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RS you should have a go with Toby... then you will be thanking your lucky stars for Ruby :crossfingers: He is a special kind of challenge being a dog that does not like being petted, is not particularly food motivated and switches off from toys away from home. He will shut down and go into stress mode in everyday situations for unknown reasons or alternately become overaroused (usually playing with other dogs or playing with toys at home) and start humping me or other dogs. Not to be a total sook though cause he is my boy and I love him to bits and when we accomplish things (like being able to teach him a front when he is does not like coming to close when we are training or finally being able to get on a bike with him today!) it feels even more special. Plus I am just altering my goals to suit him... So we are doing tracking this year and aiming for Rally and ET.

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RS you should have a go with Toby... then you will be thanking your lucky stars for Ruby ;) He is a special kind of challenge being a dog that does not like being petted, is not particularly food motivated and switches off from toys away from home. He will shut down and go into stress mode in everyday situations for unknown reasons or alternately become overaroused (usually playing with other dogs or playing with toys at home) and start humping me or other dogs. Not to be a total sook though cause he is my boy and I love him to bits and when we accomplish things (like being able to teach him a front when he is does not like coming to close when we are training or finally being able to get on a bike with him today!) it feels even more special. Plus I am just altering my goals to suit him... So we are doing tracking this year and aiming for Rally and ET.

;) Woohoooo RV - that's been quick.

And I like that you're adjusting your goals to suit Toby - my bet is you'll find that as he gets more confidence, you'll be able to come back to other things. Tracking is great to give dogs confidence - especially dogs who don't like to work in too close :laugh: .

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RS you should have a go with Toby... then you will be thanking your lucky stars for Ruby ;) He is a special kind of challenge being a dog that does not like being petted, is not particularly food motivated and switches off from toys away from home. He will shut down and go into stress mode in everyday situations for unknown reasons or alternately become overaroused (usually playing with other dogs or playing with toys at home) and start humping me or other dogs. Not to be a total sook though cause he is my boy and I love him to bits and when we accomplish things (like being able to teach him a front when he is does not like coming to close when we are training or finally being able to get on a bike with him today!) it feels even more special. Plus I am just altering my goals to suit him... So we are doing tracking this year and aiming for Rally and ET.

;) Woohoooo RV - that's been quick.

And I like that you're adjusting your goals to suit Toby - my bet is you'll find that as he gets more confidence, you'll be able to come back to other things. Tracking is great to give dogs confidence - especially dogs who don't like to work in too close ;) .

He dosent mind bikes going forward and my bike but dog forbid you turn the tyre of the bike or there is another bike nearby - especially one with a child on it! :D He jumps a mile... so its just straight lines for the time being. :laugh:

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Some months ago - September maybe?? Someone - I think from memory Terranik - posted the rules changes that had happened.

I have had a look through but have not found the post as yet. I am interested in the changes for CCD and Novice as they are not up on the DogsWA website as yet.

If someone could re-post that would be very helpful.

Many thanks ;)

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The reason why i was wondering if trialling makes a difference for some is because you do have to string a number of things together rather than rewarding each one (as you can't reward in the ring) and so i wondered whether this would change for you if you didn't trial and could therefore stay at a level where you reward more frequently in between exercises rather than chaining them together. Does that make any sense? ;)

I have 2 dogs the same as Rubystar and TSD so i know what you guys are talking about! Both have great skills but Dexter is so much easier to motivate- touch him and he turns inside out. Touch Cosmo when training and she hates it. ;) Only disadvantage of Dexter loving touch is that sometimes he seeks it a little too actively- i took a vid today of his first training session since before Xmas and he bounces right into my leg (he is nearly 40kg!) when i am rewarding him at one point- ouch!!!

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The reason why i was wondering if trialling makes a difference for some is because you do have to string a number of things together rather than rewarding each one (as you can't reward in the ring) and so i wondered whether this would change for you if you didn't trial and could therefore stay at a level where you reward more frequently in between exercises rather than chaining them together. Does that make any sense? ;)

I have 2 dogs the same as Rubystar and TSD so i know what you guys are talking about! Both have great skills but Dexter is so much easier to motivate- touch him and he turns inside out. Touch Cosmo when training and she hates it. ;) Only disadvantage of Dexter loving touch is that sometimes he seeks it a little too actively- i took a vid today of his first training session since before Xmas and he bounces right into my leg (he is nearly 40kg!) when i am rewarding him at one point- ouch!!!

I'm not sure about others but I don't think I've ever done a complete ring runout in training and left rewarding til the end. I still always reward in training (quite frequently not enough :D). Not sure if that answers anything :laugh:

Do we get to see your training video? ;)

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I think you should share you video of Dexter Cos :heart:

Daisy is not a touchy feely dog either. She's not one of those dogs who would fall over herself for a pat. She usually stands there looking bored/disinterested if anyone pats her when we are out. I do encourage her to do nose touches, hi-10 and jump up on me in play and she does quite enjoy those things.

I try to keep Daisy guessing when she will get the reward. I don't often do a full run out under trial conditions (i.e. each exercise with no food/toy reward until the end) because once I become predictable she starts to get bored. So, the reward could come at any time, in the middle of a heel pattern, after I've put her in a stay and taken a few steps away etc.

