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I can hear you screaming from here!!!! :laugh: :laugh: Fair enough for the not sitting in the wet...I wouldn't want to either and maybe she has a sensitive tush!! Any time a dog baulks at a jump my first reaction is to check if she is sore. If she has had no problems up to now it wouldn't hurt to consult a vet/physio.

Not sure what I am going to do with Coco. Tonight in the wet apparently sitting was optional.. And have fixed the bar jump issue but tonight we balked at the last second at the solid jump. She has been training the house down so why oh why is she mucking up at a trial? Does she need a break??

And if one more person tells me that "thats UD" I am going to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by bedazzledx2
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Interesting mine has had solid jump issues the last 2 weeks - at the trial last weekend she ran straight past the bloody thing and at training she came back over the bar on me. Bugger decided today she could get it together after all and had no problems with the solid even though I had had the bar jump first in the trial - usually thats a sure thing that she will take the bar again.

Think they just like messing with us - now to hope she doesn't decide to do her scent work tomorrow by taste :laugh: , we might then get through 3 exercises and still be on a pass rather than the 2 we managed today.

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Can I ask how everyone teaches the stand. I'm re-training Banjo as the first method didn't stick. I'm using a bench outside to teach the kick back stand, first getting him to sit at the edge and then helping him up into a stand but I get how this works from a sit but what about heeling into a stand? I'm also using word association, getting that verbal stand cue in when I get him to stand at curbs before crossing the road etc but if I was training and said stand he'd sit.

Sorry, can't help Tiggy, I'm a shocker for remembering how I taught stuff - especially the stand! Obviously that means I had no certain method and taught things adhoc :D When it comes time for a new puppy, I am really going to struggle to remember how to teach stuff!! :D A stand is something I need to go back and teach Ruby properly, she understands what a stand is, but she doesn't understand stand means don't move those bahluddy feet! :(

Edited by RubyStar
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I've just entered my very first open obedience trial :D what was I thinking, haven't even watched an open before because I wasn't planning to go any further than CD. Now if anyone can tell me how I can train myself NOT to do dumb stuff anymore I'd be most grateful :D or at least :( for me next Sunday pleeeeeze.

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Good luck Tiggy!

How does everyone train the DOR? I am having issues with getting it right. Daisy can do it over a short distance, but not a longer distance. She can do COP from quite a distance so I'm not sure what we are doing wrong with the DOR, I've never trained it before so don't really know where to start.

LOVE Ella's work Nic! You must be so chuffed :thumbsup:

Edited by huski
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Good luck Tiggy!

How does everyone train the DOR? I am having issues with getting it right. Daisy can do it over a short distance, but not a longer distance. She can do COP from quite a distance so I'm not sure what we are doing wrong with the DOR, I've never trained it before so don't really know where to start.

I can't help you sorry! Ella came pre-trained I think. I never ever did any training for this, I just thought one day I'd see what happens if I asked her to drop while she was coming in to me and she did it first time round! I remember someone once suggesting that you put the reinforcer (tug in Ella's case) behind the dog before you call them but I can't quite remember what the reasons were anymore.

With my last 2 dogs I started with asking them to drop when there were sniffing around nearby or playing with a toy or doing anything at a distance from me and then started adding it to short recalls etc etc

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I haven't started formal DOR practice (putting it into an actual recall) because I don't want to interfere with Jedi's current recall speed, etc. I've just been doing lots of running around and getting him to drop on the move (e.g. 2 food game with drops). We'll see how well it has been working for a formal DOR once he's out of novice (which feels like is going to be forever... we are currently going through the manual of 101 ways to fail a trial :p )

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I'm thinking about entering an obedience trial with Banjo :cheer: . It's on the 12th of November, if we're ready before entries close I'll enter. It'll be our first trial :laugh: .

Hey Tiggy go for it, enjoy & good luck, Banjo will be fine :confused:.

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I teach DOR using the 2 food game - all very informal and not coming to me for a reward.

Tiggy I will keep my eye open for you on the 12th - goodonya for taking the plunge :laugh:

I'll probably be a nervous wreck :cheer: . I have two weeks back at club training before entries close to see if he'll do a SFE and group stay :confused: .

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Sorry for the dumb question :coffee: but if a dog still scores a passing score even if it fails one of the stays does it still pass or does it have to pass both stays.

Failing any of the exercises is a fail - which includes the stays. In fact if you get less than 50% of the total for an exercise - that too is a fail. But don't go there - be positive!

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Good on you for entering Tiggy!

I am at a loss of what to do with Toby. He has been limping on and off the last couple of days (yes I will have the bowen out) but considering he is not even 2 and a half yet and he has had two episodes of lameness that is from his shoulder/elbow I am starting to think the fairest thing to do long-term is give up agility and try and get him into Rally-O (I would love to do obedience with him but that would be a super long term goal because I would be really wary of him in a group stay).

I finally got his front crosses awesome too! :rofl::coffee: (This dog has always had a rear cross but would sometimes stop point blank at a front cross and just stare at me :o )

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