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Ok since I am procrastinating (read sick of proofing 10,000 words of thesis chapter) - thought I'd pose a question for everybody - for those training in multiple disciplines how often would you spend training a week and do you give your dogs time off during the week. So would you train something 7 days a week/5 days a week and give them the weekend off and do other things, 4 nights a week and then give them a day off during the week. How many nights would you attend a club to do some form of training (even if its going and using the club just for distractions).

I take mine out to club 3 nights a week and we try and do a session in the morning and evening most days. Weekends we mostly trial and if there are no trials they usually get the weekend off from any sort of training.

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Monday night = obedience night for both girls.

Tuesday night = agility night for Ruby (the only night we are in an actual class).

Thursday night = agility & obedience for both girls.

Usually do a few things around home with them on the weekend if not trialling.

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amypie you're in trouble :rofl::shrug: . I couldn't help myself I just bought two of the slip leads from clean run ;) . I must not buy anything else! :rofl:


:o Tiggy I am still resisting JUST :rofl: .

ETA. Amypie since you already have one of the slip leads (least I think you said you did) can you confirm how thick they are? Fine for your littlies??

Yep fine for mine, it's at home but pretty sure they were about 1cm in diameter?

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I check the free shipping section almost every day to see if there is anything new there. :rofl:

Had a pretty good training session last night, there was a tricky jump sequence that had 2 serpentines (luckily I train these heaps) a line of jumps and a tunnel and a section of three jumps that you had to loop around and around and around again then pull past a jump and around and a pull through and a serpentine (we had to walk it about 20 times, it seriously did my head in! Crosses everywhere) and although I held not much hope he blitzed it! :laugh: I was pretty shocked. Both times he did it except the second time he spun on a rear cross. Maybe there's hope for us in JDX yet :shrug:

Then onto agility and as we were walking it I said to someone 'Oh this looks easy! Famous last words!' famous last words indeed it was a bit of a mess but I had a good instructor (Sue H :rofl: ) who gave me some tips on shoulder placement etc and it made a huge difference. Amazing what dogs pick up on really, never ceases to amaze me.

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Woohoo way to go Kyzer!! (oh, and the handler!)

I tried a rear cross on Ruby last night coming out of the tunnel and to a braod jump and nope, no amount of getting her attention that I am now on the other side while she was in the tunnel was going to make her swing that way :laugh: In all fairness, we've done no training for rear crosses.

My backup plan on this dogwalk business is hopefully Sue H, if she'll take me on :shrug: I really foresee it being a problem just because I've seen her scared of similar things before!

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One thing Sue H did say to me was don't try and train the dogwalk and the see-saw in the one session until the dogs have it clear in their minds which is which and you have attached appropriate cues to both. Kenz's dogwalk is a bit cautious so I have backed off doing the see-saw and just focusing on the dogwalk and trying to get her driving into position.

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One thing Sue H did say to me was don't try and train the dogwalk and the see-saw in the one session until the dogs have it clear in their minds which is which and you have attached appropriate cues to both. Kenz's dogwalk is a bit cautious so I have backed off doing the see-saw and just focusing on the dogwalk and trying to get her driving into position.

Which is what I plan on doing now. I'm not fussed if I don't move up to the next class in 9 weeks, I am going to spend time getting the dog walk confidence back before re-introducing the see-saw. We need to know see-saw too to move up. Staying back and building the basics with confidence is much more important to me :laugh:

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We do a 4 week seesaw module, hardly any dogs pass in the 4 weeks so most do 8 weeks. This is for 30 mins. We also do 2 4 week contact modules. Have never done the seesaw and contacts module at the same time. The 2nd contacts does include the seesaw. I've had a bit of an issue with Brock right at the beginning with him trying (an obviously failing) to find the tip point on the dog walk :laugh:

I go to club on Sun & Weds for Obedience. Agility was Monday night but I haven't been going to that. Herding is a once a month clinic. Herding practice with no sheep involves lots of drops out in the paddock. Amber is getting fairly informal training - yesterday was training about not running into the paddock until she had sat and waited and working on TOT stuff. Poppy gets a couple of days training as well as the club stuff. Brock just gets to come out for lunches!

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I train 5-10 min most days - one or two sessions depending on time available, weather and our energy levels. Zig does much better on little and often broken up with lots of free running. We don't go to any formal obedience training at a club but, if I need some ring practice, I can meet up with some like minded people. I really need to join Croydon for agility - maybe this Sunday if I have some time. Over the past few months I've had some private agility lessons which have been fabulous as my instructor understands that Zig needs to have small bursts of effort in between lots of relaxing and sniffing and leg lifting. I spend that time practicing a particular exercise/course and then bring Zig in for one or two good runs.

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I train at obedience club (for distractions not classes) twice a week and I'll do something at home ever day even if it's just for five minutes. We've also been walking down to the local sports oval a fair bit lately to do a bit of training.

I need to be careful with Daisy because when she's switched on she can train and wants to train for quite a period of time. It's easy to lose track of time and train her for a bit too long.

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:shrug: goodo should be fine for the midget child - now wonder if I can resist another 24 hours.

Go on you know you want to :laugh: . I just had to get them because they had royal blue for Banjo which is his favourite colour :rofl: and a beautiful teal for Sophie and it's so hard to find a nice colour for an orange dog :rofl: .

Edited by Tiggy
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Training for my two - agility monday nights with Banjo and obedience thursday nights with both. I usually train something at home everyday but our sessions are usually 5 minutes max and I do sometimes have days off when I'm not in a training mood :laugh: . We also walk everyday anything from 1/2 hour to 2 hours.

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Seita - I have been meaning to ask you - do you ask the judges permission when you enter the ring to use commands in German?


Additional Commands:

If a Judge considers that, but for an additional command the dog would not have

performed the Principal Feature of the exercise, it will receive a non-quailfying score.

Change of Speed:

The dog will show three distinct speeds. During the heeling routine the dog will show a

slow, normal and fast speed. The speed will be in proportion to the size and build of the



Where the word “command” appears in specific exercises, it will mean “command and/or

signal” unless otherwise specified.

All verbal commands must be in the English Language unless approved otherwise by the


One command only is given to the dog for a specific action on the part of the dog. The

verbal command must be a single word.

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:shrug: Tiggy I am still trying to work out when I'll actually use one and if I can get away with one and not buying 2 :rofl: .

Kenzie said she doesn't want to share with her big sister :laugh: .

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