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Even worse this year they have dumped the obedience at the end of the show so the grounds will be a disaster. When we trialled last year it was on night 2 and the ring had huge chunks of dried liver on the ground.

Do you happen to know the date, ness? I can't seem to find it on the show website.

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Even worse this year they have dumped the obedience at the end of the show so the grounds will be a disaster. When we trialled last year it was on night 2 and the ring had huge chunks of dried liver on the ground.

Do you happen to know the date, ness? I can't seem to find it on the show website.

If it's at the end I will be able come watch cause Lincolns on the Friday!

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So what are everybody's thoughts on entering obedience at a Royal Show - would you or wouldn't you :cool: and why

I probably wouldn't. I trailled in agility at the Royal last year and didn't particularly enjoy the day. Enjoyed the demos we did but I think that was because we didn't have to deal with the pavillion for the day, or trying to get in and out of the pavillion with the crowds.

Bitches are on the last day of the show this year, so you are likely to be judged on a ring that's not only been used for 10 days for show dogs but also as a toilet area at every available opportunity given the actual toilet area is tiny. The bait/food on the ground wouldn't bother Darcy, but being asked to work where umpteem other dogs have toileted certainly would.

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I enjoy the challenge of the Royal in terms of the competition. But the long day makes me consider how much pressure I'm under in other aspects of my life - rest is a very valuable commodity at the moment! Plus the memory of that tiny area for so many dogs to wee in will stay with me for some time. With a male Dally who is so much more relaxed once he has marked and scraped on multiple occasions I end up spending quite a bit of time there - yuk :cool:

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So what are everybody's thoughts on entering obedience at a Royal Show - would you or wouldn't you :) and why

I have and got the last pass for Angels CD title, so it was a good experience. It was the Darwin Royal though so no where near the pressure and size restraints of the other royals. It was interseting having planes (that are very very loud) taking off in the middle of your work though. You gotta hope your dog knows it's signals because they can't hear you!

I would give it a go, because until I have then I don't know how we would go??? Only ever shown at the Royal and that is quite frankly very boring.

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So what are everybody's thoughts on entering obedience at a Royal Show - would you or wouldn't you :) and why

Done it once here in Brissie and not again. The left over cow pats in the ring was enough to put anyone off let alone where they have you jammed in. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Having said that things are supposed to be being revamped so will wait and see.

I know some people who thrive on that sort of challenge but I am to much of a coward.

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So what are everybody's thoughts on entering obedience at a Royal Show - would you or wouldn't you :) and why

Done it once here in Brissie and not again. The left over cow pats in the ring was enough to put anyone off let alone where they have you jammed in. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Having said that things are supposed to be being revamped so will wait and see.

I know some people who thrive on that sort of challenge but I am to much of a coward.

I know exactly what you are talking about when you say cow pats - we did the Ekka last year :o You forgot to mention the agility that is in the ring next to the obedience, side show ally not that far away and then you have the crowd around the outside of the rings.

I did a bit of proofing before I flew over - went searching for cows close to where I was living and did some obedience on the other side of the fence. I must have looked like a total idiot to the people living in the house where the cows were or those driving by.

The Ekka conditions were certainly the toughest we have encounted at a Royal but I wasn't put off and would do it again :(

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I'm not feeling very motivated to train at the moment :o . I'm loving our long walks and just enjoying the dogs as great pets. It's too cold to :( .

I have to laugh Tiggy - I emailed Strauss's breeder yesterday, she lives in Norway and I was complaining about how cold it was in the mornings here 1 degree Brrrrrr. She came back with....

a good laugh now... Thinking about our - 32 degrees

last winter, and three hole months without once the temometer showing +

degrees. :-D

I wrote back and said I promise not to complain again :)

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I'm not feeling very motivated to train at the moment :) . I'm loving our long walks and just enjoying the dogs as great pets. It's too cold to ;) .

I have to laugh Tiggy - I emailed Strauss's breeder yesterday, she lives in Norway and I was complaining about how cold it was in the mornings here 1 degree Brrrrrr. She came back with....

a good laugh now... Thinking about our - 32 degrees

last winter, and three hole months without once the temometer showing +

degrees. :-D

I wrote back and said I promise not to complain again :o

:( I could never live there :)

My dogs are currently on the lounge wrapped up in wool blankets with the reverse cycle heating on :D

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I'm not feeling very motivated to train at the moment :D . I'm loving our long walks and just enjoying the dogs as great pets. It's too cold to ;) .

I have to laugh Tiggy - I emailed Strauss's breeder yesterday, she lives in Norway and I was complaining about how cold it was in the mornings here 1 degree Brrrrrr. She came back with....

a good laugh now... Thinking about our - 32 degrees

last winter, and three hole months without once the temometer showing +

degrees. :-D

I wrote back and said I promise not to complain again :(

:) I could never live there :o

My dogs are currently on the lounge wrapped up in wool blankets with the reverse cycle heating on ;)

I could also never live somewhere like that, where I am originally from there is no winter, lowest it gets at night is 7 or 8 degrees, when we moved we froze our butts off the first winter but now we are better prepared! :mad

Strauss certainly wont feel the cold here then :) took Mason to the park this morning as I am off to watch the retrieving in Northam shortly and he was running on frozen grass, kept wondering why he was zooming, crazy dog even lay down and rolled in it, lucky he had his coat on but its only polar fleece.

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Now THAT'S cold!!! :o:)

It's much easier to enjoy long walks when it's cold and drizzly but I managed to squeeze in some training at a new park in between the downpours. Just did some heeling - really enthusiastic work from the Spotted One - it was a real pleasure to glance down and see an upturned head and the classic Dally tail wagging hard.

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Yep I just checked - Wed 8 September UD, Thur 9 September Open, Fri 10 September Novice and CCD.

Agility on the 4th and Jumping on the 3rd.

Ahh damn, I'll still be in NSW on the 9th :)

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So what are everybody's thoughts on entering obedience at a Royal Show - would you or wouldn't you :cry: and why

I would. I enjoy a challenge and i don't mind the long day when I showing at a royal so I assume it would be similar for obedience.

I thought about entering Jedi in Melbourne Royal but decided against it when i worked out how much it would cost to take him AND Soaks (I'm showing her) and how much time i would have to take off uni.

I might enter him in Sydney royal next year though.

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A question for the obedience triallers - coats or no coats in cold weather? What about stays?

Obviously you can't wear coats in agility but in cold weather I always make sure Darcy's rugged before and after a run, and she loves her coat. Her coat is stretchy but easy to move in - just wondering if there is any for and againsts for wearing one/not wearing one? It looks like it's going to be very cold :cry:

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I can't really comment on coats because although Jedi wears one when trialling it is for different reasons (allergies). Many of the judges have said that if I want him to wear a coat, he has to wear it for every exercise including stays.

I haven't found it to get in the way as his coat is reasonably tight and we train with it on a lot of the time.

Edited by TerraNik
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Are you still coming over to Brissy again this year Ptolomy?

I sure am - I booked my flights the other day - I arrive on the 21st October and fly home on the 2nd November. Just not sure which red child I will bring with me :cry:

What are the dog options? Scoota won't forgive you if you trade him in for another travel partner! :cry:

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