tight squeeze but she did it like she had been doing it all her life.

Lexi was last and proved the most amusement. She was like a dog on speed and her take on it all was to kick the box with her back legs, back up to it and to try and put her back legs only into the box, all as fast as she could. I did get some of this on video - but unfortunately most of it happened just out of screen.

It was a worthwhile exercise and one I should definitely do more often - it was great fun for all of us.

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I attended an agility seminar today (sat next to Caffy and Bedazzled) and came home enthused :D

I have never done very much shaping with my kids - so this afternoon - with a very small box, a clicker and a truck load of food I took each of the kids outside to see what would happen. The results were very interesting. I started with Strauss - he isn't very forthcoming in offering behaviours and he tends to just sit there waiting for me to do or say something. After a few minutes I had him initially trying to pick the box up and this turned into pushing the box around the verandah. Chevy, Dekka and Scoota had absolutely no idea. Chevy would keep dropping and sitting and fast as he could and it was a case of "what box". Dekka sat there crying in increasing volume and Scoota went through his change of positions multiple times in different combinations (you can see what we have been working on), oblivious to any box.

Beans surprised me - in less than 60 seconds she was sitting in the box - it was a very tight squeeze but she did it like she had been doing it all her life.

Lexi was last and proved the most amusement. She was like a dog on speed and her take on it all was to kick the box with her back legs, back up to it and to try and put her back legs only into the box, all as fast as she could. I did get some of this on video - but unfortunately most of it happened just out of screen.

It was a worthwhile exercise and one I should definitely do more often - it was great fun for all of us.

Woo hoo..it's good fun, isn't it??

Seems Alex and Lexi are all about their rear ends :thumbsup: :D

It was quite amazing how few dogs there were capable of offering behaviours...most handlers were so impatient and ended up luring or using a verbal.

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It was quite amazing how few dogs there were capable of offering behaviours...most handlers were so impatient and ended up luring or using a verbal.

Which is usually me :D But today I went out to see what would happen and was pleasantly surprised.

I think Strauss needs more of this - in fact all of my boys need more of this :thumbsup:

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If you look here there is a summary version of the main changes to the rules.


Thank you :D

So hows the training coming along? Are you looking forward to the Albany trial - not long to go :thumbsup:

Had a small break and now back inot it :D

Got a couple of things that need refining, but I was so impressed with Lewis's SFE - he didn't move a muscle and he hasn't done much on it!!! Rommi however!!!!....... launch, jump all over, lick, what SFE oh yeh right sorry forgot..........oh look person and they are coming over to meeee, yes pat me, I love you..What???.... oh yeh SFE......sorry forgot!!!

She did eventually remember. I did forgive her due to having no work for the previous 8 weeks due to her sore toe/knee.

There are two other people coming over with a Goldie and A Stafford for CCD.

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:thumbsup: OSoSwift - love the descriptions of Rommi's SFE.

My lil big man Rory had only his second go at SFE with another person yesterday at dog club. Given that I fully expected him to do something like Rommi, he was actually pretty good - moved 3 feet the first go, but stayed pretty steady really - and didn't do his trick of standing steady for the exam, then turning to follow me as I return - duh. He got that bit pretty right yesterday. And had his first go at figure of eight rond a person - not bad there either.

Still need to work on duration and distraction proofing - and stays with other dogs, but I'm feeling quite encouraged. (Need to check out some more of Ptolomy's vids, since I try to channel her LOL.

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Lol at Rommi- that description sounds like something Dexter would do. :thumbsup:

I love free shaping- its so interesting to see the way the different dogs in the household deal with shaping too. Out of my 5 i shape with 3 and they are all so different. I love watching them think for themselves. Hope you can post a bit of video Ptolomy. :thumbsup:

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Interesting with the box, I know what my two would do, Kyzer would offer every trick in his repertoire in a mad frenzy, from lightning fast rollovers to playing dead to jumping in a bean bag, then shoot backwards and kick his legs on it, then do crazy jumps over it while pausing with his back legs in it :thumbsup: I've seen it all before. Trixie would drop and look at me, then wait, then poke the box with her nose, in the space of about 10 minutes :thumbsup:

Might try it tonight.

