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Best advice I can give you is to go to a couple of trials and observe.... Hands in the middle works ok for some but try running and turning with both hands clasped to your middle...to me it feels very unbalanced.

I have started training both hands in the middle, from what I have read/seen I assumed it was the best way. Anyone care to enlighten a total obidience newb?
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Fantastic work huski and Daisy! :(

Many people hold their hand on the hip or stomach without issue, although maybe a bit lower than your hands but not anymore natural looking, so can't see why it would be a problem??

The reason that was given to me is that it's not a natural position.

I am happy to change but it's the most natural position for me and personally I can't see much difference between holding one hand against your stomach with one hand hanging down and holding two hands together. I don't think one way looks more natural than the other but I don't want to go into the ring and get pinged tonnes of points for it. It does appear it's only the minority of judges who would ping you for it though.

It was my understanding of the rules that so long as it is consistent. Where your hands start is where they should finish. I have started putting my hands in the middle when I leave for CoP as apparently when they are behind my back my fingers fidget which is not good walking away from them.. When heeling it is one hand on the hip one down.

Daisy blitzed it by the way. Well done. So will we see you at Southside entries havent closed yet?

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Lovely work Huski :( You should be very proud of Daisy and yourself :laugh: Yes a couple of little glitches but nothing that can't be smoothed out. Did the judge give you any idea what they would have marked you? The hands thing varies between the states. This was mentioned a little while ago on this list and apparently there are a few Qld judges who actually prefer the hands in the middle. Way back when I started trialling everyone had their hands in the middle. Not sure when it changed but gradually a lot of us went to one hand stationary on the heeling side and the other swinging naturally....taken from the English style of handling. Both styles are acceptable IMO and as you didn't give any extra signals I can't see where it could be marked down. I find it difficult to keep my balance with both hands in the middle and prefer the look of one hand at your heeling side and the other swinging, but that is personal preference and I wouldn't take marks off for either style.

Thanks Bedazzled!

One of the trainee judges took a huge amount of points off for my hand position so we scored something like 19/40 for heelwork. The other judges disagreed so their scores were much higher.

Holy moly, huski, look at Daisy go!! She is brilliant!!! :cheer: Well done :eek: ;) You guys will most certainly kick butt in the ring :laugh:

Thanks RS :D I am so proud of her, she worked really well especially considering I revved her up to get into the ring three times before we actually got to go in :rofl::rofl: And that it was one more exercise longer than what we have trained for.

It was my understanding of the rules that so long as it is consistent. Where your hands start is where they should finish. I have started putting my hands in the middle when I leave for CoP as apparently when they are behind my back my fingers fidget which is not good walking away from them.. When heeling it is one hand on the hip one down.

Daisy blitzed it by the way. Well done. So will we see you at Southside entries havent closed yet?

Thanks Kath, that is my understanding too. I said that to the judge who questioned it (that I thought it was ok as long as your hands remained in the same position) but she said it wasn't natural.

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A little brag for us tonight:

We went to a VERY last minute mock trial tonight (i.e. I only found out about it a few hours before) so I was totally unprepared but really needed the experience (it was a judges training night).

It was our first time in a ring under trial conditions, and the first time we've done a run out under a stranger. When we got there I was told three different times that we would be up next so I revved Daisy up three times and got her ready to work then each time something happened that meant we had to wait longer. Then at the last minute they needed one more dog in Novice and I was asked if I could bring Daisy over instead of doing CCD. So I thought meh I know she can work off leash and decided to give it a go. Keeping in mind that we've never done a run out in training where we've done all the novice exercises and I've never done a formal COP.... lol.

There were quite a few people watching and unbeknown to me some who were reluctant for Daisy to have a run as they wanted a more experienced dog for the trainee judge. But once they were in the ring they were blown away (probably because they weren't expecting a beagle to work well LOL). We got some great feedback which was good but I am SO proud of Daisy for working so well. She passed every exercise even COP. We lost points for my crappy handling but I can fix that :rofl: I needed to do a mock trial so I could know she was capable of it and she is :eek:

One thing though, one of the trainee judges commented on the way I hold both my hands together against my stomach. She said it wasn't a natural position and would penalise us for it, whereas some of the other judges said it was fine. I'm uploading the vid now for anyone who wants to have a look but I'd really like some feedback on hand position if anyone can help?

