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I was training Mason using his tug toy as a reward tonight, each time I took it off him he jumps on my leg and tries to hump me, I take it this is due to excitement? It been months since he has humped anything :)

I think it's partially excitement related but it usually this means that the dog is trying to win the game by dominating you. If you just ignore him till he stops he'll quickly learn that it doesn't win him the toy/game and he'll learn that the only way to win it is by doing what you say!

My GIRL used to do this in the early stages of training to try and win the game, I always felt really stupid with this female puppy (around 12 months old at the time) humping my leg! But ignoring the behaviour made it stop within a few weeks.

What I did is I told him 'no', ( yes I do say no to my dog :rofl: ) walked inside and left him outside for 15 mins. When I went back and tried the tug again he sat nicely when I took the tug off him :thumbsup:

Good work! That's a good way to handle it and he'll learn pretty quickly that humping isn't going to get him the tug!

Did I miss something? Is Ptolomy in QLD or Huski are you down south???

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Did I miss something? Is Ptolomy in QLD or Huski are you down south???

Ptolomy is up here for a couple of days and was kind enough to meet up with me today to meet Daisy and give me some very useful handling pointers :thumbsup:

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Oh no, she's definitely 100% evil beagle :mad

Daisy probably will not be coming - my Dad and his family are coming over from the UK for Christmas/January so it will be a non-dog related holiday. Although I am sure I can squeeze in a DOL related meet up, if anyone wants to meet me minus the Evil Beagle :)

No, it was just the beagle we wanted to meet. :eek::( Yes, a DOL meet for sure!

ETA. RubyStar I should lend you Ness to run if I ever get my act together to get over to WA - she is sooooo easy and reliable :thumbsup: .

You're on :rofl: But I never thought the day would come that I would compete with a BC :mad

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Jedi's next trial is Anzac Day, but he's a lot itchier than usual at the moment, so not holding my breath. :thumbsup:

Beans was in melt down when I left after picking up some foreign food which she was obviously allergic to. Within 24 hours she had ripped holes in her chest inner thigh and foot and was continually scratching poor baby. It is now a case of waiting for it to pass and managing the syptoms as best we can. So I really really know what you are talking about.

Best of luck on Anzac day - any chance of increasing the anti-histamines for 48 hours to see if that helps?

He's not on anti-histamines - they never worked for him unfortunately. He's only on his immunotherapy at the moment. The last cortisone tablet he had was over a month ago because he was doing so well and I'm not really supposed to give him any at the moment because he's about to see his dermatologist and he needs to see how the immunotherapy is going without the interference of the steroids. I'll just see how he goes - if he's really bad before the trial I'll give a tablet just to take the edge off. One tablet doesn't really change what his skin is doing so the dermatologist said that was okay.

I know what u mean about having an itchy dog :rofl: there must be something in the air as mine is itchier than normal, took him to the naturopath on wed and we are trying out a few things but after tracking in the forest today he is extra itchy, I caught him laying on some moss so I bet its that :) Bathed him when we got home, left him outside to dry and when I went out to go see him one of his eyes is swollen so he must have touched on of the plants in my garden that he is allergic too. Funny how it only happens now and again and not all the time with his eyes.

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Actually thinking of missing my flight home - I love it here :eek:

Then you'll have more time to (attempt to) fix my handling :thumbsup::mad

Daisy is pooped and didn't bark on the way home at all :rofl:

Thank you so much for all your time this afternoon Sandi, especially as I'm quite sure I talked your ear off :rofl::(

I've shown mum some pics of your tollers and she really likes them :mad

I would love to spend a week with you Huski - picking on you morning noon and night - you might hate me at the end of it but by George your handling skills will have improved :eek:

I thought I was going to need to check your bum bag before you got in the car to go home - just in case you had kidnapped Scoota :eek:

Thanks for letting me have a play with Daisy - she is a delight :rofl: Now I want to see a video of your finishes sometime soon :eek:

PS I am coming back in November :)

Lol my handling skills are none existent, Huski's skills look way better than mine :eek: Its really hard training a dog for the first time in obedience :eek:

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Its really hard training a dog for the first time in obedience :rofl:

That it certainly is MM!

Especially when your dog would happily blow you off for smells on the ground just about any time, any where :thumbsup:

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Its really hard training a dog for the first time in obedience :(

That it certainly is MM!

Especially when your dog would happily blow you off for smells on the ground just about any time, any where :thumbsup:

Mine would blow me off just to stare at another dog in the distance, of course if there is a dog next to him its even more challenging but we are working on that, like the the dude in Karate Kid said ' must have focus Daniel son" :rofl::)

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Mine would blow me off just to stare at another dog in the distance, of course if there is a dog next to him its even more challenging but we are working on that, like the the dude in Karate Kid said ' must have focus Daniel son" :thumbsup::rofl:

I'm lucky Daisy is not really fussed with other dogs, nor other people much (unless it's Ptolomy with lots of sausage in her pocket!)

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Yes I am considering taking obidience seriously with Lincoln but it just scares me! But I have to do something to fill in the time until he is 2 and a half and can start his agility training.

Why 2 1/2???

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Chessies are slow maturing especially Lincoln's line so the general recomendation from my breeder and people who compete with Chessies in the states is 2 and a half before you start the dogs in regular full height jumping.

Yes I am considering taking obidience seriously with Lincoln but it just scares me! But I have to do something to fill in the time until he is 2 and a half and can start his agility training.

Why 2 1/2???

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Its really hard training a dog for the first time in obedience :rofl:

That it certainly is MM!

In total agreeance with you both! Can't wait til I am a few dogs into it!

With tracking and retrieving etc you are using their instincts so its much easier to train them....... obedience is something you have to really work on and train ( not saying that you dont work in tracking or retrieving because you do).

Mason has hit a naughty patch at the moment, we are having a club obedience comp on the 16 may, open to all classes and I am in 2 minds weather to enter him or not ...... IMO he is nowhere near ready unless a fairy comes from heaven and trains him in heelwork as I seem to be failing sadly in that department :thumbsup:

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I think it's hard when it's your first dog because you have so much learning to do. I think Daisy is actually quite easy in some regards, she is a pretty confident dog who is relatively quick to learn and when I know how to motivate her she's pretty eager too. I've learnt a lot from her :thumbsup:

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Actually huski if its worth anything - my first dog Ness had her CD and JD before she was 2. Started trialling at 18 months in agility. Got 4 passes from 4 attempts in Novice under the old rules including placings.

Kenz has only trialled in the DWD comp in Sydney and she was 2 nearly a fortnight ago. She has yet to enter the obedience ring and has her first agility trial tomorrow.

So I guess in some respects Ness has been easier but I wouldn't trade Kenz for the world and when she gets it together there is no question she will surpass her sister.

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Same with Ruby, huski, except the difference between her and Daisy is Daisy likes to scent, Ruby likes to mug people! :rofl:


Mason is a pretty smart dog he gets things quickly BUT the things he picks up quickly are the things I KNOW how to teach him, I am not 100% sure about heelwork, I have been shown now how to teach him but it is a process, both him and I have TONS of work to do...

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