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Training Talk Thread


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Jedi used to do wide RATs... I fixed up my footwork which solved 80% of the problem and then made sure that I was rewarding immediately at the completion of the turn. He now turns rather quickly with me now because he can anticipate the turn with my footwork and because he has been reinforced heavily for the end of the turn. He knows his reward comes when he gets to that point!

Meanwhile... I have been SO incredibly slack with Ahsoka's obedience training. I keep putting it on the back burner and I realised the other day that I really should put some more effort and consistency into her training. The past two days we have done a few sessions and wow... I wish I had been more consistent now! She's giving me some really nice work and is SOOOOO enthusiastic about it! Bouncing around and launching herself into positions... So I've made it my goal that I will train her every day (even if it's just a few minutes here and there if I'm having an uber busy day) for the next month and see where we are at by the end of May. I really have to set myself a goal with her otherwise I'll just keep slackening off... So here we go... I WILL enter her in a trial by July this year. Somebody better hold me to it! :mad

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I'm sneaking in quietly to share my excitement at having bought a clicker and learning how to use it....... now backing quietly out - continue training-capable persons!

I am tapping you on the shoulder to let you know that you should have bought 2 clickers because you are bound to lose the frist one ;)

Psst - to help you with your timing - if you live with somebody - in your mind set them a challenge - so walk from the kitchen down the hall to the bedroom and turn on the light. Explain to the person that its a game of hot and cold so when they are getting hotter or closer to the final challenge you will click and give them a treat - so $1 coin, a chocolate - I used peanuts and see how long it takes them to work out what you wanted. Its a great way to see from the dogs perspective how we can really confuse them with our timing the only difference is that a person can really voice what they are thinking. You can even start the game by clicker and treating for eye contact.......

Good luck

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I'm sneaking in quietly to share my excitement at having bought a clicker and learning how to use it....... now backing quietly out - continue training-capable persons!

I am tapping you on the shoulder to let you know that you should have bought 2 clickers because you are bound to lose the frist one ;)

Psst - to help you with your timing - if you live with somebody - in your mind set them a challenge - so walk from the kitchen down the hall to the bedroom and turn on the light. Explain to the person that its a game of hot and cold so when they are getting hotter or closer to the final challenge you will click and give them a treat - so $1 coin, a chocolate - I used peanuts and see how long it takes them to work out what you wanted. Its a great way to see from the dogs perspective how we can really confuse them with our timing the only difference is that a person can really voice what they are thinking. You can even start the game by clicker and treating for eye contact.......

Good luck

Or to make the challenge that more interesting, don't tell them you're playing a game of hot and cold as we can't tell the dogs what game we are trying to play :) If they do something right, click them and give them a chocolate or something and they will wonder what they did to get it. See if they try again :banghead::happydance:

And no, I haven't played this game (yet :cooldance:)

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I am tapping you on the shoulder to let you know that you should have bought 2 clickers because you are bound to lose the frist one :)

This is true! Or if you're forgetful like me you will need a few because you always put them in a 'safe place' (along with the nail clippers) ;) :happydance:

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Yes I am down to one clicker :) and will be doing an order soon (when I have money) from Dogwise for more.

Ptolomy since I don't know if you saw in the WA thread Congratulations on your handsome cover boy!

Thanks Valley CBR - have to say a special thanks to Caffy for taking the photo. In fact the magazine should have been renamed the Caffy News since she gets so many mentions ;)

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I think i am going to clicker train my husband - do something right- click and I do his washing :)

There was an episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon does this to Penny, very amusing although he doesn't use a clicker :laugh: I think it's on youtube somewhere!!

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I think i am going to clicker train my husband - do something right- click and I do his washing :)

There was an episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon does this to Penny, very amusing although he doesn't use a clicker :laugh: I think it's on youtube somewhere!!

That was funny :( .

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I think i am going to clicker train my husband - do something right- click and I do his washing :)

There was an episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon does this to Penny, very amusing although he doesn't use a clicker :laugh: I think it's on youtube somewhere!!

I must have a look, sounds funny.

I have been doing some training this week, had a terrible class again on sunday, Mason heeled very well but everything else went out the window, he even lay down in the sit stay which is very unlike him :(

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He uses chocolates, cracks me up. :laugh:

I tried it on some people at work who wouldn't use the in / out board, didn't work, my treats mustn't have been high value to them :)

Bet if you had offered them a day off as a reward they would have started using it ASAP :(

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We had a great training session tonight :laugh: Daisy has been really switched on lately. She also now has totally got the elephant trick down pat and will swing her butt fully into heel position around the box - very cute :) Now just to transition it to being off the box and on the ground :S

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We had a great training session tonight :eek: Daisy has been really switched on lately. She also now has totally got the elephant trick down pat and will swing her butt fully into heel position around the box - very cute :rofl: Now just to transition it to being off the box and on the ground :S

I've been playing with this stuff too just without the box. Just start out asking her to swing only a little on the ground and then increase.

I'm trying to fix our flip finish at the moment so I've been asking her to sit and then standing on a 90 degree angle from her and asking her to swing her bum into heel from there, soon I'll increase the angle a bit more and eventually (hopefully) she'll be able to swing it a full 180 back to my leg! :rofl: And if that doesn't work then I've still got my round the back finishes!

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