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MM are you talking about the Nationals? Because that is a hard core situation for a dog! :laugh:

I know, but he is like that anywhere Amy, in class he goes from being the best behaved dog in class to the instructor asking me why my dog has been put in that class - its like he is bipolar :D Yeah it was a lot for him to take in he was so excited down there at the K9, i probably need to take him there more often to get used to it.

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A day before our last obedience trial, our neighbour’s roof was being tiled with about 5 beefy guys standing on the roof causing my bc to constantly bark at them. All I did for that session was reward focus in a sit position. Must have worked…he got 199 in his next trial. :laugh:

Um Caffy was it you or Snaz that was having trouble focusing in the sit position :D

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MM, I used to be able to shove steak under Daisys nose when she was distracted and she wouldn't even notice it.

I spent a lot of time building her drive for food and for trainig with me, I would have less than a minute of intense training in a low distraction environment like our home before we even thought about going some where more distracting.

It takes time especially if you are a newbie like me and your dog has learned to switch off in training beuae xyz distraction is more exciting. Of course everyone has their own way of doing things :laugh:

Sometimes I get frustrated with Daisy and I'll feel disappointed with something like how she put her nose down to scent in the video I posted but then I remind myself of what she used to be like and how even six or twelve months ago I couldn't imagine her working like she does now especially with all the distractions in the clip I posted - dogs barking and doing agility next to us, loads of smells on the ground etc etc. I mean it's only a small achievement compared to some but it's not something I ever thought we would be able to do.

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You saw on friday how hard it is to get Mason's attention? Granted we didnt have treats that had any value to him with me but he is so focussed on other dogs it drives me insane!! I take him to the park a few times a week and work on him only focussing on me but its hard!!

Persist with it MM.

A day before our last obedience trial, our neighbour’s roof was being tiled with about 5 beefy guys standing on the roof causing my bc to constantly bark at them. All I did for that session was reward focus in a sit position. Must have worked…he got 199 in his next trial. :laugh:

Showoff :) :D

(and he deserved every bit of that 199!)

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Daisy is looking good Huski, looking forward to seeing more of how you're both doing soon!

Sounds like the kids had a great training session too Ptolomy.

I had my 8 year old nephew help with our training yesterday - he did some SFE work with Zuma and put out scent articles for Riv and all 3 boys did a great job!! My nephew thought Riv's scent work was amazing and wanted to know how I'd taught him to do it - maybe I'll make a future obedience trainer/trialler out of him yet :laugh:

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Ahsoka's SFE is coming along now! I can throw food, dance around her, pat her roughly and she still sticks all 4 paws when we're at home .... Now to start increasing distractions... I finally feel we're getting somewhere!

Great news...... :laugh:

Can you walk around the back of her - thats what is bringing us unstuck at the moment :D

yes!!! I can jump around behind her, run and walk circles around her... No feet pattering either which is her biggest problem!

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A day before our last obedience trial, our neighbour’s roof was being tiled with about 5 beefy guys standing on the roof causing my bc to constantly bark at them. All I did for that session was reward focus in a sit position. Must have worked…he got 199 in his next trial. :laugh:

Um Caffy was it you or Snaz that was having trouble focusing in the sit position :D

Well, you could say I really enjoyed that training session :)

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I couldn't take my dogs to training tonight because they have conjuctivitis :thumbsup: .

That sucks. Hope they get better soon.

Ahsoka hurt herself at flyball tonight - just a pulled muscle, I think. I hope she recovers soon.

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I had a fun night training last night :cry: Took both girls to do some agility with Amypie and they worked very well, very pleased with them! Then I couldn't help myself and did some obedience with them afterwards. I think I may make a trialling dog out of Millie yet :eek: Her heelwork is focused once she revved up (though I need to sort her forging issue), and her dumbell retrieve is coming along nicely! Still need to work on her present being a little closer, but I am soooooooooo pleased that she is bringing it back, sitting, HOLDING IT, and not mouthing it :p Getting her to hold it until I say give has been excrutiating. That was the bit that Ruby was held up on for ages too (the rest went so much smoother for Ruby, while the whole process has been a long one with Millie). Millie is doing most Open exercises now too (though certainly not as reliably as Ruby), so I am quite chuffed with my girls :angel: I love a good training session ;)

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I had a fun night training last night :( Took both girls to do some agility with Amypie and they worked very well, very pleased with them! Then I couldn't help myself and did some obedience with them afterwards. I think I may make a trialling dog out of Millie yet :eek: Her heelwork is focused once she revved up (though I need to sort her forging issue), and her dumbell retrieve is coming along nicely! Still need to work on her present being a little closer, but I am soooooooooo pleased that she is bringing it back, sitting, HOLDING IT, and not mouthing it :p Getting her to hold it until I say give has been excrutiating. That was the bit that Ruby was held up on for ages too (the rest went so much smoother for Ruby, while the whole process has been a long one with Millie). Millie is doing most Open exercises now too (though certainly not as reliably as Ruby), so I am quite chuffed with my girls :cry: I love a good training session ;)

Midland AM- Millie PM-Ruby :angel:

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Was this Southern River training on Thursdays? When Lincoln is a little older and I am doig proper training with him I might just look into this because then I can get agility tips from amypie and obidence tips from RS.

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Gooo RS! I love a great training session too :eek:

I think Daisy has pretty much got the dumbell down pat. She did three or four excellent retrieves on the flat on Wednesday night, completely out of the blue for me as we haven't taken the dumbell out for a couple of weeks.

I hope to have her trialling in CCD shortly and hopefully novice by the end of the year, then Open at some point next year. The only part of Open I am unsure about her ability to do will be the stays. I really hope we can get there though, I would LOVE to see her become Semeru Bellis CCD CD CDX one day!

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