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That is horrible Ptolomy :laugh:

I am very picky about who I hand my dogs over to for any thing. Daisy will work for other people to a point, I mean she won't refuse food if someone wants to give her some (unless I am working her) but she doesn't work the same for others as she does for me and I don't want her to anyway.

Edited by huski
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OK a question to the TID people is not working for others a byproduct of this type of training?

Maybe I should be asking do you think it is possible for a dog who has been trained in drive to work as well for somebody else??

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OK a question to the TID people is not working for others a byproduct of this type of training?

Maybe I should be asking do you think it is possible for a dog who has been trained in drive to work as well for somebody else??

Think it depends on the neutralization work. And the good things only come from the handler. In my mind if I have done that right then they shouldn't work for other people.

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Tricky question that last one Ptolomy - I have heard suggestions that the dog should be able to go through whatever routine they are being expected to perform three times in a row with no drive or enthusiasm loss before fitness isn't considered to be a limiting factor.

Edited by ness
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How fit does an obedience dog need to be??? Do you think improved fitness improves drive??

Does the handler need to be fit???

Dunno really about the dogs. Mine don't tend to quit. So I don't think fitness is a factor. Not physical. Mental fitness is different. I wish mine were happier about making mistakes.

Yes the handler needs to be fit.

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I asked Valley CBR to show my kids for me. I was having issues with the stands and the judge coming in and examining which was flowing over to my SFE. I tried a few things to cure the problem but if anything it got worse, so I decided the easiest option was to take myself out of the picture (and once again thanks Valley for stepping in :laugh: )

The arrangement is that Valley can go and help herself to any of my kids, she can reward the good bits, and it works well. I have asked her to use a different stand signal but I think that was about it.

A few weeks back I was chatting to one of the top WA handlers who looked up and saw her with Cider, trying to get her stand, look at her teeth and have somebody come and pat her and this handler just about went into meltdown with the fact that I was letting somebody with not very much obedience experience play with what is potentially my new bestest baby dog. Later that evening I got Cider out and worked her and she worked like she normally does for me with drive and enthusiasm.

So would others allow this - or do you believe that your dogs should only work for you?? Seita you are probably exempt because of the TID program you have done - but would others be willing to see if somebody could bring out the best in their dogs.

:rofl: Well at least she does well at trials so people won't think I have broken her! :D

I never do obedience work with Cider though cause she just won't perform it for me :D I tried once and she outsmarted me and was trying to do showing stuff cause thats usually what I reward her for. Like miss Lexi and her finishes, because I spent a bit of time with her teaching/remining her about right finishes for Rally she will sometimes just do them to beg for food. These Tollers are too smart! :cheer:

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Training by yourself you get into bad habits and when somebody points them out I sometimes find it hard to work out what is happening. I find it easy to hand my dog over so that I can stand back and see what they are referring to first hand. Yes you can use video but this is even easier and yes I am now very choosey as to who I let handle my kids after a guy who I respected didn't do the right thing :D


I would never hand Ruby over to anybody else to work.

OK, big fat lie, anybody who wants her can work her :laugh:

I don't mind others warming her up, but I am not sure if makes much of a difference. I would only allow certain people to play with or handle my dogs, these are people I trust and who wouldn't do anything I wouldn't want to do myself.

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I never do obedience work with Cider though cause she just won't perform it for me :D I tried once and she outsmarted me and was trying to do showing stuff cause thats usually what I reward her for. Like miss Lexi and her finishes, because I spent a bit of time with her teaching/remining her about right finishes for Rally she will sometimes just do them to beg for food. These Tollers are too smart! :rofl:

I hope you have drycleaned your jacket for the upcoming show :cheer: and made the decision on whether you are going to take Strauss or Soggy in for BOB :laugh:

Make sure you say hello to Lexi at the agility trial tomorrow and tell her mum is coming home. I tried to speak to her today and when mum put the phone near her she took off :D

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Wow - some interesting discussion going on while I was playing with my new toy (ipod - to use for DWD - when I get round to doing any :laugh: .)

