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I've still been training with Em nearly every day....otherwise she drives us all craaaaazy :confused: I think she's got the concept of heel position now although of course it needs a lot more work. She is coming along nicely with sit steadiness in the wake of exciting distractions but has really surprised me with how quickly she nailed a 'front'. Just for laughs I put together a mini heel, sit and recall last night and the little bugger just did it! She's losing teeth left, right and centre (mostly in Ziggy if the blood is anything to go by - that's one very patient chew toy) so we are not doing any proper retrieving training for a bit. Her informal recall in novel environments is really good and some things under distraction are easier than others. Most of all we are both having a blast :eek:

The break has done Zig good.....not to mention a little competition :o

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:laugh: Yes but there is a BIG difference between a great trainer (being you!) and a novice trainer such as me!

But yes, I really should stop making excuses - she is too good to waste in the backyard.... It's all there, I just need to refine it to my liking and enter a darn trial :laugh:

Geez if you're a novice trainer then what am I?! :eek: You underestimate yourself LP!!

And if LP is a novice trainer, then you're the rung below that, what am I???? :eek::love:

I am hoping to do our first CCD trial at our club at the end of March.. eeeek!

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Bumping this thread up from page 2 :laugh: Obviously its the end of the year and nobody is doing any training :laugh:

Cider training in my undercover area just prior to Xmas

http://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=AntLHJEcVnw Strauss - is a work in progress ......

I sent the Strauss clip to his breeder and she came back with......how many pairs of crocs do you have - a different colour for every day of the week!

Great videos Ptolomy! How did you teach heel with Strauss? Mack is just starting to learn this but when he's on the phone book he will only stay in heel position if I step towards him he hasn't quite figured out how to step his rear towards me back into heel position. I'm sure he'll get it but I like learning how other people train things too! Thanks!

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Heh heh - how cute is The Strauss Man :eek:

Well, we certainly don't have the precision or professional moves like Ptolomy and LP's dogs but I do have some enthusiasm that I'm very pleased with. I have the video camera from Uni for my research at the moment so thought I'd better take a few clips of Little Em trying her heart out. Unfortunately the dry biscuits that she prefers as treats are very difficult to hold onto so she was a bit distracted when I kept dropping them :laugh: There's a snippet of Ziggy at the end because he was whinging to have a turn....you can hear Em yipping in disgust in the background!

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Heh heh - how cute is The Strauss Man :eek:

Well, we certainly don't have the precision or professional moves like Ptolomy and LP's dogs but I do have some enthusiasm that I'm very pleased with. I have the video camera from Uni for my research at the moment so thought I'd better take a few clips of Little Em trying her heart out. Unfortunately the dry biscuits that she prefers as treats are very difficult to hold onto so she was a bit distracted when I kept dropping them :eek: There's a snippet of Ziggy at the end because he was whinging to have a turn....you can hear Em yipping in disgust in the background!

Wow she's doing so well :laugh:

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Great videos Ptolomy. Strauss is certainly growing isnt he? Lovely focus for such a young pup.

We have started back into training this week after doing nothing since early October thanks to a season and then summer break. Though not too sure it is summer with the amount of rain we have had. Making training a little difficult as all my usual spots are very boggy or else under water so have been restricted to a squelchy back yard and the back patio. The cocomonster is doing really well though it took her a couple of trys to figure out how to pick up her leather articles off the concrete.

Fingers crossed this continues when we get into the trial ring in february.

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Great videos Ptolomy. Strauss is certainly growing isnt he? Lovely focus for such a young pup.

We have started back into training this week after doing nothing since early October thanks to a season and then summer break. Though not too sure it is summer with the amount of rain we have had. Making training a little difficult as all my usual spots are very boggy or else under water so have been restricted to a squelchy back yard and the back patio. The cocomonster is doing really well though it took her a couple of trys to figure out how to pick up her leather articles off the concrete.

Fingers crossed this continues when we get into the trial ring in february.

I haven't done any training with Ella either since before the last trial at the sunny coast so I pulled out our articles the other afternoon with a friend she had never met and she nailed them perfectly! Also found the box again this week and sent her out expecting our usual drop in the box problem and it's completely disappeared... so fingers crossed we don't break anything before Redlands trial at the end of the month! She's only got a limited number of trials I can enter this year due to her maternity leave and my holidays and I want to make some progress towards our OC!

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Heh heh - how cute is The Strauss Man :eek:

Well, we certainly don't have the precision or professional moves like Ptolomy and LP's dogs but I do have some enthusiasm that I'm very pleased with. I have the video camera from Uni for my research at the moment so thought I'd better take a few clips of Little Em trying her heart out. Unfortunately the dry biscuits that she prefers as treats are very difficult to hold onto so she was a bit distracted when I kept dropping them :laugh: There's a snippet of Ziggy at the end because he was whinging to have a turn....you can hear Em yipping in disgust in the background!

