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Speaking of trialling in other states, Seita/Huski - or can anybody else tell me when your trialling season finishes in Queensland please :laugh:

Last trials for the year are usually end of November, First for the year are in January.

Are you planning another trip this way Ptolomy? Maybe for next years Nationals in July

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Oh I forgot to add we had a bit of a break through on our walk tonight - took Daisy down to train next to football field where some guys were doing rugby practice and she did a two minute down stay in long grass, in a relatively high level of distraction (lots of noise, smells, etc) without breaking, without barking, without me saying a word to her, without any reinforcement during the stay. Small progress but hopefully a sign of more solid stays to come :laugh:

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Agility training tonight was pretty up and down. I had a focused dog who wasn't misbehaving by pulling me to greet every dog, which makes a pleasant change! Eager to do the obstacles. Until... introducing her to the see-saw make her crap her dacks on the once fun dog walk :hitself: Now we can't get her back on the dog walk :hitself: And it's not even that far off the ground! Feeling very disheartened now and don't know how to fix the problem :swear:

On the obedience side, did another short out of sight sit stay and she did that well :confused:

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It's happened to Kyzer before, I just lured him up to the top so that he could see it was indeed a DW then he was fine. Would happen every now and then after being on a see saw.

Doesn't happen anymore because for the DW I say 'Walk' and for the see saw I shout BANG BANG BANG BANG! :confused: He soon learned the difference :hitself:

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Luring her wasn't working. She would get a few steps up and jump off. Lifting her up onto it just made her legs go stiff but kinda wobbly at the same time if that makes any sense at all :hitself: What is weird is that she was doing the dog walk after the see-saw, but I did notice she was going cautiously up it, then sped up once she got to the level part. We didn't do the see-saw again between that and her crapping herself. All of a sudden she just wouldn't go up it :confused: She's done the full heigh dogwalk before too so it has to be the see-saw that caused her to become fearful. She used to have a problem with ramps about a year ago, but all of a sudden she got over that and did the full height dog walk. Now she's back to being fearful :hitself: Did nothing to overcome her previous fear, it just went away itself. I want to cure this one asap or I could have a real problem...

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Very weird. Thursday at training I wanna get one side of a dog ramp and run her over that (which she has no problem with, we did that after the dogwalk incident). Then gradually raise it up on a table and see how she goes.

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Kenzie learned a see-saw before she learned the dogwalk and I let her bounce all over the see-saw and she was just rewarded for jumping all over it. Didn't care if she came off just got a click and reward for putting her paws on it :confused: .

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RubyStar how did you start training the seesaw?

Kaos went through a period of doing this too. Now he is much better and knows Walk it = go fast and Seesaw = it moves! A couple of weeks ago at training we had some confusion because I called him and didn't say walk it soon enough and he heard the "s" at the end of his name and got confused. But we got over that after sending him over the dogwalk a few more times.

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Poor Ruby - yep how did you originally teach the see-saw?

Cider saw the see-saw for the first time on Monday. There was a chair under the "up" end and the other end started off probably 10cm off the ground. While all the others were getting their dogs to jump on from the side - I too her to the end and let her step onto it and immediately treated. Did this again before taking her to both sides to jump on and walk to the end. Each time the chairs were moved so there was a bigger drop I would start off letting her step onto the end and would click and treat.

ACWA have a wobble board - has Ruby had a go on that?

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Well the other weird thing, is she wasn't scared of the see-saw. It was only about 10-20cm off the ground, and we started off by banging it with them next to it and treating. Progressed to walking on it. Ruby knows how to put 2 front paws on things so I had her putting her front paws on the end to bang it herself and she thought it was a nice game. No fear at all. Though when she walked across it and it tilted down, she appeared to be a bit unsteady on her feet but she was concentrating on the treat that she wasn't watching where she put her feet. I will have to work on naming them now, wasn't going to put a name on the see-saw til she knew it, so I guess this didn't help matters.

I really hope I can get this solved soon, it's gotten me a bit down :laugh: She was doing so well until this mishap.

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I really hope I can get this solved soon, it's gotten me a bit down :shrug: She was doing so well until this mishap.

Need to slap you girlie :laugh: first problem and you have gone into meltdown - now getoverit and put a plan in place to try at your next session :rofl:

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:shrug: Tiggy I am still resisting JUST :laugh: .

ETA. Amypie since you already have one of the slip leads (least I think you said you did) can you confirm how thick they are? Fine for your littlies??

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I really hope I can get this solved soon, it's gotten me a bit down :rofl: She was doing so well until this mishap.

Need to slap you girlie :shrug: first problem and you have gone into meltdown - now getoverit and put a plan in place to try at your next session ;)


Yes I have gone into meltdown cos I've seen this fear in her before, it isn't good :rofl:

But I am going to try again on Thursday. If that fails, I have a backup plan :laugh:

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Yep no meltdowns RubyStar - think you definitely need slapping. Hell I think I am getting use to meltdowns and crisis avoidance. Try living with Kenz :laugh: .

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I really hope I can get this solved soon, it's gotten me a bit down :o She was doing so well until this mishap.

Need to slap you girlie :shrug: first problem and you have gone into meltdown - now getoverit and put a plan in place to try at your next session :rofl:


Yes I have gone into meltdown cos I've seen this fear in her before, it isn't good :rofl:

But I am going to try again on Thursday. If that fails, I have a backup plan :laugh:

BIG C/T :rofl:

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