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Yep, i will put it up- i just have to download it first :cheer: You will have to excuse his turns and one of his drops though, he has HD and ED so i tend to be a little lenient and he'd already had a run before i remembered to grab the phone! See- even pro trainers make excuses for their dogs :heart:

Yep that answers it Rubystar- so trialling or not wouldn't make a difference to how you train, thats what i was curious about. :D

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As a beginner I think wanting to trial has most definitely changed the way I do things. I find the precision needed for trialling lots of fun and my girl seems to enjoy it as well, so I think with any future dogs I would still work on this whether trialling or not. However, having to go so long without rewarding or affirming is really difficult and to be honest I wouldn't worry so much about this for general obedience. If I could talk to her during the exercises we would have been ready to trial quite a while ago, it is duration that is the only thing I'm not confident about. If I wasn't trialling I can't see myself ever fading out lots of vocal praise and signals she is doing the right thing.

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Here we go. Videos are great aren't they? I have only just started making use of my new camera phone and it really shows up every error- dog training and horse riding, lol! :heart:

Comments welcome- i know my shoulder is back too far (i hope smoothie girl doesn't see this- i pick on her about hers all the time :cheer: ) and there are a few other issues. Keep in mind, we don't trial and don't intend to. :D

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RS you should have a go with Toby... then you will be thanking your lucky stars for Ruby ;) He is a special kind of challenge being a dog that does not like being petted, is not particularly food motivated and switches off from toys away from home. He will shut down and go into stress mode in everyday situations for unknown reasons or alternately become overaroused (usually playing with other dogs or playing with toys at home) and start humping me or other dogs. Not to be a total sook though cause he is my boy and I love him to bits and when we accomplish things (like being able to teach him a front when he is does not like coming to close when we are training or finally being able to get on a bike with him today!) it feels even more special. Plus I am just altering my goals to suit him... So we are doing tracking this year and aiming for Rally and ET.

:laugh: Woohoooo RV - that's been quick.

And I like that you're adjusting your goals to suit Toby - my bet is you'll find that as he gets more confidence, you'll be able to come back to other things. Tracking is great to give dogs confidence - especially dogs who don't like to work in too close :) .

He dosent mind bikes going forward and my bike but dog forbid you turn the tyre of the bike or there is another bike nearby - especially one with a child on it! :eek: He jumps a mile... so its just straight lines for the time being. ;)

;) Onya TOby - keep your mum guessing :rofl: . Still think even straight lines is a BIG achievement. ;)

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;) All 4 legs Huski- but when he is in drive he doesn't feel it, ita after that he does. ;) He is alot of fun to work in obedience, bit frustrating at times in agility (basic, tiny jumps and tunnels) because he gets so excited but that i can deal with. Cosmo on the other hand is hard work in obedience but easy in agility. Variety is the spice of life :laugh:

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Rally Valley - you are doing a great job with Toby - you haven't thrown in the towel and you are making progress - BIG pat on the back to you and keep up the good work :laugh:

Thanks for posting the video Cosmolo - yep as Huski said you would never guess he has HD and ED - how old is he? Now you have broken the ice you will need to keep posting them ;)

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Thanks Ptolomy- i was a bit scared when posting it, if you post a video on some of the horse forums i'm on, you then prepare for a few pages of slaughter!! :laugh: Now that i have started taking little videos, it'll be hard to stop i think!

Dexter has just turned 3 years old. Its a real shame about his joints because he has a super personality and LOVES training. He is very active too so its hard not to let him keep running/ playing/ training when he wants to.

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RS you should have a go with Toby... then you will be thanking your lucky stars for Ruby :o He is a special kind of challenge being a dog that does not like being petted, is not particularly food motivated and switches off from toys away from home. He will shut down and go into stress mode in everyday situations for unknown reasons or alternately become overaroused (usually playing with other dogs or playing with toys at home) and start humping me or other dogs. Not to be a total sook though cause he is my boy and I love him to bits and when we accomplish things (like being able to teach him a front when he is does not like coming to close when we are training or finally being able to get on a bike with him today!) it feels even more special. Plus I am just altering my goals to suit him... So we are doing tracking this year and aiming for Rally and ET.

:thumbsup: Woohoooo RV - that's been quick.

And I like that you're adjusting your goals to suit Toby - my bet is you'll find that as he gets more confidence, you'll be able to come back to other things. Tracking is great to give dogs confidence - especially dogs who don't like to work in too close :) .

He dosent mind bikes going forward and my bike but dog forbid you turn the tyre of the bike or there is another bike nearby - especially one with a child on it! :eek: He jumps a mile... so its just straight lines for the time being. ;)

;) Onya TOby - keep your mum guessing :rofl: . Still think even straight lines is a BIG achievement. :D

Rally Valley - you are doing a great job with Toby - you haven't thrown in the towel and you are making progress - BIG pat on the back to you and keep up the good work :D

Thanks guys! :D

Me and Toby will just keep taking little steps towards our ultimate goal, '(physically) sound and sane' ;) Getting closer with the sane part... and when Deb gets back hopefully getting closer with the sound part... Just did a very brief session earlier after being out all day and he gave me the most enthusiastic heelwork I have seen from him yet... it must have been the treats... Tiny Teddies! Although it was one for him, one for me :o

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