Edited by amypie
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I do a bit of shaping with my girls, but obviously not enough. Might have to do some more :eek:

I did some shaping of the UD box with Millie on Saturday though, and to my surprise, she picked it up real quickly that she had to do something with the box and within a couple of minutes she was going to it and sitting in it :thumbsup: She did start with trying to pick up the corner of it in her mouth though as that is what we have been working on lately, picking up of things such as dumbell, articles, dummies, water bowls, headbands, etc :thumbsup:

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Your box story Rubystar - reminded me that all my kids dip their heads as they enter the box - think I must have consistently clicked at the wrong time for each of them :thumbsup:

Smart kiddies!

Millie started standing directly after her sit signal in COP as I had clicked at the wrong time a couple of times (she sat, I got excited and clicked and she stood at the same time), so it took a bit to inform her that the stand after the sit is not part of the exercise :thumbsup:

Oh and you know how Beans moves sideways in her drop signal? Ruby is edging sideways in signals when I give her a few after the other (UDX style). It all starts with the stand, she kicks her legs out sideways and it all goes downhill from there. Sigh!! I foresee work next to a barrier in our future :eek:

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:love: OSoSwift - love the descriptions of Rommi's SFE.

My lil big man Rory had only his second go at SFE with another person yesterday at dog club. Given that I fully expected him to do something like Rommi, he was actually pretty good - moved 3 feet the first go, but stayed pretty steady really - and didn't do his trick of standing steady for the exam, then turning to follow me as I return - duh. He got that bit pretty right yesterday. And had his first go at figure of eight rond a person - not bad there either.

Still need to work on duration and distraction proofing - and stays with other dogs, but I'm feeling quite encouraged. (Need to check out some more of Ptolomy's vids, since I try to channel her LOL.

The annoying thing is 8 weeks ago Rommi's SFE was perfect! Little bag, oh well she will remember again with time, just hope it is in time for Albany! I was really suprised by Lewis as standing still for any period of time is a challenge, never mind when someone is tounching you. I think his showing has helped him though as he is used to having hands over him while standing??? Not sure but I hope it stays that way!

How does everyone go with returning around the dog after the recall????? Lewis thinks we are doing something like platforming and tries to swing his bum around as I walk around him??? Why do they just not do a finish? that bit is easy, the getting him to plant him bum while I walk around is harder.

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OSS - there is no returning around after the recall anymore (as of 1st of January 2011) - the recall exercise in CCD now finishes when the dog is sitting in front and after the judge says exercise finished :love: .

Edited by ness
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OSS - there is no returning around after the recall anymore (as of 1st of January 2011) - the recall exercise in CCD now finishes when the dog is sitting in front and after the judge says exercise finished :love: .

Oh really??

I thought I read in the link you gave me that you do....will go off and read again that is good news then :(

Now to try and get Lewis not to fidget after the recall!! Can't even twitch a finger or he moves!

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Probably best to go directly to the ANKC for the latest rules...there was some tweaks even after they were first posted. http://www.ankc.org.au/Rules.aspx I'll be happy to do a few SFE for you before you go in the ring if you like.

OSS - there is no returning around after the recall anymore (as of 1st of January 2011) - the recall exercise in CCD now finishes when the dog is sitting in front and after the judge says exercise finished :thumbsup: .

Oh really??

I thought I read in the link you gave me that you do....will go off and read again that is good news then :thumbsup:

Now to try and get Lewis not to fidget after the recall!! Can't even twitch a finger or he moves!

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First Day back at training - and just when you think the UDX message is sinking in - you do the first exercise and realise you are totally wrong :thumbsup: and it is all down hill from there :(

so you get dog # 2 out and plan to do UD - she fails the seekback, directed jumping and scent, in fact she has no idea what day it is - so you put her away

and get out dog # 3 - who is the blonde one who you expect nothing from and who hasn't seen a UD exercise in months and she does a really good job and puts a smile back on your face - Goodonya Beans :thumbsup:

Think I should have stayed home :eek:

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