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You give the sit signal and it is like you have just signaled the Queen Mary to do a U turn, the dog looks at you like it has never seen that signal in its entire life

:noidea: Your analogies really do crack me up!! :noidea::eek:

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Had a great first night back at agility for this term :mad RosieFT and I got graduated to the Elementary class (I think that's what its called) :noidea: We have to teach the dogs to weave in 9 weeks :eek: I gave it a go tonight and Ruby was showing potential already so I think I'm going to have to get the weavers out over the next 9 weeks and practice, practice, practice! :o

Oh and Ruby my "stand in" dog as RosieFT and amypie are calling her, who sat Millie's exam end of last term after not doing any of the classes, got her graduation certificate and sash tonight for passing :noidea:

Edited by RubyStar
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.....and then, just to keep you on your toes,.....they'll go over the wrong jump...or not go all the way to the box.....or....or....!!!!!!! There are many ways to fail a UD trial and I think I've experienced all of them!!!!

I think the only exercise that I'm almost 100% confident on is the directed jumping!! I'm about 90% confident on scent discrimination, and that's only cos she still sometimes likes to mouth the other articles while searching and I know she'll get pinged for that and if she does it enough times she'll get a NQ score!

Just the thought of going into the UD ring kind of scares me at the moment! I'm looking forward to getting our first trial out of the way so hopefully the nerves will subside a bit! :eek:

Seita - We will let you read the book Deb and I have written called 101 ways to fail directed jumping :noidea: Just wait until you bring a judge into the equation :mad it changes everything :o

The story for most going into UD - your first trial you know your dog can do everything so although you are scared you have put all the work in you need. Things go well for the first couple of exercises - there are a couple of minor hiccups - but you are still on a pass. You get to the signals exercise and your heart starts beating extra fast - only 2 more to get through + stays and you will get your first pass. Signals and they miss a position - hmm not done that before in a trial. Judge tells you to leave the dog - which you do you about turn and you give the signal for the down - the dog hesitates but does go down. You give the sit signal and it is like you have just signaled the Queen Mary to do a U turn, the dog looks at you like it has never seen that signal in its entire life - and there ends your first UD experience...... so close and yet so far. :noidea:

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I think the only exercise that I'm almost 100% confident on is the directed jumping!! I'm about 90% confident on scent discrimination, and that's only cos she still sometimes likes to mouth the other articles while searching and I know she'll get pinged for that and if she does it enough times she'll get a NQ score!

Just the thought of going into the UD ring kind of scares me at the moment! I'm looking forward to getting our first trial out of the way so hopefully the nerves will subside a bit! :o

Seita - We will let you read the book Deb and I have written called 101 ways to fail directed jumping :noidea: Just wait until you bring a judge into the equation :mad it changes everything :mad

The story for most going into UD - your first trial you know your dog can do everything so although you are scared you have put all the work in you need. Things go well for the first couple of exercises - there are a couple of minor hiccups - but you are still on a pass. You get to the signals exercise and your heart starts beating extra fast - only 2 more to get through + stays and you will get your first pass. Signals and they miss a position - hmm not done that before in a trial. Judge tells you to leave the dog - which you do you about turn and you give the signal for the down - the dog hesitates but does go down. You give the sit signal and it is like you have just signaled the Queen Mary to do a U turn, the dog looks at you like it has never seen that signal in its entire life - and there ends your first UD experience...... so close and yet so far. :eek:

LOL! So I should start practicing directed jumping with random people milling around?!? :noidea: I'm sure Ella with find some interesting ways to stuff it for me... don't tell her any more please!!! :mad

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I think the only exercise that I'm almost 100% confident on is the directed jumping!! I'm about 90% confident on scent discrimination, and that's only cos she still sometimes likes to mouth the other articles while searching and I know she'll get pinged for that and if she does it enough times she'll get a NQ score!

Just the thought of going into the UD ring kind of scares me at the moment! I'm looking forward to getting our first trial out of the way so hopefully the nerves will subside a bit! :mad

Seita - We will let you read the book Deb and I have written called 101 ways to fail directed jumping :noidea: Just wait until you bring a judge into the equation :mad it changes everything :mad

The story for most going into UD - your first trial you know your dog can do everything so although you are scared you have put all the work in you need. Things go well for the first couple of exercises - there are a couple of minor hiccups - but you are still on a pass. You get to the signals exercise and your heart starts beating extra fast - only 2 more to get through + stays and you will get your first pass. Signals and they miss a position - hmm not done that before in a trial. Judge tells you to leave the dog - which you do you about turn and you give the signal for the down - the dog hesitates but does go down. You give the sit signal and it is like you have just signaled the Queen Mary to do a U turn, the dog looks at you like it has never seen that signal in its entire life - and there ends your first UD experience...... so close and yet so far. :o

Thanks for this top tip am terrified enough allready. If I manage somehow not to get straight zeros then I will be ecstatic. Dont forget the cocomonster is working with a huge handicap - me :noidea::eek:

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Question: Do I tell no one and just go even though friends want to come?

LOL I think I will only be telling a select few the date of my first trial :eek:

If we do ok then they can come to the next one :noidea: Keeping in mind one of the three trials I am planning to enter is at our obedience club so it's quite inevitable we will have a bit of an audience :noidea:

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Question: Do I tell no one and just go even though friends want to come?

LOL I think I will only be telling a select few the date of my first trial :o

If we do ok then they can come to the next one :eek: Keeping in mind one of the three trials I am planning to enter is at our obedience club so it's quite inevitable we will have a bit of an audience :noidea:

My instructor wants to come but if we stuff up I don't want anyone to know! :noidea:

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Question: Do I tell no one and just go even though friends want to come?

