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I am not sure how I teach it but all my kids have lightening fast downs. When I give them to others to work - you should see the look on the handlers faces when they give them a down signal and the handler ends up a step ahead of the dog because the dog has reacted faster.

Now if I could only work out how I teach it........

I think it must be because red dogs go faster :cry:

ETA: I'll never forget when you let me play with Scoota! I am still amazed when I think about how awesome his LATs are! It really inspired me to teach them to Daisy and I am so glad I did as I think it looks way better than the around the back type, she's not as good as Scoota is at them though :cry:

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Haha, Daisy is great!!! You know you and her will do brilliantly brilliant on the weekend....

I've come to join the training talk thread - I own a 9month old Aussie Shepherd - she's going AWESOME in training - lots of focus, and really working nice... I can't wait until she's ready to trial.... Tonight she was just so great, so proud of my girl!!!!!!

Flick Mac - I think over the holidays we should go down the oval and video each other to put up so we can get some training tips!!!!!!!!!

Hey Beth I totally missed this!

So glad you have popped by the thread :cry:

Lottie is fantastic, especially for such a young dog, I can't wait to see how you guys go :cry: You guys were doing a great job at training the other night :D

Thanks Huski!!!

I have high hopes for her, so we'll see how we go - you should've seen us at sandgate today - she was AMAZING!!!! Her heeling is coming along so nicely... she's improving in leaps and bounds!!! I love my smart little girl!!!!!!

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Thanks Huski!!!

I have high hopes for her, so we'll see how we go - you should've seen us at sandgate today - she was AMAZING!!!! Her heeling is coming along so nicely... she's improving in leaps and bounds!!! I love my smart little girl!!!!!!

I think you should definitely start videoing and uploading to youtube :D :cry:

You can tell Lottie naturally just loves to work, and spend time with you :cry: We should meet up for a training session once your exams are over!

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Thanks Huski!!!

I have high hopes for her, so we'll see how we go - you should've seen us at sandgate today - she was AMAZING!!!! Her heeling is coming along so nicely... she's improving in leaps and bounds!!! I love my smart little girl!!!!!!

I think you should definitely start videoing and uploading to youtube :angel::cry:

You can tell Lottie naturally just loves to work, and spend time with you :D We should meet up for a training session once your exams are over!

YAY!! that would be awesome!!!! I need all the help I can get, hahahahahahaha :cry:

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What are two-food two-toy games?

I think it is a lack of focus - and like I said before a lack of pace (it happens more if we're just working casually, or I'm doing bits and pieces around the house)... the pawsy-ness is quite funny though.... it does get combined with frustration barking for his treat at times though :cry:

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What are two-food two-toy games?

I'm sure someone who uses it will be able to come by and give you a step by step idea. I know there are a few here who have/do use it, it's not something I use with Daisy though as I need to keep her nose off the ground, but there are loads of ways to build focus and playing games like the two food or two toy game is one way.

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YAY!! that would be awesome!!!! I need all the help I can get, hahahahahahaha :cry:

Pffft look how well you guys have done already! I just like having someone to chat to at training, just as Seita or Maree :cry:

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YAY!! that would be awesome!!!! I need all the help I can get, hahahahahahaha :laugh:

Pffft look how well you guys have done already! I just like having someone to chat to at training, just as Seita or Maree :laugh:

And man can she TALK!!! :cheer::laugh:

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I am not sure how I teach it but all my kids have lightening fast downs. When I give them to others to work - you should see the look on the handlers faces when they give them a down signal and the handler ends up a step ahead of the dog because the dog has reacted faster.

Now if I could only work out how I teach it........

Wanna borrow Ruby and document the process? :laugh: She isn't a slow dropper, but she is a very crooked dropper and when heeling, always takes an extra step before she drops and ends up in front of me and slightly crooked. Millie's drops are soooo much better than Ruby's, they are straight(er) and fast! :cheer: But never as fast as a red kid.... :laugh:

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Thanks Huski!!!

I have high hopes for her, so we'll see how we go - you should've seen us at sandgate today - she was AMAZING!!!! Her heeling is coming along so nicely... she's improving in leaps and bounds!!! I love my smart little girl!!!!!!

I think you should definitely start videoing and uploading to youtube :laugh::cheer:

You can tell Lottie naturally just loves to work, and spend time with you :laugh: We should meet up for a training session once your exams are over!

I second this, reaaaaaaally wanna see vids of you guys working! :laugh:

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What are two-food two-toy games?

I'm sure someone who uses it will be able to come by and give you a step by step idea. I know there are a few here who have/do use it, it's not something I use with Daisy though as I need to keep her nose off the ground, but there are loads of ways to build focus and playing games like the two food or two toy game is one way.

If I can get someone to film me, I might video using the two food game for speedy drops with my girls. They're not as fast as Ptolomy's red kids, but when using this game they are pretty fast and they looooove playing it!! It's an awesome game to play for teaching the drop on recall :cheer:

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What are two-food two-toy games?

I'm sure someone who uses it will be able to come by and give you a step by step idea. I know there are a few here who have/do use it, it's not something I use with Daisy though as I need to keep her nose off the ground, but there are loads of ways to build focus and playing games like the two food or two toy game is one way.

If I can get someone to film me, I might video using the two food game for speedy drops with my girls. They're not as fast as Ptolomy's red kids, but when using this game they are pretty fast and they looooove playing it!! It's an awesome game to play for teaching the drop on recall :cheer:

Ok so to play this you throw the food, they go to it, you call them back and ask for a drop before they reach you? I have seen it played to help a recall but not for a drop, I'm a newbie so I need all the info I can get lol :laugh:

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Ok so to play this you throw the food, they go to it, you call them back and ask for a drop before they reach you? I have seen it played to help a recall but not for a drop, I'm a newbie so I need all the info I can get lol :cheer:

Yep, at least that is how I play the game, and it works for me :laugh:

When you're starting though, I would start close to Mason, ask him to drop, click when he drops, and treat. Work on getting that speedy, as he will start dropping faster in anticipation of the click and treat. Then add a bit of distance. Then you can start throwing the treat away from you both when he drops, and as he is racing back, ask him to drop, click, throw treat, repeat!

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I was using a variation of this game, probably a "one food" game :laugh: I am working on getting straight fronts with my girls, as they are both shockers. So tonight I would ask them for a front, clicked and threw the treat away from me, then called them back for another front. They thought it was fun so I am hoping lots of reptition will have them racing back to front, which is good for Millie as she finds heel position so rewarding that I need her to think the same about front position so she stops going directly to heel on recalls :cheer:

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Here you go not the clearest video but its me demoing the two food game/two toy game with Kenz.


For the drop version you would throw the food and as the dog is racing back to you ask them to drop. Much easier with food then it is with the toy version.

And a video of me using it to work on front presents:


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