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So 'fess up you two - how'd your clever dogs go???

I have a little live wire here - she is such a blast to train but I feel such a responsibility to make the most of her potential.

Well if there was such a thing as a strategic pairs UDX - then I think we would almost manage our first leg :laugh:

As for your little live wire - just enjoy the ride :laugh:

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So 'fess up you two - how'd your clever dogs go???

I have a little live wire here - she is such a blast to train but I feel such a responsibility to make the most of her potential.

Well if there was such a thing as a strategic pairs UDX - then I think we would almost manage our first leg :eek:

As for your little live wire - just enjoy the ride :laugh:

:rofl: I now have tears in my eyes - great idea - love it! I'll volunteer Ziggy to do all the stays seeing as everyone seems to hate them :o

Ptolomy, she's like a day pass to side show alley at the Royal Show.....roller coaster meets kamikaze :laugh: Fortunately she's just passed out so everyone is getting some rest!

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:laugh: I now have tears in my eyes - great idea - love it! I'll volunteer Ziggy to do all the stays seeing as everyone seems to hate them :rofl:

Ptolomy, she's like a day pass to side show alley at the Royal Show.....roller coaster meets kamikaze :laugh: Fortunately she's just passed out so everyone is getting some rest!

Stays - its a deal :o

Tell us more - I love her already just from your description. I always choose the naughty one when selecting a puppy and Cider sounds like her twin sister :eek:

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I'll get Mr TSD to video her soon I promise.

She sits on command and now drops as well - throws herself to the ground - taught the verbal command in 3 short sessions and she can already discriminate between sit and drop. I think that's pretty cool for a 13 week old pup. She's doing nose touches to my hand - bit rough but she's so impatient. She didn't even blink when I introduced the clicker. I'm teaching her heel position - just luring but starting to introduce a command. She runs fast and is gutsy as hell - runs straight up the sloped block whilst Zig picks out the easiest path - great for retrieving. I will have to get my handling up to speed for agility as I'm no match for her already :laugh: She will be coming with me to a local ag show this weekend - our agility club is doing demos so I will get to practice everything in a novel environment. I took her to a t-touch workshop on Monday (with Zig and the 3 cats) and whilst the lady in charge was demonstrating with her I was throwing in some commands to "sit" and "come" - she just ignores everything else and focuses on me.

We will consolidate everything she knows in different settings but need to learn more at home - will read my focussed puppy book again tonight!

When I picked her out I looked for the pup who wanted to retrieve and was good with loud noises - she was the standout for me. Her breeder calls her the little terror(-ist) :laugh:

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Puppy sounds like she is going well TSD. :angeldevil:

I used some frankfurt & devon today with Amber and she went nuts for it. Lucky I still have fingers left! I normally use this when I am out. So for some reason it is just the raw meat she can't be bothered with. Or she was having an off day. I also trained her last so she got to watch the other 2 munching on treats.

I've been doing a bit of drive training with Brock and he is coming along. Brock 'failed' a drive clinic with Steve due to being too polite so I am quite pleased with the progress.

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ok a shaping question, how long before you add a cue to a behaviour? I started shaping hand touches last night with Mack and also did some more work on getting him to pick up an article. At the moment there are no cues, I hold my hand out and he comes over and puts his nose on my palm or I hold the article and he will usually put his mouth around it (we're not at the holding it stage yet) - would you put cues on these behaviours now or wait longer?

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Seita - I would probably add a cue when the behaviour is what I'm looking for - ie for nose touch, really enthusiastic and coming in at all different angles to the hand. I think for the retrieve I got to the point where I was gently restraining Zig and then gave him his release word before I added a verbal cue.

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I usually put a cue for a hand touch on rather early because they seem to get it within one or two sessions. With articles I don't worry about putting a cue on it until the dog is picking it up off the ground and placing it in my hand.

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Last night was bitter sweet for me, after our disater at canberra with the dalmation iv spent the last 3 months working on his stays to get them solid again, so last night i went to a mock trial to test the waters and see if all the work i had put in was sucessfull and.... It was i got 2 passes last night i was soo stoked untill somone reminded me that if it was a trial that would have been our tital.

I also got him mesured and he is 430mm / 16.92 in

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Started some shaping with the puppy today :eek: . I'm shaping him to touch a flower pot with his nose, he's at the stage where he will reliably look at me then :laugh: look at the pot, will start to wait for movement towards the pot next. It amazes me how smart dogs are, I couldn't believe how quick he caught on. I tried it with Banjo next, he's already running from a short distance to nose touch the pot, he loved it :o .

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