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Woo Hoo!!!! Have you picked a name for him yet? Looking forward to meeting the little guy :)

Today I had to make a very important decision........

Which of 2 boys was going to be my new puppy and Ciders future husband :cheer: .

Decision has now been made - so in 4 weeks time my little man will arrive in Oz from Norway and have to spend 30- days in quarantine before he gets to meet the rest of the family.

Yesterday he went to the vet for microchipping, vaccinating and vet checking. Have to laugh as I have been sent photos of the 5 pups causing complete chaos.

Looking forward to getting my hands on him :)

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OMG another dog Ptolomy?? I am trying to convince myself that I don't need another dog to replace old Fern, that 3 borders under 4yo are quite enough. Doesn't help that my breeder has a new litter and here you are getting a dog!

I have to say a puppy isn't high on my want list right at this moment but sometimes things happen for a reason and you have to take opportunities that present themselves with both hands even if the timing stinks.

Its been a BIG week, a new puppy and a new house.

Think I should stop spending money now.....

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Both finishes are allowed. Its the handlers choice.
:) Thanks guys - more to think about! :cheer: We won't do the broad, but bugger about having to get her remeasured.

Another question, it's been ages since I watched an Open round so I'm watching some on You Tube at the moment. The two I've just watched did a normal round the back return to heel for the retrieve on the flat and a flip finish for the retrieve over the jump.

Is that just something people do or is that required? I switched to flips a while ago, didn't want to risk the conflict with agility.

How exciting Ptolomy - congratulations. :D

Thanks Bedazzled. :)

I'm in a training flap today as you can tell. I did a quick session with Darcy today with all the Open stuff which she did nicely, but then I realised that I don't know the fine detail of what's actually required thus the sudden You Tube studying :cheer: It's just hit me that we could be in an Open ring in August :cheer:

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So the decision was which Ptolomy :cheer: .

Mr Gray :cheer:

Congrats on the new addition Ptlolomy!!

BTW Mason's sit stays are fixed :) I practiced what you said for a few days and today he completed his sit stays in class again :) looking forward to meeting your bunch on sunday :cheer:

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You might need to spend some more money to buy a bigger van to fit all of these Tollers in! :)

Yes sometimes things definitely happen for a reason :) I'm a strong believer in fate! That's pretty much how I got Trixie and she is pretty special to me.

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You might need to spend some more money to buy a bigger van to fit all of these Tollers in! :)

Yes sometimes things definitely happen for a reason :) I'm a strong believer in fate! That's pretty much how I got Trixie and she is pretty special to me.

Same thing happened to me Amy, I decided I wanted a dog even though Oh kept saying no no no as we are renting etc and then I saw on a breeders website that she had pups, I got in touch and males were available and I wanted a male this time round, got to go and pick at 7 weeks, OH had seen the pups at 1 week and 5 weeks and he was then sold on the pup and he now loves Mason just as much as I do :cheer:

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Here we go Mr Grey (hmmm will leave Ptolomy to let you know what his name is going to be :rofl: )


Thanks Ness :rofl:

what are they feeding him - Stringy cheese I think.

I have had 6 in the tollermobeel before - so there is plenty of room still :) (besides Lexi is only little so she only counts for 1/2)

Great news about the stays Mas1981 :thumbsup:

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No problems Ptolomy anytime :) .

As for fate - a certain little black and white Winpara dog was born two days before I badly sprained my ankle and my parents broke the news to me the day Ness got her JDM title about a week later that I could get another pup if I wanted. 8 weeks later I had my little WA bundle :rofl: .

Edited by ness
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I have had 6 in the tollermobeel before - so there is plenty of room still :rofl: (besides Lexi is only little so she only counts for 1/2)

You could put a big shelf in and fit 6 more! :):thumbsup:

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Today I had to make a very important decision........

Which of 2 boys was going to be my new puppy and Ciders future husband :) .

Decision has now been made - so in 4 weeks time my little man will arrive in Oz from Norway and have to spend 30- days in quarantine before he gets to meet the rest of the family.

Yesterday he went to the vet for microchipping, vaccinating and vet checking. Have to laugh as I have been sent photos of the 5 pups causing complete chaos.

Looking forward to getting my hands on him :rofl:

Here we go Mr Grey (hmmm will leave Ptolomy to let you know what his name is going to be :) )


Congratulations Ptolomy on your little man. What a little cutie :rofl: . How many dogs does that make it now or have you lost count :thumbsup: .

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Congratulations Ptolomy on your little man. What a little cutie :) . How many dogs does that make it now or have you lost count :rofl: .

UM - This will make 6 for me - but soon I will be living with my mums two tollers too - Dekka, who is Scoota brother and the untrained feral Chevy who is Bean's brother.

Makes life interesting and there is never a need for extra blankets with all the kids on the bed :thumbsup:

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Congratulations Ptolomy on your little man. What a little cutie :thumbsup: . How many dogs does that make it now or have you lost count :) .

UM - This will make 6 for me - but soon I will be living with my mums two tollers too - Dekka, who is Scoota brother and the untrained feral Chevy who is Bean's brother.

Makes life interesting and there is never a need for extra blankets with all the kids on the bed :rofl:

If you don't mind me asking what area is your new house? I'm daydreaming that you're moving close to me and I can watch you train your red kids :rofl::) .

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One can apparently never have enough tollers :rofl::):thumbsup::rofl: .

Its amazing how each of us have a favorite breed and we tend to stick with it, when I get another dog will probably be getting another lab ..... just love their personalities.

Ptolomy glad to hear that Mason is not the only dog around here allowed to sleep on the bed....

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Hi all!

I thought I'd sticky-beak in here and see what the training thread was all about! (I also have an exam on Tuesday and this thread is new procrastination!)

I have 2 beautiful boys: Louie - an 18 month old Weim and Banjo, a 12-ish month old red-tri Aussie shepherd. I'm very keen to get them trialling in the 2nd half of this year - I just need to get myself into more of a training routine!

So... here's a qn for everyone: when you train on your own do you find an open space and do back and forth heeling work (like an obedience class) or do you just do it on your actual walk?

And another one... Banjo's weakness is his laziness (wanting to drop from a sit) and his stays aren't as solid as I'd like, BUT my number 1 challenge at the moment is Louie's heeling. Any tips on getting that extra bit of focus from ditsy dogs like the gundogs? (When he's focussed he works beautifully, but still doesn't quite heel like a collie!)



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