Oh wow, TSD. Em is just lovely ;) I've never wanted a Springer before but she makes the breed terribly enticing :eek:

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Its such a pity you have to get through Novice and Open before you can play in UD - sigh. Should stop playing with the fun exercises and get back to some of the more mundane ones otherwise we will never get there :D .

Em looks so full of energy and enthusiasm TSD - you look like your in for a lot of fun.

Edited by ness
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Hey ness guess what I trained the boys this afternoon :D

I have a question with the perch work is it right to start facing the dog then progress to being at their side. Banjo is pretty good with me in front of him but if I step to the side of him he's not sure. Bear was offering two feet on the perch and looking mighty proud of himself ;) .

I tried a bit of the heel work with my arm out to the side with Banjo, is it right for them to go wide :D , his focus was good though and his food catching skills are improving :) .

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OMG Tiggy you did what :) . Must have guilted you into it. So where is the video to prove it eh.

I did some perch work on a skateboard this afternoon just for something a little different to the normal phone book. Yep Tiggy that is how I started with Kenz in front of me then progressed to having her come all the way around into heel and side :D .

Yep Tiggy when you have your hand out the dog is suppose to be wide and targeting the hand. When you bring the hand in to the normal heel position thats when the dog is suppose to be in close.

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:D Yes, energy and enthusiasm and SPRING is right! Thanks for the positive comments - it's certainly a fun journey. She is very sweet and such a joy!

ness, I know what you mean - with retrieving it is so important to get very strong foundations before you move too far ahead so I'm determined to enjoy the repetition of the basics.

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OMG Tiggy you did what :D . Must have guilted you into it. So where is the video to prove it eh.

I did some perch work on a skateboard this afternoon just for something a little different to the normal phone book. Yep Tiggy that is how I started with Kenz in front of me then progressed to having her come all the way around into heel and side :D .

Yep Tiggy when you have your hand out the dog is suppose to be wide and targeting the hand. When you bring the hand in to the normal heel position thats when the dog is suppose to be in close.

Thanks for answering my questions ness :)

There wasn't anything really worth videoing but it did happen I promise ;)

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Kenz has the foundations thats not the problem - its just frustrating comparing her enthusiasm for UD compared with Ness who is pretty much now retired. Kenz has only been doing things like seekback and sendaways this week and is doing them reliably better then Ness.

Funny since all she has is one CCD leg to her name :D . Ah well 2012 it will have to be I have a date with the UD ring and the mad midget all things going to plan this year :). Got to get through Novice and Open though.

Just have to put my head down and actually train things like a DOR for Open LOL and enter a few trials and hope she works her black and white socks off as she did in her first obedience trial.

ETA. This morning's training session - excuse the heelwork it was majorly messy (yes Ptolomy I know I know) and we are going to have to have words about it starting tomorrow. Still not bad considering before Monday she had done maybe 3 days of seekbacks (so 12 seekbacks total) months ago and not that many more days doing sendaways. So this is just basically where we have got in 6 days.

The DOR and COP video at the end is just to see where things are at. DOR is a work in progress and her COP is coming along alright so long as the reward is behind her.

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Hey TSD - thanks for posting the videos - you now have us all wanting a little Em.

Can I have Em's sit stays please - or can I send my kids over for your to replicate - what a little super star.

If I was to ask you which of your 2 dogs you enjoy training the most - Can I assume its Em??? Just watching your body language - you and her are having a blast - your more animated and training is great fun. Watching Ziggy - he did a good job, he knows his stuff but it was more a case of going through the motions.

Tell me to get back in my box but .....

A couple of things to be mindful of when training Em. Make sure all 4 feet are on the ground when you reward her. Watch the first 2 minutes of your clips again and as you give her the food her front feet always come up off the ground - this will become a problem further down the track.

and .........even though she is young when in heel position make sure she is sitting straight and square when you reward her - easiest if you have a mirror or glass door so you can see what is happening. Makes it much easier later on and you don;t have to spend time correcting a very ingrained bad habit.

Keep up the great work :D

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Thanks Ptolomy - constructive criticism is always welcome! It's the first time I have videoed a session so it certainly opened my eyes to good and bad things that I was doing with her. I don't think I will be in a hurry to have a small dog, that's for sure! Being so tall makes it really difficult to get down and reward her quickly enough :D

With regards to Zig - it's not that I'm going through the motions with him, it's just that I have to play to his strengths. He finds the sort of play and patting I do with Em quite aversive when we are training - not a touchy feel-y dog at all. He's always been like that (although he has improved quite a bit) and it took me quite a while to realise that it made him uncomfortable. It's very hard to explain and not something I would ever have understood before having Zig. That's actually SUPER animated for him and he was having an absolute blast (on the inside :))

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