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UD training/trialling issue which I'd like some thoughts on - issue is seekback - not the finding the article but the presenting the article. At both trials on the weekend Ness came in with the seekback and stood. On Saturday she stood off to one side but close enough to a front that she didn't fail. Sunday she stood at heel. She didn't go around behind me just came in and sort of did a flip finish to end up at heel (well she never even actually came into front :rolleyes: ). She has never pulled it at training so I am lost as to how to go about resolving it. Any ideas??

The SB present was a weak area for Alex. I obviously hadn't rewarded the present enough as I used to click at differing distances and throw food or toy behind me as in the 2 food game. Got great speed on the SB search and return though :thumbsup: He ended up running past me in trials :banghead:

So I just tossed his article a short distance and rewarded the present bigtime...that might be all I did in 1 session...and then I made sure I rewarded the finish also. I also intoduced jackpotting lining him up for the box...not actually doing the box but lining up for it. So I built on rewarding him as I went along ..get the picture...one reward led to another.

For example at training..Do SB, reward present...he is now anticipating another reward as we head to where line up for the box...line him up..jackpot...end of session.

Another thing you should question if she is standing looking at you...do you wait her out to present in training if she stands???

Personally, I wouldn't.

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Caffy she doesn't at training she sits in front. I have had spitting the article at feet at training but when she is sitting I have ever not got the sit. But then she never has decided to go and check out where I was standing outside the ring at training either.

I have had her anticipating the finish recently so I have also been really rewarding presents too so it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Although thinking back over things she started doing this with the DB in open at one point.

Might try that with the anticipating jackpots bit.

Thanks for the thoughts Caffy.

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Okay big breath....................

I have sent off our first UD entry this morning.. Feeling a little sick right now but trying to be brave :banghead: :rolleyes:

GULP - Good Luck :thumbsup:

We look forward to hearing all about it :confused:

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Last night was Ciders second night at agility and I did nothing but smile and laugh for the entire hour. I just loved her enthusiasm. Have now ticked bendy tunnel thanks to the i-squeak ball, and full sized dog walk off her list of things to try, we also had the see-saw resting on 2 tables and had it tipping slightly as she ran across it, which didn't worry her at all.

After all this I thought that she would go home buggered - but nope she was full of beans and wanted to play for most of the night :thumbsup: I think I have created a monster :banghead:

Need to give the weavers some thought as I have only ever taught the channel method.

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Last night was Ciders second night at agility and I did nothing but smile and laugh for the entire hour. I just loved her enthusiasm. Have now ticked bendy tunnel thanks to the i-squeak ball, and full sized dog walk off her list of things to try, we also had the see-saw resting on 2 tables and had it tipping slightly as she ran across it, which didn't worry her at all.

After all this I thought that she would go home buggered - but nope she was full of beans and wanted to play for most of the night :laugh: I think I have created a monster :)

Need to give the weavers some thought as I have only ever taught the channel method.

Awww, I can just picture her :laugh:

I don't think Agility works as a tiring out method, my dogs get their most hyper feral moods after training and bounce off the walls :)

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:laugh: goodonya Ptolomy - its fun when they are like that. Try 2x2 weavers with Ciderbear :) .

All my books, DVD's and notes are all in storage and I am a visual person - so would need somebody to show me 2 x 2 weavers :laugh:

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Just looking at the brag's thread and notice that dropping in sit stays is a bit of a common bug bear :D

Given that's what blew our last pass in Novice, just curious as to how people work on it.

I do longer than the 1 minute sit stays and reward really well for sticking it. I also work my young dog around Darcy as a distraction while she's in a sit. She's not bothered by other dogs at all so I don't believe it's that.

What do people do when their dog drops? Remove the opportunity for reward? Return and ask the dog to sit and do it again? How do you put them back into the sit?

Is it just practise practise and more practise? How often would you do a sit stay?

