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Yes but we are not in the deep Antarctic south, RS :(

Feels like it at the K9 sometimes, though!!

Also given the fact I have a particular dislike for the cold and the Whippets think they will shrink and turn into Iggies, winter is a bit ho hum!

In the heat I train a bit less as well, but do do some work in the house under the aircon, same as in winter.

Edited by OSoSwift
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Ok this is embarrassing as it is so pathetic :thumbsup: 2 weeks ago i entered my first trial in years. Since then I have lost 4kg due to an upset tummy. I was stressing about it a bit today and had a run through tonight. Get to club and whilst waiting my turn managed to give myself a migraine. Did my run through with maybe half vision. I very rarely get migraines but get vision disturbance with them.

Thought 'RubyStar' and got through it. Everything went pretty well. Would have scored 92. Run through was with a real judge.

Was super pleased with Poppy in the stay too as a dog broke and ran around. Pop stayed put.

I now have a shocking headache and my heart rhythm feels weird, I have high blood pressure.

I have no idea why it is freaking me out so much. I've competed in dressage, horse showing, herding and obedience. It doesn't get any easier and is in fact getting worse.

:D :party:

I really don't know what to do.

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Thought 'RubyStar' and got through it. Everything went pretty well. Would have scored 92. Run through was with a real judge.

Of course it went well, we make a great team :D

Man I thought I suffered nerves, but mine is nothing compared to yours you poor thing! I get a very fluttery chest and can't eat much the day of a trial, wish I could lose weight because of it! :thumbsup:

I thought after trialling in obedience that I wouldn't have many nerves for our upcoming jumping debut, but I fear I am going to be even MORE nervous - I got a few flutters during our graduation run! :party:

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:D Wow, JulesP - I thought I got nervous - (yes, still, after 20 years :thumbsup: ) - but that is really extreme - though glad the famous "Rubystar Rescue Remedy"TM helped you through.

Obviously telling yourself it's only a game you play with your dog isn't going to cut it. Maybe try asking your GP, or a naturopath, if there's something settling you can take ...?

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though glad the famous "Rubystar Rescue Remedy"TM helped you through.


I was looking for a business idea to make some cash, I think I just found it!

JulesP, you get your dose for free as you're the guinea pig for my new product, but if anyone else wants to try it, I charge a small fee for a sample!

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ValleyCBR what have you done to teach the right finish (assuming you mean the round the back one). Have you tried teaching him to circle around a cone. Kenz is mad for circling objects and once the dog is enthusiastic at runinng around something I found it easy to substitute it for me rather than an object. If you lure them around the cone inititally you can get a nice tight circle.

Yeah the behind one. I have been doing the two treats lure method so sending him around a cone seems like a cool idea! He would love the game of it :laugh:

I am also trying to teach Mason this for Rally - going to leave it for next week though as I have a trial on sunday and I dont want him getting confused ( which he can get quite easily) :)

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though glad the famous "Rubystar Rescue Remedy"TM helped you through.


I was looking for a business idea to make some cash, I think I just found it!

JulesP, you get your dose for free as you're the guinea pig for my new product, but if anyone else wants to try it, I charge a small fee for a sample!

I get nervous so I will give it a try :laugh:

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I am also trying to teach Mason this for Rally - going to leave it for next week though as I have a trial on sunday and I dont want him getting confused ( which he can get quite easily) :)

Me too! For Rally (and will be useful for DWD if I ever get going properly on that) - and obviously I've done my Derrett/Garrett no blind cross too effectively :laugh: .

Think I'm getting the right finish - now have to comvert it into the rouind-the-back LAT - also for Rally. Hope the lil big man can sort out the difference. ;)

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That can't be much fun Jules, especially if it gets your blood pressure up. I would ask a pharmascist if there is anything to help, if not maybe a doc visit so you can have something that doesn't affect your otehr medication.

Dogs are supposed to be good for you but it sounds like trialling might be a bit hazardous to our health!!!!

I get nervous as well - I am not entirely sure we are meant to literally drink bottles of rescue remedy!

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Woke up at 4.00am and couldn't get back to sleep!

I am sort of blanking out when doing the heel pattern so not sure if RR or anything else would help or just make me more of a zombie? The 'RubyStar' is stopping me from doing that as it sort of keep me present and in the moment.

The weird thing is I can reasonably happily stand up and do public speaking in front of a large audience. It is anything even slightly sporty that flips me out.

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Woke up at 4.00am and couldn't get back to sleep!

I am sort of blanking out when doing the heel pattern so not sure if RR or anything else would help or just make me more of a zombie? The 'RubyStar' is stopping me from doing that as it sort of keep me present and in the moment.

The weird thing is I can reasonably happily stand up and do public speaking in front of a large audience. It is anything even slightly sporty that flips me out.

I am exactly the same!!!!!

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I love public speaking! LOL I've done a lot of it from a young age but even now still get a bit nervous, I am fine once I get started though and don't freak out nearly as much as I do when it comes to trialling :laugh:

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I would really like not to go :thumbsup: But I feel like I would be letting heaps of people down. The breeder, the people that give up their time to help teach. Even the dog as she is a nice worker. I am sure she would prefer to do the alternative weekend activity which would be herding!

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Well 9.00am this morning and I still didn't know if I was going to go! Then I thought about all the people that had helped me and in particular the judge who stood in the rain on Wednesday, only a couple of weeks after a big operation, and thought I had better at least get me and the dog down to the trial.

Had a major freakout when I saw I was next to a dog that I know Poppy doesn't like. Nearly pulled out but after chatting to people decided to do the heel bit. That went pretty well. I did my 'RubyStar' thought and off I went, lol. She went wide a couple of times which would have lost her points but all stands, drops etc were pretty good. Need to be careful as I think she is listening to the judge now as one drop was super, super quick! Stand for exam, she heeled a bit wide but did the stand bit good. Recall the lead out was good as I went up the other end of the ring. (She is heeling wide on the first couple of steps from the peg and then comes in). Sit at end was a bit crooked and a bit far back but good speed in.

Decided to do stays after assurance the other dog would hold his stay. She wasn't super happy but she stayed put.

Ended up with a score of 92 and third place!

As normal I wasn't too bad on the actual day. I am heaps worse before hand. Yesterday I was a total wreck but luckily decided to take another dog herding which settled me down a bit.

I am now totally buggered! Thanks to everyone here for listening to me carry on.

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