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I try to give Ziggy free runs in the forrest every day (45 min to an hour) unless we're trialling. I enjoy the exercise (and it's good for my back) but it seems to help him learn better if he gets a chance to really stretch out - he goes completely nuts :stupid: in terms of zoomies and sprinting - and sniff and pee as much as wants to. His enthusiasm to train seems to increase exponentially when he's doing a lot of exercise.....perhaps it's the combined benefits of fitness and relaxation???

I have to be careful with Daisy - as Ptolomy experienced when we met her when she was last in BrisVegas, if I let Daisy off leash to run around and scent it is harder to get her to switch on for training.

She does get into training more if she has zoomies though and if we are somewhere highly distracting and therefore very exciting/arousing for her she is also really keen to train - same as if I let her have a quick play with another dog then call her back to me.

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I try to give Ziggy free runs in the forrest every day (45 min to an hour) unless we're trialling. I enjoy the exercise (and it's good for my back) but it seems to help him learn better if he gets a chance to really stretch out - he goes completely nuts :) in terms of zoomies and sprinting - and sniff and pee as much as wants to. His enthusiasm to train seems to increase exponentially when he's doing a lot of exercise.....perhaps it's the combined benefits of fitness and relaxation???

Sophie does the same - she's a nutter :stupid: . I definitely think she needs her run everyday or training would be interesting :eat: .

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I've been reading through the thread over the past couple of days in the hope to get inspired from my training slump. I've recently lost motivation for training my young dog in just about everything!! It's worked a bit, as I introduced scent discrim

As much as I hate needles, sometimes I think we could all do with an injection of motivation :)

Let us know if we can help :stupid:

Thanks Ptolomy, I missed this post! I do just about anything to avoid needles though :eat:

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My favourite thing is walking my dogs to. Love to do long walks along the river etc. I've lost motivation for obedience at the moment and I'm not sure if I'll pick it up again but have just started agility with Banjo and we're loving it but still it's just a fun hobby I do with my dog, can't beat them long walks :) .

:stupid: Tiggy. You change your mind between obedience and agility more often than you change your underwear :eat:

Kidding :crazy:

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I must admit the part of our walks I look most forward to are the parts where we stop to train :stupid:

Mine too except I don't actually do the walk part all that often! :eat:

Me too, except if I'm out to train we don't walk first, I drive them to the park. I keep walking separate from training but find I train waaaaaaaay more often than I simply walk the dogs :) But I enjoy training so much more and they love training too, so it's all good :crazy:

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:eat: Tiggy. You change your mind between obedience and agility more often than you change your underwear :)

Kidding :rofl:



So you've bailed on the idea of Banjo's CCD debut sometime? You guys were going awesome!

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So you've bailed on the idea of Banjo's CCD debut sometime? You guys were going awesome!

I'm always changing my mind so maybe :eat: . I might keep it up with Sophie at least or maybe try Rally-O, Sophie can't do agility because of an injury and I feel guilty that she won't have anything to trial in :stupid: . She's too sore with arthritis at the moment though :) .

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I saw Sophie at the mock trial and she was working great, would be a shame not to pursue it with her :eek:

I walk Mason on lead every morning, then train and if he is good I then let him offlead at the park. I must admit we never walked or trained today though :(

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I walk Mason on lead every morning, then train and if he is good I then let him offlead at the park. I must admit we never walked or trained today though :(

I took mine for a long walk to pass some time while the power was off :eek: .

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Bedazzled and I trained in the rain last night and guess what.........

WE ALL GOT WET :thumbsup::eek:


I agree we trained last night in the mostly dark (figure she has to use her nose then :( ) and to add insult to injury the heavens opened whilst the Princess and I were working on her Retrieves.

Must be either truly dedicated or more than a little touched :thumbsup:

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I've been reading through the thread over the past couple of days in the hope to get inspired from my training slump. I've recently lost motivation for training my young dog in just about everything!! It's worked a bit, as I introduced scent discrim

As much as I hate needles, sometimes I think we could all do with an injection of motivation :thumbsup:

Let us know if we can help :(

Thanks Ptolomy, I missed this post! I do just about anything to avoid needles though :eek:

Just think GSP in UD and that will give you heaps of motivation. We are "special" remember :thumbsup:

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I must admit the part of our walks I look most forward to are the parts where we stop to train :(

Mine too except I don't actually do the walk part all that often! :eek:

I rarely take my two for a 'walk'... They get taken places so many days a week that I don't think it's really necessary. Though they do come on runs for fitness training.

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Just think GSP in UD and that will give you heaps of motivation. We are "special" remember :D

:) Yes, we must be speshal :cheer:

Can't wait to hear about Coco's first UD trial though :) If she's half as keen as her mum, she will have a blast :(

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Yay Banjo's Rush to Tug martingale is here :)




My slip leads came from Clean Run to but I can't figure out how to put them together so that the leather stopper is behind the ring :) .

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Well, I think the training Gods are telling me something!! I went to the dog club last night to instruct my class and left all my boys at home, fancying an early night for a change. I usually do some training with Polo after the classes finish and him and Rogan get a run with their doggy friends when we're finished training. I got home nice and early last night to find Rogan lame on his front leg :D He's injured his triceps, probably while jumping up at possums when I was out. So, our big weekend of agility trialing is out :( I guess I have all weekend to train Polo instead! Or do the house work..... :) Must admit though, with the predicted weather for the trial (wet & cold), I'm not too broken hearted at staying home...

I did some more of the scent training with Polo last night and he's still totally clueless :cheer: However, there were a couple of times where he actually did kinda think about something... I think... he is a 3 year old gundog boy remember... :)

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Tiggy, verra niice!! Where did you get it from? Is that all in one unit (the collar/lead thing) with his name on it? The name is purdy, I want one for my girls!


It is the all in one martingale collar/lead :) . It's so pretty I don't want Banjo tugging on it :) . I'll use this one for training then buy him a new one for his first trial.

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