Lil big man Rory is anybody's - cos he's been shown by a variety of handlers sonce he started showing as a baby, and he doesn't take me seriously as a show handler - good reasons for that :D . He has worked with other people for heelwork and DWD - he loves to strut his stuff - and especially if someone has food or a toy. :cheer:

Kirra tends to be a momma's girl - but lately I have been giving her to Kris G to handle through a sequence to show me something - she's a bit inclined to run back to me, but the more we do it, the more comfortable she is running with him. He finds it interesting, as she is much more 'hair trigger' than his Sheltie, and less forgiving of timing errors in handling - :D welcome to my world, Kris :rofl: .

As an instructor, I will occasionally ask if I may borrow someone's dog - to demonstrate the mechanics of a particular move - but I really don't like instructors taking someone else's dog to show them up - that's not positive training.

And oh, how I wish I had a training partner - I need the motivation, as well as the critical eye.

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OK a question to the TID people is not working for others a byproduct of this type of training?

Mostly yes, because TID is not just about building drive but building a relationship with your dog where they see you as the best thing ever. They shouldn't look to other people to get drive satisfaction, in fact most people do a lot of work with their dogs precisely so the dog learns that other people aren't going to give them what you (the handler) can.

Edited by huski
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OK a question to the TID people is not working for others a byproduct of this type of training?

Maybe I should be asking do you think it is possible for a dog who has been trained in drive to work as well for somebody else??

As huski said it works alot on leadership and that bond you build with your dog but that said there is no reason why you can't train a dog while it's learning to work in drive that it has to work for anyone who uses the right commands etc. Schutzhund people do it all the time with dogs that are trained over in Europe being exported to other places and be expected to work with other people. I just don't have the need to teach my dog to work for others in drive, my OH has less than zero interest in dogs but if he was keen I'd work on teaching my dogs to work for him the same way they work for me.

How fit does an obedience dog need to be??? Do you think improved fitness improves drive??

Does the handler need to be fit???

Well my dogs are usually not fit, I do little in the way of phsyical exercise with them and focus more on brain work and training and fun games etc. It was never an issue until I hit UD which conincidentally for me was also after Ella had a tick which really knocked her around. I have no idea if she would have had the stamina to do a whole UD run out pre tick as she wasn't ready yet for that but she certainly didn't have the fitness to do a full run out at the start of this year after the tick. I never thought fitness was a huge thing but I'm beginning to think that a dog who is fit will have an advantage in the ring... this is something I am trying to improve on with Ella and it'll be interesting to see how her improving fitness affects her performance in the ring :-)

any question.......

Do people prefer to train:

by themselves

With a friend

In a small group 3-4 people

or in a big club group 10+

and why......

Either with a friend or in a small group but only if they train similarly to me, it's more fun than training alone, it's nice to have someone watch what you might be doing wrong/right etc, it's easier to work with another person or a small group when you're training for distractions etc etc. I hate training in big classes as it's a pain to watch out for where everyone else is. But I mostly train on my own as I don't have the ability to train with one or more others who are like minded with training.

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Hey Ptolomy and Seita and anyone else going to Pine Rivers tonight, I may not be able to make it :o Will try and get there but at the moment it looks like I won't have a car :laugh:

This is UNACCEPTABLE!!! LOL Hope you can make it I need a vidoe taker-er!! :laugh: Cos we're gonna get an OC leg tonight!!! :o

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I take Zig for an hour plus walk/free run nearly every day for fitness - for both of us :laugh: Lots of hills and bush tracks around here so it's an excellent work out. Once I get a bike I will take him on the flatter paths as well. The fitter and fresher he is (I give him the day off before a trial), the better he copes with the mental stretch of competition. I haven't the best of backs so have been building our fitness more slowly than I would like.

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Hey Ptolomy and Seita and anyone else going to Pine Rivers tonight, I may not be able to make it :o Will try and get there but at the moment it looks like I won't have a car :laugh:

This is UNACCEPTABLE!!! LOL Hope you can make it I need a vidoe taker-er!! :o Cos we're gonna get an OC leg tonight!!! :happydance:

Me too!!!! I am DEVASTATED!! It's all my sister's fault as she has taken my car :laugh: (long story). Only way I can go now is if mum lets me take the BMW. Which is not likely.

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