LOL I think I will only be telling a select few the date of my first trial :D

If we do ok then they can come to the next one :laugh: Keeping in mind one of the three trials I am planning to enter is at our obedience club so it's quite inevitable we will have a bit of an audience :)

My instructor wants to come but if we stuff up I don't want anyone to know! ;)

Don't we do all this becasue it is fun? I had a few watching me (the camera didn't work) and it was helpful feedback. But the nerves.....

Remember it is fun....heading off now as I hum Onward Christian Soldiers...

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Question: Do I tell no one and just go even though friends want to come?

LOL I think I will only be telling a select few the date of my first trial :p

If we do ok then they can come to the next one :D Keeping in mind one of the three trials I am planning to enter is at our obedience club so it's quite inevitable we will have a bit of an audience :)

My instructor wants to come but if we stuff up I don't want anyone to know! ;)

Don't we do all this becasue it is fun? I had a few watching me (the camera didn't work) and it was helpful feedback. But the nerves.....

Remember it is fun....heading off now as I hum Onward Christian Soldiers...

Fun? What crazy world are you living in :laugh:

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Yep it's definitely fun and I thoroughly enjoy training but I get nervous just thinkng about trialling :) ultimately I will be happy if we get out there and she works well regardless of if we pass or fail ;)

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How about humming to keep the stride the same. Hum constantly though obviously, lol.

I am currently using some homemade treats that I got from a market, they are a liver loaf. Not too icky in the hand.

I also don't train with a lead and will have to do some practice for CCD, if I decide to do it. It has been years since I have been in an obedience ring so I should go in for that reason but am worried about unstable dogs in the stays.

I need to get hold of a video camera!

Humming-now they will know I am crazy LOL but it is a good idea-will try it.

I tried this and it worked! I am stoked! Thanks everyone. Ciindy worked really well in short bursts and I managed to keep in time. Cindy did not lag as much as she tends to. Her drops were still slow but better. At our first CCD trial she scored 84 but it was a NQ-only 14 for heeling and I have entered a double trial this Sunday. Dare I hope for a pass or even 2?

:) onward christian soldiers ;) I spent a heap of time singing 'a hunting we will go' for horse riding stuff. Another good thing about humming is it relaxes your body and you need to be breathing to sing!

I want to sneak off for my first trial too but would need to go interstate I reckon to hide from the Croydon people.

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ETA: Really need to refine signals/commands for retrieving and scenting. Anyone care to give me some ideas please? Different commands for seek back and scent discrimination? What about dumbbell and gloves? Thank you!

I'm not actually trialling in UD yet so probably not the ideal person to answer this for you but River has been taught using different commands for seekback (find), scent (search), DB (fetch) and gloves (go).

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I think Ptolomy has mentioned to me before that she has given a wrong command and the dog has still done it.

I remember giving the command to "find" on a seekback at a trial one day when my command is "seek" and the dog went out 5m started hunting intently. She did eventually head off on the track but boy was I kicking myself when I was walking back up for DJ when I knew what I had done. This dog usually races off after a seekback.

As for my commands I use "find" for articles, "seek" for seekback and my other fetch commands for gloves and dumbbell on the flat is a generic "go". Came out of the fact I use to say "go fetch" and the fetch didn't stick but the go did. My ROH command is "over". Mostly because we have done so much agility there was a reward history associated with that command and the first time I threw the DB and said over she raced out and bought the DB back.

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I was marching to Onward Christian Soldiers-don't know many tunes to walk to. I don't think anyone was watching. Sunday seems so very close :laugh:

I'm excited for you! I can't wait to hear how it goes! :)

I will try to breathe between now and then. LOL

I am excited-still a bit cross that we scored 84 (1 below the ring winner) but still was a NQ score ;) Just maybe if I can control my nerves...

...wanders off humming Onward Christian Soldiers thinking maybe it is war not fun....

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Question: Do I tell no one and just go even though friends want to come?

LOL I think I will only be telling a select few the date of my first trial :cry:

If we do ok then they can come to the next one :D Keeping in mind one of the three trials I am planning to enter is at our obedience club so it's quite inevitable we will have a bit of an audience :)

My instructor wants to come but if we stuff up I don't want anyone to know! ;)

Don't we do all this becasue it is fun? I had a few watching me (the camera didn't work) and it was helpful feedback. But the nerves.....

Remember it is fun....heading off now as I hum Onward Christian Soldiers...

Fun? What crazy world are you living in :laugh:

Of cause it is fun otherwise I would not have been training in the drizzle this morning.... :p

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ETA: Really need to refine signals/commands for retrieving and scenting. Anyone care to give me some ideas please? Different commands for seek back and scent discrimination? What about dumbbell and gloves? Thank you!

Seekback I use FIND

Scent I use FIND

Gloves I use FETCH

Dumbbell I use FETCH

and even with only 2 commands sometimes I still bugger it up :)

Stays for anything (recall, sits or downs) I use WAIT

Edited by Ptolomy
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Same commands here too. For the turns in gloves I use CLOSE for glove 1, BACK for 2 and HEEL for three. I don't worry too much if I stuff it up as they usually do what the sight picture says anyway! A friend uses HIGH and BAR for directed jumping which I might use for the next one if I remember!!!!

ETA: Really need to refine signals/commands for retrieving and scenting. Anyone care to give me some ideas please? Different commands for seek back and scent discrimination? What about dumbbell and gloves? Thank you!

Seekback I use FIND

Scent I use FIND

Gloves I use FETCH

Dumbbell I use FETCH

and even with only 2 commands sometimes I still bugger it up :thumbsup:

Stays for anything (recall, sits or downs) I use WAIT

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