Believe me - Sit stays become and even bigger problem when you combine them with UD stays at the same trial and it always works out that you do UD stays first :)

I actually think it is easier for a dog to do sit stays when there are things going on around them - it keeps them occupied - I find my kids are more inclined to drop when nothing is happening. Not sure what other think.

If my kids drop during a sit stay at a trial - I will ask to be excused from the down stay. I used to take them out of the ring and ask them for another sit stay - BUT of course they would sit there and not move and then I would reward them. But what message was this giving them - hmm that it was OK to fail the first one because I will give you another go. So now if they fail they get put back in the car with no reward and I go and beat my head against the nearest brick wall :D

At training we tend to mix up the stays - sometimes doing a down first and then a sit, or doing a stand stay inbetween the sit and the down. Have to be honest and say we very rarely time any of our training stays.

As you can see from the brags thread - sit stays have been an issue for me - so please disregard all of the above :laugh::)

LOL Ptolomy might have to disagree on that lol Saturday Inka had turned herself around to lay down and make herself comfy to watch the soccer game arghhhhh :)

yes darn those sit stays I think they shouldnt have them in. Both of my girls Gabby and Inka lay down in sit stay on both days and the only one that can do it and never practice is good old Xena :laugh:

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Okay big breath....................

I have sent off our first UD entry this morning.. Feeling a little sick right now but trying to be brave :laugh::laugh:

how exciting Kath! Which trial? We might be there too :)

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At agility training they teach the channel method for weave poles but are happy for you to use whatever method you want to. I'm going to try the 2 x 2 weaves to :p . Just have to fork out for the dvd :D .

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I intend to do 2x2 weaves with Trixie but there is the chance that she may just not catch on (she's special) and in that case we will do channel, would prefer 2x2 method though :D

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I intend to do 2x2 weaves with Trixie but there is the chance that she may just not catch on (she's special) and in that case we will do channel, would prefer 2x2 method though :p

Yes, Millie is "special" too in some cases :D I'm not sure how teaching her 2x2 is going to go, but I am going to give it a shot, utilising her i-squeak cos it's all I have toy wise for her!!

I need to give Ruby another session, she's only had 3 weaving sessions and the last one was over a week ago :D But she's picking it up ok, we're up to 4 poles (admittedly, I haven't watched the DVD, so I'm using my own interpretation of 2x2 weaving :rofl:). I'm going to go back to 2 poles for a bit though and make sure she is nailing the entry from all angles.

I can give you a rundown of my interpretation of 2x2 weaving with my demo dog if you like Ptolomy, but can't assure you it's correct :p But it's getting results :laugh: I didn't want to teach the channel weave, can't tell you why, just didn't want to. And while the first session of luring her went ok and gave her a headstart in 2x2 weaving, I didn't want to continue down that path so am now shaping it with 2x2 :rofl:

Edited by RubyStar
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Now I do have another idea Ptolomy - you could just send me Ciderbear for a fortnight and I'll return her home trained :p . Well maybe I might return her :D .

Hmmm and I could send Ness over and you could sort out her UD for me :D :p :laugh: .

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I went to Bunnings and got some pvc coated metal gaden stakes which were good as they have a spike and some pipe to put over them. Only cost me $22 and gives me something to start with at least.



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Okay big breath....................

I have sent off our first UD entry this morning.. Feeling a little sick right now but trying to be brave :D :p

As Huski asked! Which one? I've got the southside trial next month marked as a potential for our UD debut but will decide at the last possible minute (as I'm the trial secretary it shouldn't be hard to slot myself in somewhere :D ). At this stage it depends on fixing her seekback and also depends on when she comes in season.

I am getting scared just thinking about my first trial and I'm not even certain when it will be at this stage!!! :p

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Lookin' good, Tiggy :thumbsup:

I have 8 (don't ask me why the number is 8!) and they are just 1m lengths of conduit pipe with plastic retic stakes stuck in the bottom, with a cap on the top. Can't find the caps anymore, only the expensive pvc ones that they sell singularly! They are hard to stick in the ground if the ground is hard, so I need to take a hammer with me :laugh: But they are good enough for backyard work!

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