ETA: Vid is uploaded ;)

I am most impressed. Good on you both. I once had a beagle and would never of thought it was possible to do what you are doing :(

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19/40 for the heelwork? I don't think so!! :eek: Mid to high 30's :rofl: But then again, I'm not a judge, but I thought it was beautiful :(

I leave my hands in my middle for the SFE, recall and COP, especially recall because that is where I like to return them to once I call :rofl: But heelwork, I leave one hanging so I can keep balance while marching around ;)

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I am most impressed. Good on you both. I once had a beagle and would never of thought it was possible to do what you are doing :(

I was always considering a Beagle for my next dog, then the Aussies caught my eye. Who knows, I may go back to a Beagle, Daisy is an inspiration :eek:

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I am most impressed. Good on you both. I once had a beagle and would never of thought it was possible to do what you are doing :(

I was always considering a Beagle for my next dog, then the Aussies caught my eye. Who knows, I may go back to a Beagle, Daisy is an inspiration :eek:

Gees and I thought that I had found a new home for Beans ;)

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Thanks Kelpiekaye, I want to prove beags can do it just as well as other breeds and we definitely had some jaws on the ground last night :p

Go on RS... Beagles are way better than Aussies :laugh:

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Thanks Kelpiekaye, I want to prove beags can do it just as well as other breeds and we definitely had some jaws on the ground last night :p

Go on RS... Beagles are way better than Aussies :laugh:

Beagle was going to be either #3 or #4. There is no question about me owning one, it's just a matter of when ;) And if Mr Council man will let me...

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Hey valleyCBR have you been going to obedience on Thursdays? I might start taking my two again as long as Sophie isn't sore.

Between work/family and Lincoln's toe/Toby's allergies I haven't made once since last time you saw me there. :) I might try to make it this Thursday if it's not too cold. I don't like the drive to Eden Hills, I hate driving back streets at night. ;) It will be much better in summer.

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Thanks Kelpiekaye, I want to prove beags can do it just as well as other breeds and we definitely had some jaws on the ground last night :thumbsup:

Go on RS... Beagles are way better than Aussies :thumbsup:

Beagle was going to be either #3 or #4. There is no question about me owning one, it's just a matter of when :) And if Mr Council man will let me...

Go on... if it's not for another 12-18 months we could get one from the same litter :)

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Thanks Kelpiekaye, I want to prove beags can do it just as well as other breeds and we definitely had some jaws on the ground last night :thumbsup:

Go on RS... Beagles are way better than Aussies :thumbsup:

Beagle was going to be either #3 or #4. There is no question about me owning one, it's just a matter of when :) And if Mr Council man will let me...

Go on... if it's not for another 12-18 months we could get one from the same litter :)

I will also be looking to get a pup around this time.............

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Get a Chessie MM :thumbsup: Just teasing. You getting another lab?

I must be the only person who has no desire for another dog. :)

Nope, I don't either at the moment, my two keep me busy enough, I don't need another dog to neglect :thumbsup:

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I want another Chesapeake and unless a miracle happens my foundation bitch will be coming from

the states, so that means I have to be able to afford an import. So no more dogs for me for quite awhile.

and fingers crossed that you win lotto between now and then to be able to pay for it :thumbsup:

Remembering that a dog from the US can't travel until 10 months of age at the earliest (all related to rabies vaccine) - you will also be paying board for the dog between 8 weeks of age and when it can eventually fly to Oz. Add to that a month of quarantine and :thumbsup:

Keep saving......

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Lincoln and Trixie are still puppies. Wait until there all grown up then you'll want another baby :thumbsup: .

Trixie's not a puppy, she's 11 months old now :)

I know I like puppies, and I do secretly look at puppy listings regularly :) But the reality is my two are already pretty close together in age (just over 2 years) and both are breeds that regularly last 12 - 15 years so it will probably be a long time before there is a third (5-10 years), and I would hope to be on a big block of land by then. And puppies are bl##dy hard work, I'm still recovering from the sleep I lost with Trixie :)

Maye if I didn't have to work, such an inconvenience :thumbsup::)

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