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Anyone got any good tips on stopping a dog from pulling on lead? Mason has started this up again and if we are in an area with other dogs he just seems to want to tow me around no matter what I do. I have tried pulling him back to me and just stopping, I have tried going the other way, but so far he doesnt seem bothered by either of those 2 things.

I don't know if you watch Cesar Milan but I'm a big fan and I can now walk my pack of three dogs on a loose lead beside me :thumbsup: .

No I havent seen his video's etc, what does he recommend doing?

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No I havent seen his video's etc, what does he recommend doing?

It's all about being pack leader, starting the walk off the right way eg the dog is calm, you go through gate/doorway first, he likes to use a collar up high behind the dogs ears which I use for my big dog but I trained the Staffords on flat collars, if the dog pulls ahead it's a quick pull to the side then the lead must go loose, most people always walk with tension in the lead and the dog will pull against you if you're pulling. The dog should be at your side or behind you and I have a 'go on' if I want the dogs to go out infront of me but 99% of the time they're at my side. I can send you the season 1 dvd, it'll be good for you to actually see it rather than me try to explain it.

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Anyone got any good tips on stopping a dog from pulling on lead? Mason has started this up again and if we are in an area with other dogs he just seems to want to tow me around no matter what I do. I have tried pulling him back to me and just stopping, I have tried going the other way, but so far he doesnt seem bothered by either of those 2 things.

My kids are terrible at walking on a lead, especially if I am walking more than one - but then its not important to me - so sorry no help whatsoever.

I took my kids for their first session at the local oval tonight and they were all working like they had had "speed" for lunch. It wasn't always pretty but I would give them 20/10 for enthusiasm :thumbsup:

Have pencilled in July for Lexi's UD debut :cheer:

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Anyone got any good tips on stopping a dog from pulling on lead? Mason has started this up again and if we are in an area with other dogs he just seems to want to tow me around no matter what I do. I have tried pulling him back to me and just stopping, I have tried going the other way, but so far he doesnt seem bothered by either of those 2 things.

My kids are terrible at walking on a lead, especially if I am walking more than one - but then its not important to me - so sorry no help whatsoever.

I took my kids for their first session at the local oval tonight and they were all working like they had had "speed" for lunch. It wasn't always pretty but I would give them 20/10 for enthusiasm :D

Have pencilled in July for Lexi's UD debut ;)

I wouldnt mind if Mason was a bit smaller but when there are other dogs around I feel like he is about to dislocate my elbow :p I will work on it with the clicker again like I did when he was younger.

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Daisy was a star at training tonight :D We even got asked to do a demo for some people there for an intro night. I was really happy with how she worked tonight with the exception of her SFEs ;) Just could not get them together tonight.

I had a gingerbread cookie (for dogs) that I was given and decided to pull it out and see how she'd go working for it - OMG forget the meat we had, gingerbread cookie is Daisy's crack ;) She was NUTS for it. I think we will have to start using baked goods more often :p

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Well done huski. My two love the gingerbread biscuits from the local dog bakery. They make little treat sized gingerbread squares. They also love the cinnamon and honey ones :D .

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These ones have cinnamon in them too!

Daisy has a real sweet tooth and she goes nuts for anything baked. I had the gingerbread man in my treat pouch when I was doing a heel round tonight and when we finished, I went to reward her and it had fallen out! Much desperate searching over the paddock ensued to find it :p I rewarded her with some luncheon sausage and she'd take it but she KNEW she hadn't had any ginger bread yet kept working and waiting for it :D Thank god we found it, or I would have been the meanest owner ever. I really teased her with it before we started the heel round ;)

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Daisy will work for any kind of food, sausage, chicken, kibble, dried treats, carrot, apple etc. She really loves sweet things though - donuts, lamingtons, cake, cookies etc.

She also works very enthusiastically for anything I have been eating :D She did great heelwork for me at the farmers markets on the weekend after watching me eat a hot dog. All I had left was bread and she thought it was the best thing ever!

