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I decided last night that July would be Lexi's UD debut and I see Terranik is making her novice debut in 2 weeks time :clap:

Anybody else pencilled in a trial as their debut?

Was hoping for May then June. Now it looks like July. Have the GSP national in August so fingers crossed we run out of things to break :clap:

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I decided last night that July would be Lexi's UD debut and I see Terranik is making her novice debut in 2 weeks time :clap:

Anybody else pencilled in a trial as their debut?

Trying to find a trial I can actually get to. Teaching on Sundays is not helping! Might have to stop teaching.

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Was hoping for May then June. Now it looks like July. Have the GSP national in August so fingers crossed we run out of things to break :D

Kathq UD is like that - just when you cure your problem another one rears its ugly head :rofl: and in the end you go through the process of reteaching each of the exercises ;)

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Not my video, but a funny one I just found on youtube. Retrieve over solid jump that goes a little wrong, but the dog doesn't give up!! ;)

What a good dog :D .

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Started Banjo in beginners agility last night and we had so much fun. He's usually mr cool calm and collected but he was my nutty agility dog last night ;) . He did so well the Instructor said he has alot of potential :D .

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I decided last night that July would be Lexi's UD debut and I see Terranik is making her novice debut in 2 weeks time :D

Anybody else pencilled in a trial as their debut?

I have a trial really roughly pencilled in for late June for our UD debut (both mine and Ella's as I've never done it before either), it's my club's trial so I might not do it cos I'll be too busy being the trial secretary instead but if I don't make that one I've got a few in July marked as potentionals.

So far nothing has broken, still proofing everything as much as I can. Glove 2 can be hit and miss at the moment so still cleaning that up and working on doing tougher seek backs. Our biggest problem is likely to be signals change of position, if I happen to be unlucky and have someone in a nearby ring call out "come", "fetch", "box", "over" or anything else exciting that Ella really loves doing I just might lose her focus enough for her to miss a comand. I'm working big time on this by training her right next to someone else doing recalls, or send aways or directed jumps or retrieves... even as much as getting someone to stand beside her and call out random comands! ;) She's doing well so far but it's going to need a bit more proofing for me to be completely confident. I think the only exercise that I'm almost 100% confident on is the directed jumping!! I'm about 90% confident on scent discrimination, and that's only cos she still sometimes likes to mouth the other articles while searching and I know she'll get pinged for that and if she does it enough times she'll get a NQ score!

Just the thought of going into the UD ring kind of scares me at the moment! I'm looking forward to getting our first trial out of the way so hopefully the nerves will subside a bit! :rofl:

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We had real problems taking the whole scent thing outside so I went back to basics and by Jove I think he's got it!!! Just working on a seek back in a straight line but his body language for scenting (as opposed to trying to do what I want but not sure what that is) was sensational. He did serious bucking broncos between finding the article and bringing it back which is the best sign not to mention dreadfully funny :noidea:

ETA: Really need to refine signals/commands for retrieving and scenting. Anyone care to give me some ideas please? Different commands for seek back and scent discrimination? What about dumbbell and gloves? Thank you!

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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What I'll be working on with Banjo this week is our agility flatwork with him mostly on my right side as he's a 'homing pigeon' as my Instructor said to my left side because of his obedience training.

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What I'll be working on with Banjo this week is our agility flatwork with him mostly on my right side as he's a 'homing pigeon' as my Instructor said to my left side because of his obedience training.

:noidea: Sounds like Jedi. He would literally refuse to work on my right side - like it didn't even exist!! So I went home and taught him right-sided heeling... Problem solved!

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How about humming to keep the stride the same. Hum constantly though obviously, lol.

I am currently using some homemade treats that I got from a market, they are a liver loaf. Not too icky in the hand.

I also don't train with a lead and will have to do some practice for CCD, if I decide to do it. It has been years since I have been in an obedience ring so I should go in for that reason but am worried about unstable dogs in the stays.

I need to get hold of a video camera!

Humming-now they will know I am crazy LOL but it is a good idea-will try it.

I tried this and it worked! I am stoked! Thanks everyone. Ciindy worked really well in short bursts and I managed to keep in time. Cindy did not lag as much as she tends to. Her drops were still slow but better. At our first CCD trial she scored 84 but it was a NQ-only 14 for heeling and I have entered a double trial this Sunday. Dare I hope for a pass or even 2?

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I think the only exercise that I'm almost 100% confident on is the directed jumping!! I'm about 90% confident on scent discrimination, and that's only cos she still sometimes likes to mouth the other articles while searching and I know she'll get pinged for that and if she does it enough times she'll get a NQ score!

Just the thought of going into the UD ring kind of scares me at the moment! I'm looking forward to getting our first trial out of the way so hopefully the nerves will subside a bit! :eek:

Seita - We will let you read the book Deb and I have written called 101 ways to fail directed jumping :noidea: Just wait until you bring a judge into the equation :mad it changes everything :o

The story for most going into UD - your first trial you know your dog can do everything so although you are scared you have put all the work in you need. Things go well for the first couple of exercises - there are a couple of minor hiccups - but you are still on a pass. You get to the signals exercise and your heart starts beating extra fast - only 2 more to get through + stays and you will get your first pass. Signals and they miss a position - hmm not done that before in a trial. Judge tells you to leave the dog - which you do you about turn and you give the signal for the down - the dog hesitates but does go down. You give the sit signal and it is like you have just signaled the Queen Mary to do a U turn, the dog looks at you like it has never seen that signal in its entire life - and there ends your first UD experience...... so close and yet so far. :noidea:

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I sing "incy wincy spider" to myself during stays... Silly, I know - but it passes the time!!!! I know how many rounds of incy wincy make up 1-minute :noidea:

OMG that is such a good idea especially considering my nerves! I am going to think of you every time we do stays now :noidea:

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I sing "incy wincy spider" to myself during stays... Silly, I know - but it passes the time!!!! I know how many rounds of incy wincy make up 1-minute :noidea:

OMG that is such a good idea especially considering my nerves! I am going to think of you every time we do stays now :eek:

:o Who knows why I started doing it!!! But it certainly eases the nerves - I'm always freaked that Jedi's going to scratch so it keeps my mind in another place. :noidea:

That's one thing I forgot to say about Jedi's novice run last night... He hadn't had a steroid for TWO WEEKS!!! :mad

Edited by TerraNik
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:noidea: Ptolomy - yep think Ness could add a few to that considering directed jumping was one exercise she always got in training and promptly failed in the ring on more then 1 occasion. Tonight it was 101 ways to do signals COP :eek: .

ETA. I didn't fair quite as well in our first UD trial but we did get as far as the second article and was still on a pass then she goofed 1 article and didn't sit up in that bloody COP :noidea: .

Edited by ness
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I sing "incy wincy spider" to myself during stays... Silly, I know - but it passes the time!!!! I know how many rounds of incy wincy make up 1-minute :noidea:

OMG that is such a good idea especially considering my nerves! I am going to think of you every time we do stays now :o

:mad Who knows why I started doing it!!! But it certainly eases the nerves - I'm always freaked that Jedi's going to scratch so it keeps my mind in another place. :noidea:

That's one thing I forgot to say about Jedi's novice run last night... He hadn't had a steroid for TWO WEEKS!!! :mad

I was marching to Onward Christian Soldiers-don't know many tunes to walk to. I don't think anyone was watching. Sunday seems so very close :eek:

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I was marching to Onward Christian Soldiers-don't know many tunes to walk to. I don't think anyone was watching. Sunday seems so very close :noidea:

I'm excited for you! I can't wait to hear how it goes! :noidea:

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