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sas, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dante :)

You have done soooo well with him! His rear end awareness poops all over the rear end awareness my Labs have! You have give me inspiration to get back to training more of it :)

I have the front problems too, and I found Ruby started targeting my, ahem, crotch area with her nose and I had somehow built that into the criteria so I left it be as I thought oh well at least it's bringing her in! But now she targets it with the dumbell and it flicks her backwards in the process, causing her to toss the dumbell backwards in her mouth as she tries to get a better grip. Millie has personal space issues and has taken a while to get her in closer. My main trouble now is getting them to both come in STRAIGHT. Ruby favours resting her weight on one leg more than the other, so it causes crooked sits.

Anyhoo, that is my rant.... just wanted to say how lovely Dante is :thumbsup:

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Sas don't talk to me about dogs not coming straight into the front position - still have a UD dog free to any home that will take her for deciding that seekbacks must be presented to a position somewhere more resembling heel then front but what gets me is its only an issue in trials and she has never pulled it on a retrieve of any other description :thumbsup: . Not an article, not on a recall, not on a dumbbell retrieve, not on a glove retrieve. Think she is messing with me.

I got the dumbell retrieve present at heel... she's never done that in training before! Must be an exclusive trial thing :)

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Sas don't talk to me about dogs not coming straight into the front position - still have a UD dog free to any home that will take her for deciding that seekbacks must be presented to a position somewhere more resembling heel then front but what gets me is its only an issue in trials and she has never pulled it on a retrieve of any other description :thumbsup: . Not an article, not on a recall, not on a dumbbell retrieve, not on a glove retrieve. Think she is messing with me.

Will gladly swap giant independent breed for experienced trialing working dog! :)

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sas, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dante :thumbsup:

You have done soooo well with him! His rear end awareness poops all over the rear end awareness my Labs have! You have give me inspiration to get back to training more of it ;)

I have the front problems too, and I found Ruby started targeting my, ahem, crotch area with her nose and I had somehow built that into the criteria so I left it be as I thought oh well at least it's bringing her in! But now she targets it with the dumbell and it flicks her backwards in the process, causing her to toss the dumbell backwards in her mouth as she tries to get a better grip. Millie has personal space issues and has taken a while to get her in closer. My main trouble now is getting them to both come in STRAIGHT. Ruby favours resting her weight on one leg more than the other, so it causes crooked sits.

Anyhoo, that is my rant.... just wanted to say how lovely Dante is :thumbsup:

nawww thanks, he's been a work in progress as I'm sure any dog is, we nearly lost him last year so I am extremely proud of him and his advancements - if only his handler was better :)

LOL target my fanny, what an awesome idea! :)

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I finally fixed Jedi's DB presenting issues! Without a DB he is dead straight, nice and close... Add the DB and he would give me a myriad of things! The check-list for things to perfect before he's ready for Open is getting smaller! Though I'm sure something else will break soon! That's just the way it goes, right Ness?!!

Our next Novice trial is in a couple of weeks... I hope Mr Cheeky decides to bring his brain to this one!

Edited by TerraNik
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:thumbsup: oh I dunno TerraNik - we were lucky with open UD is when things start breaking however I do remember a few panicked emails to Ptolomy just before we came over and made our open debut so maybe thats the way it always is.
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:) oh I dunno TerraNik - we were lucky with open UD is when things start breaking however I do remember a few panicked emails to Ptolomy just before we came over and made our open debut so maybe thats the way it always is.

Oh good! Hopefully we will get through Open without needing too many trips to the mechanic! :thumbsup: Our attempts at even LEARNING some of the UD exercises have been pretty poor! :) That gives me so much hope! :thumbsup:

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Here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4eahJDQBE0

I'm still using the foot target at the moment as he gets confused without it during the early stages.

Excuse the exagerated "Heel" signal - he was getting confused between the 2.

Sas he is awesome :thumbsup: you have done a really good job with him!

I entered some trials coming up....cross everything I'm not utter rubbish on the day! :)

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Wearing my Judges hat...if he is sitting close enough for you to take a dumbell from his mouth without leaning too much then I would't ping you. He is a very big dog and it would not be fair to expect him to come as close as say a border collie. Sometimes dogs come in too close and can be pinged for crowding the handler!

Now, wearing my trainer's hat, I would prefer him a little closer. Mostly the problem is that he rocks back on the sit rather than bringing his rear to his front. How does he do a sit at heel? I would take it away from the recall and train him to scoot sit. You can also lean against a wall with your body straight (or the back of a chair) in the recall position to encourage him to come in closer. I am not a fan of equipment that you have to fade and would do a fair amount of shaping separately.

He is a lovely boy and you've done a fantastic job :thumbsup:

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Sas I can't believe how big he is. Are you normal sized or short cause he just looks HUGE!

I did some Rally training with ST tonight. Toby is slowly improving. :laugh: But I have a serious question. In obidience when a dog drops are they allowed to have thier front feet past you?

Also why goes my dog sit down in about turns. :) (I know the answer to this one is me!)

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Wearing my Judges hat...if he is sitting close enough for you to take a dumbell from his mouth without leaning too much then I would't ping you. He is a very big dog and it would not be fair to expect him to come as close as say a border collie. Sometimes dogs come in too close and can be pinged for crowding the handler!

Now, wearing my trainer's hat, I would prefer him a little closer. Mostly the problem is that he rocks back on the sit rather than bringing his rear to his front. How does he do a sit at heel? I would take it away from the recall and train him to scoot sit. You can also lean against a wall with your body straight (or the back of a chair) in the recall position to encourage him to come in closer. I am not a fan of equipment that you have to fade and would do a fair amount of shaping separately.

He is a lovely boy and you've done a fantastic job :heart:

Yeah, my Obedience instructor who is a Judge also said last night it was technically if he was close enough to get the dumbell, however technically I could really lean forward to get it :laugh: But I feel she is concerned I will not get a pass on the recall as he is sitting too far away, although understands he is a big dog as well.

How does he sit at heel? Well that would depend on how motivated he is at that moment, if he's in a bit of a blah mood he'll roll back into the sit.

He has Osteo so I'm not sure how much this contributes to the problem of tucking his legs under him rather than rolling back.

I have about a month before CCD and this the main problem other than lagging a bit in Figure of 8.

My other Dane can scoot sit, she just does it naturally (smaller Dane as well), so he COULD do it, it's almost like showing him he CAN if that makes sense.

We attempted to shape it however mentally it doesn't seem like he realises he can come in, I may be being nieve there and he's just fooling me.

I'm affraid I can't visualise the solution you've put forward, can you explain it in a different way?

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It could also be a body space issue and as you pointed out earlier he has a bigger personal space bubble than most smaller dogs. Having Ostio is a complication as you wouldn't want to do too many drills. With the leaning against a wall...keep you body straight and stiff with your legs slightly apart just like a recall position but lean you shoulders back against the wall to encourage him to come closer. You could also spit food as was suggested by someone else. I normally hate that but in your case your hands just don't present the right place for the food to come from!!!!

Try capturing and clicking only those sits that are tucked in rather than rocked back whatever position you are in. I would also play the two food game to get him driving in. You will get what you reward so if you reward the rocked back distant sits in training even through the recall was fast...thats what you'll get so try for only the best ones.

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