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Training Talk Thread


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I am contemplating leaving training earlier, by the end of the hour Luuka is listless and bored. I think it's too long. What do you guys think?

Absolutely! Or, put her away and watch the rest of the class. The instructor should give you credit for advocating for your dog. :laugh:

Many of us (if not most) don't do classes because they are so long and it's a great way to ruin a dog's enthusiasm. I train in 2-5 minute intervals most of the time (the only exception being stays). I want my dogs to be wanting more when I have finished a session.

Edited by TerraNik
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Just had a great training session with a friend tonight. Leo did a blinder UD run through - best he's done for a little while. Sooo confident with his scent works and his presenting of the articles was flawless. Glad to see our training at home is paying off :laugh: NOW - if he could just perform like that at a trial I'd be grinning from ear to ear :cry:. Ness I thought of you and wondered if I could just tape this round and submit it to a judge for scoring whether or not that would equate to a pass :rofl:

Kinta also did a lovely open run through though I didn't do much with her. She was plain jumping out of her skin to work, so hopefully we can bottle that up and she can work well for me for our Most Versatile Aussie comp in a couple of weekends time... lets just hope the stay gods are shining down on us then as they seem to have gone on sabattical lately :rofl:. Bummer with only one pass to go!

Tahli waited patiently for her turn (hmmm... define patient.... does trying to get out of the car and join in the fun equate to patient?!) but she gave me a lovely round of tug games and circle work :laugh: Go the little blue pup!

For those of you that train dogs who don't live with you - how do you find that? I'm thinking of pulling Zara out to do some obedience trialing with her. I think she should get her CD - CDX quite nicely, although not sure how everyone finds handling a dog they may only get to train with 1-2 times per week.... how do you get around that??

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For those of you that train dogs who don't live with you - how do you find that? I'm thinking of pulling Zara out to do some obedience trialing with her. I think she should get her CD - CDX quite nicely, although not sure how everyone finds handling a dog they may only get to train with 1-2 times per week.... how do you get around that??

I have found it to be okay, of course I haven't been able to do as much work with Abby as I would've liked and for that reason I don't think she has reached her potential.

Basically what I have had to do with Abby is be VERY organised and know exactly what I want to train when I have access to her so that I don't waste any sessions. Woofen is also very generous and lets Abby stay with us for the week before each trial to tweak things, so that has been a great help.

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Goooooo Cider and Ptolomy - fantastic work :laugh: . Well done mate you deserve all you have achieved with her so far and what an extra special ride your going to be in for with her in the future. Enjoy it. :laugh:

She is doing so well for a baby dog she really is very very special.

Edited by ness
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I think Ptolomy needs to write a book on the secrets of attentive heeling :) Pleeeeeeeeease? :laugh:

Chapter 1 if at first you don't suceed with dog number 1 - get another dog and start again :eek:

Cider is dog number 6 for me - so I have had a few attempts - so hang in there :D

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I think Ptolomy needs to write a book on the secrets of attentive heeling :) Pleeeeeeeeease? :laugh:

Chapter 1 if at first you don't suceed with dog number 1 - get another dog and start again :eek:

Cider is dog number 6 for me - so I have had a few attempts - so hang in there :thumbsup:

Haven't watched it yet, but no doubt it will be amazing :thumbsup:

Right... so I've trained two up for obedience and have baby dogs 3 and 4 to try again on.... You say I need to keep going until number 6 :D

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Yeah I am not sure on the number of dogs and getting better.... My first trial dog was the best I've had!

Soggy Bear is too cute to pick apart. I am intrigued that you appear not to get told off for looking down over there??

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This is a training thread - so if Cider was yours - from the video what would you have on your list of things that need work......

fire away - I have my list and wont be offended......

Could you give us some tips on how you taught the heeling, I know is difficult to explain over the net but just some general advice pls.

EDT I think the thing I admire the most about Ptolomy's dogs is their attitude to their work - they always look so happy to be doing it!!

Edited by Mason2009
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I taught attention first - started at 8 weeks of age and when she sat I would step into heel position and start rewarding. It took no time at all for her to look up at me the second I stepped into heel and then I just varied the length of time before treating.

The attention was so heavily rewarded that it basically just flowed over to the heel work.

Strauss has been different. I attempted to get some video of him last night, but the memory card was full - argh. We had a seminar 2 weeks ago on teaching the English style of prancy heelwork - which I am trying with him and all of a sudden the light has gone on. So stay tuned with this one......

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I taught attention first - started at 8 weeks of age and when she sat I would step into heel position and start rewarding. It took no time at all for her to look up at me the second I stepped into heel and then I just varied the length of time before treating.

The attention was so heavily rewarded that it basically just flowed over to the heel work.

Strauss has been different. I attempted to get some video of him last night, but the memory card was full - argh. We had a seminar 2 weeks ago on teaching the English style of prancy heelwork - which I am trying with him and all of a sudden the light has gone on. So stay tuned with this one......

I am keen to see Strauss and his heelwork, I am thinking of maybe for the next 4 weeks just teaching the stuff we did in the seminar, are you going to the catch up on the 7th?

I worked on attention with Mason from the time I got him too but I think I didn't work hard enough :cry:

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Yes I will be there on the 7th - but I have already sent my excuse letter to Gina saying that I will be away for the two weeks before hand so don't expect much :cry:

I emailed her last night with our tugging issue and she has sent me something to try so we will try it tomorrow or fri - I have one very sore finger at the moment so waiting for it to heal a bit. What is the guys name who's training seminar she went to in the UK, I have been meaning to look for his site but I have no idea how to spell it.... :D

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