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Anyone got any good tips on stopping a dog from pulling on lead? Mason has started this up again and if we are in an area with other dogs he just seems to want to tow me around no matter what I do. I have tried pulling him back to me and just stopping, I have tried going the other way, but so far he doesnt seem bothered by either of those 2 things.

Every time your dog gets to the end of the lead change direction suddenly don't say anything to just change direction and let him self correct cos he's going the wrong way. You'll only have to do it a few times before he will start keeping an eye on you and watching what you're doing. But you have to change direction sharply and suddenly, and be unpredictable turn 180 degress, 90 degrees, 360s etc etc in all different directions. He'll be on a loose lead within one session if you're consistent. I just used this method to retrain my girl to walk beside me rather than in front, no corrections required aside from her getting a small jerk on the collar as I changed direction. You just have to be consistent and always do it, if I really need to get somewhere then I just do 360s in alternate directions to keep her guessing.

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Unfortunately Jedi's favourite treat is chicken... Unfortunate, as he's allergic to it! :p But boy he would probably take a year's worth of scratching for one piece of chicken! His favourite that he's actually ALLOWED to have is cheese.

Ahsoka's fav is chicken.

Speaking of these two - Ahsoka gave me some really nice heelwork tonight! She wasn't as distracted as usual and managed some duration heelwork greater than 5 steps ;) We're finally making consistent progress! :D

Jedi had his first go at a novice round for judge's training... I think he was a bit confused about the lead coming off as soon as we got in there! ;) But he gave me some really nice work aside from absolutely NO sits in his heelwork and the start of the recall... Looks like I have yet another problem to fix! Though on the plus-side there was absolutely no forging and he did a lovely COP. But I'm confident about his novice debut in 2 weeks.

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Unfortunately Jedi's favourite treat is chicken... Unfortunate, as he's allergic to it! ;) But boy he would probably take a year's worth of scratching for one piece of chicken! His favourite that he's actually ALLOWED to have is cheese.

Ahsoka's fav is chicken.

Speaking of these two - Ahsoka gave me some really nice heelwork tonight! She wasn't as distracted as usual and managed some duration heelwork greater than 5 steps :love: We're finally making consistent progress! :p

Jedi had his first go at a novice round for judge's training... I think he was a bit confused about the lead coming off as soon as we got in there! ;) But he gave me some really nice work aside from absolutely NO sits in his heelwork and the start of the recall... Looks like I have yet another problem to fix! Though on the plus-side there was absolutely no forging and he did a lovely COP. But I'm confident about his novice debut in 2 weeks.

I guess I have the opposite problem to you - all Ciders training is done off lead - so if I decided to put her in CCD - I then have to make an effort to train with one on.

Novice debut in 2 weeks - thats exciting :D

How about posting some more videos everybody :)

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:p bedazzledx2 - Kenz got half my hand tonight in her training session :D .

I have the same problem as Ptolomy - Kenz is NEVER on a lead when I train - leads just get in the way.

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Another newbie trialling question.

How do you keep your own speed consistent? Having had someone watch me with Cindy it seems I change my speed by changing the length of my stride.

And I thought I was training Cindy not me getting trained. :D

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How about posting some more videos everybody ;)

Bit hard when I've been training by myself for the past few weeks :p And now you've moved, I'll probably be nigel no friends at training forever!

I really need to get some video of Millie working so I can work out what needs the most attention to debut her soon. I'm not sure if I should do CCD with her or not!

Yay for Lexi's UD debut!!! Can't wait for that! :D

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Another newbie trialling question.

How do you keep your own speed consistent? Having had someone watch me with Cindy it seems I change my speed by changing the length of my stride.

And I thought I was training Cindy not me getting trained. :D

Have you tried practicing without your dog? Try not to change your speed to match what the dog is doing, the dog should keep up with you.

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