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Wow Cider's Royal debut looked amazing! Well done Ptolomy :grouphug:

RS, don't be too disappointed by your kids... they can't have been anywhere near as bad as Jenna in the agility :cry: She goes into complete "where is my Mum" meltdown at the Royal :cry: I need to remember to do lots of focus work with her before we go in the ring.

Oh, and I can't offer a cow paddock but I could probably offer a horse paddock and/or a sheep paddock if you don't mind a bit of a drive to get there!

Edited by mirawee
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Great videos Huski and Ptolomy! Lovely work!

It feels almost like a 'rule' here in NSW that you have to have all 3 positions in all 3 paces in a heelwork pattern... I don't think I've ever done a trial that didn't. Quite frankly I would welcome something a little different to the norm! It's almost getting predictable what they are going to call, the patterns are almost identical even with different judges. Our last trial we actually did something a little different than the usual heel - right turn - drop - heel - right about turn - stand - heel - left about turn - left turn - halt (then repeat the same in slow and then do fast pace with a right about turn back down towards the start peg with a stand, drop and halt and then entry into figure 8). The last trial was refreshing and so much more fun!

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Great videos Huski and Ptolomy! Lovely work!

It feels almost like a 'rule' here in NSW that you have to have all 3 positions in all 3 paces in a heelwork pattern... I don't think I've ever done a trial that didn't. Quite frankly I would welcome something a little different to the norm! It's almost getting predictable what they are going to call, the patterns are almost identical even with different judges. Our last trial we actually did something a little different than the usual heel - right turn - drop - heel - right about turn - stand - heel - left about turn - left turn - halt (then repeat the same in slow and then do fast pace with a right about turn back down towards the start peg with a stand, drop and halt and then entry into figure 8). The last trial was refreshing and so much more fun!

Sounds exactly like what most of our QLD judges do as well for their heel patterns, even in UD! It's always nice when someone uses something different!

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I have running tables of what I have been doing, what time I have been running a session, session length, what reward I have used, session number and if I have videoed a session it has video in italics under the session number/date.

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I have running tables of what I have been doing, what time I have been running a session, session length, what reward I have used, session number and if I have videoed a session it has video in italics under the session number/date.

Wow that sounds organised. What do you mean by session number?

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I have running tables of what I have been doing, what time I have been running a session, session length, what reward I have used, session number and if I have videoed a session it has video in italics under the session number/date.

Wow that sounds organised. What do you mean by session number?

Ness is doing the drive training package - just being her sechetery, she has logged off for tonight.

Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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Yep thats what I mean by a session number - thanks SnT for clarifying. Although its also a pretty handy way to keep tabs of sessions anyway :) . So if I wanted to cross reference something I had reattempted from an earlier session I can do it that way ;) .

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Yep very pleased with my little munchkin. She even managed some lovely work this week under a judge at training who spooked her so badly in the past that for a long while she couldn't even stand within a couple of meters of him and take a treat (wasn't anything that shouldn't have been harmless - he bent over to look for something in the grass and she panicked). Never mind asking for off-lead heelwork and getting something that comes close to what I get out of her at the park or even get her to take her tug toy enthusiastically as a reward after we had finished.

Certainly would not have managed to get her to the point she is at now without doing the Training in Drive package with her and without Steve's assistance. It really has bought out to the full extent the dog that I always knew was in her. A lot less disparity between what she gives me at home/at the local park versus what she is now giving me at training and when we are out.

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I forgot that Kenzie was spooky with people. I am having a similar issue with Amber. Luckily she doesn't loose focus on me in heeling but stand for exam is going to be interesting. Not having much luck with tugging with her though.

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Yep Kenz was seriously spooky of people. I won't say she probably wouldn't have got through the heeling it just wouldn't have been enthusiastic and with attitude. Pre-TID she could manage a heel pattern but certainly wouldn't tug and wasn't performing at her best.

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I have running tables of what I have been doing, what time I have been running a session, session length, what reward I have used, session number and if I have videoed a session it has video in italics under the session number/date.

Wow that sounds organised. What do you mean by session number?

Ness is doing the drive training package - just being her sechetery, she has logged off for tonight.

Such a clever "sechetery" (aka secretary even) :p

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Nope, I don't keep a log on paper. It's all in my head. I do have a "currently working on" list on my white board so I can remind myself about what I'm focusing on with each dog, but aside from that nothing.


I'm exactly the same. My list for this week was building multiple hand touches, tugging while I have food on me and starting over training the stand because I fluffed it.

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Can I ask how everyone teaches the stand. I'm re-training Banjo as the first method didn't stick. I'm using a bench outside to teach the kick back stand, first getting him to sit at the edge and then helping him up into a stand but I get how this works from a sit but what about heeling into a stand? I'm also using word association, getting that verbal stand cue in when I get him to stand at curbs before crossing the road etc but if I was training and said stand he'd sit.

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Back from the trial tonight.

I found something to calm my nerves which worked awesome!

Poor Mr Dante though, not a good night for him, he seemed concerned about the generator and didn't want to work, wouldn't drop either, was just all very bad. Sits were very slow too so had a look at his back after and looks to be out in about 4 places which is not unusual for him, he's always had back problems however he was fine on Wednesday when we were training.

Think we'll break him for a month and just do fun stuff at home and then try again.

Edited by sas
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Not sure what I am going to do with Coco. Tonight in the wet apparently sitting was optional.. And have fixed the bar jump issue but tonight we balked at the last second at the solid jump. She has been training the house down so why oh why is she mucking up at a trial? Does she need a break??

And if one more person tells me that "thats UD" I am going to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!

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