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I've just been shaping hand touches with pup - I think I'm going to die of cute overload :o Watching the "cogs turn" at such a young age is so amazing! She has just discovered her VOICE (:D) - crating has resulted in a few (HUGE and LOUD) tantrums over the last few days so she has redeemed herself :)

ETA: Tiggy, you and I clearly bought the same book (free shipping) from Clean Run!

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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ETA: Tiggy, you and I clearly bought the same book (free shipping) from Clean Run!

I bought it too... but didn't buy the puppy :) :D

:o If Miss Emily keeps up her high pitched bark whilst in her crate I might send her over as an added bonus! My goodness, but she is funny. Mr TSD tells me I have a short memory and Zig went through a bad patch too.....he's so beautifully behaved now I forget what a Spotted Devil he really was :o

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ETA: Tiggy, you and I clearly bought the same book (free shipping) from Clean Run!

I bought it too... but didn't buy the puppy :o:)

:o If Miss Emily keeps up her high pitched bark whilst in her crate I might send her over as an added bonus! My goodness, but she is funny. Mr TSD tells me I have a short memory and Zig went through a bad patch too.....he's so beautifully behaved now I forget what a Spotted Devil he really was :D

Bear makes the loudest howling/yodelling type sound when he's chucking a tantrum in his crate :D and yes we must have the same book :p .

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Quiet in here this week!

Wednesday night after a not very good training session I was up at 3.00am googling dog training! Someone else please tell me they have done this :o Discovered Michael Ellis. Anyone else watched his stuff?

Yesterday I thought I would up the treat value and used raw beef chunks :) This is :D because I am a vego!!! Amber thought it was ok but wasn't super impressed :laugh: I thought she would be going back flips for it. She wasn't super impressed when she got the rest for dinner either. Will be trying cat kibble today so stealing the cats food seems to be the only time she gets super happy about food.

Amber is supposed to be having a test on Sunday at school. I don't think she is ready and want to pull her out if it. Everyone thinks I am nuts! I just don't like doing things badly!!!

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Quiet in here this week!

Wednesday night after a not very good training session I was up at 3.00am googling dog training! Someone else please tell me they have done this :vomit: Discovered Michael Ellis. Anyone else watched his stuff?

Yesterday I thought I would up the treat value and used raw beef chunks :vomit: This is :eek: because I am a vego!!! Amber thought it was ok but wasn't super impressed :vomit: I thought she would be going back flips for it. She wasn't super impressed when she got the rest for dinner either. Will be trying cat kibble today so stealing the cats food seems to be the only time she gets super happy about food.

Amber is supposed to be having a test on Sunday at school. I don't think she is ready and want to pull her out if it. Everyone thinks I am nuts! I just don't like doing things badly!!!

Jules does the way you deliver the food have anything to do with how Amber reacts - don't she get very excited over anything ? toys, you coming home, movement?

Not sure I would cope with a dog that isn't obsessed with food - it sure would make my training much harder and would make me have to think outside the square.

Make sure you do what you think is best for Amber on the weekend and not what other people think you should do and good luck if you do do it ;)

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I love our Wednesday arvo/night training sessions and yes we are slowly making progress in UDX.

I am now convinced this week he knows the scent cloth exercise - although I haven't gone all formal and done the complete exercise yet. Had a go with the blind retrieve (what a dumb exercise that is), but as long as we use white leathers - think this might be a goer too.

Interesting with the change of positions I have been giving verbals for all positions, but this all went pearshaped - so changed to signals for all and we are on a winner......... well he didn't miss a position, but I do need to try and do something about the moving sideways and forwards. If I put a barrier in front of him - he then moves sideways ;) . Think I would like to do strategic pairs with Brookie for this exercise because he does it so well + positions in motion - what do you think Bedazzled :vomit:

Scoota is entered in UD tonight and the last time I trained or trialled UD was........hmm a few weeks ago so I am not expecting much. It will be interesting to see if his brain becomes all scrambled with all the UDX training.

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Did an experiment for you Ptolomy! Took Amber out with no food at all and ran through some exercises using just praise. There was no drop off at all in work. She did lick her lips a couple of times but that was the only indication that she would have liked a snack for doing the work. It was probably the best performance of the week! Obviously it might be a once off and if I continued to try with no food she might spit the dummy.

Apart from sitting staring at me, which she does pretty much all day, her fav other thing is stalking things. Doesn't do toys.

She gets excited in a calm way if that makes sense.

Glad you had a good training night. I tried to turn 'trial run though night' into training and I don't think I was popular.

How are his positions on the move? Does he drop totally down straight? Or is he moving forwards/sideways a bit then too? Do you have video of it?

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Yep JulesP have watched the Michael Ellis stuff - in fact was watching his heelwork dvd last night. Some very useful stuff.

Did you get it from Leerburg? I am thinking about ordering it. I watched his lecture on the Leerburg site yesterday.

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A friend loaned me all 4 of his dvds - the tug and food ones as well as the heelwork and retrieve one. Only watched the first 3 and not had a chance to watch the retrieve one. Pretty sure they ordered them through Leerburg.

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How are his positions on the move? Does he drop totally down straight? Or is he moving forwards/sideways a bit then too? Do you have video of it?

PIM (positions in motion) he drops straight down, I did have some problems with him turning around to see where I was going when I walked past him but I may have fixed that problem for the time being.

Videos - hmm I can't upload anything at the moment and I have to say its not up to video stage yet - its all a work in progress. ;)

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Question for those with more experience than me, sorry if it's silly!

Ava got desexed on Wednesday so is acting a little bit stir crazy (only one day of no exercise so not exactly deprived ;)). Last night I took our other dog to training, and when we got back Ava went a little bit nuts :vomit: She was ridiculously excited to see him, so we separated them, but she wouldn't calm down and was bouncing all over the place and trying to get to him. I did a little bit of training with her to see if that would distract her, and she was amazing and enthusiastic, and didn't want to stop.

Could this because she was in some kind of drive? Is there any way I can harness this? She's only had this level of enthusiasm a few times before in seemingly random situations. I've never been able to get the same response after getting her excited about tugs, toys or food.

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Not sure I would cope with a dog that isn't obsessed with food - it sure would make my training much harder and would make me have to think outside the square.

Gosh me too, so thankful I chose Labradors to train! :vomit: Though mine do so love the i-squeak as reward. I teach new things with food and then some things where it's appropriate, I switch over to the ball (or tug for Ruby as well sometimes) ;) But :vomit: food for training!

Edited by RubyStar
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Keep her crated with no stimulation before you work her. Should produce the same effect. Whether you think it is worth doing that is up to you. ;)

I agree, maybe have her crated while you train your other dog, so by the time it's her turn she's itching to go!

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Yep one of mine is motivated by "food", and the other is motivated by "FOOOODDDD!!!!!"" ;) And toys, but only if I'm holding them or throwing them, otherwise they are invisible.

Don't think I'd cope with a dog that wasn't fussed about food!

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