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Well I put a post up and did several short seek backs, around 5 metres in a straight line and she tended to run straight back the way we walked to the post and if she found it on the way she'd bring it back, if she didn't and got to the post she tended to start searching along the track which is great. She did get a bit lost a few times and headed off away from where we'd walked so I'll keep it short and straight for another session or two before increasing the distance or adding turns. Here's hoping it doesn't take too long to retrain this!

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Sounds like its going well Seita :thumbsup: Our grounds are so smooth that the article sticks out like the proverbial and there's not much point in them tracking when they can see it quite clearly! When trialling on less than perfect grounds my guys have always looked for it first and then if they can't find it they will resort to using their nose. I always train with a start post (could be anything...a cone or a post) and if they can't find it they will go back to the start post and search from there.

Well I put a post up and did several short seek backs, around 5 metres in a straight line and she tended to run straight back the way we walked to the post and if she found it on the way she'd bring it back, if she didn't and got to the post she tended to start searching along the track which is great. She did get a bit lost a few times and headed off away from where we'd walked so I'll keep it short and straight for another session or two before increasing the distance or adding turns. Here's hoping it doesn't take too long to retrain this!
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OK so bit a of a brag for me - Daisy seems to have gotten the metal articles :thumbsup:

She is now reliably bringing me back the same one every time :rofl: I just tried her on a full set of metal articles and she didn't make a single mistake. I actually thought she had bought me back the wrong one and almost didn't reward her then saw the number on it :rofl: I am so proud of her, what a little star, I only started training SD less than a week ago :)

Might even take the metal articles to training tonight to see how she goes with distractions around. Not expecting much though as she's never worked them on grass before.

I am so proud of her, she really seems to be getting it. She scents the articles as soon as I send her to them and she is quick to find the right one. This is the first time I've ever trained a dog to do SD and so far I am really proud of how she is coming along with it and how she is enjoying it :rofl:

ETA: I even switched treats half way through (went from cat biscuits to luncheon roll) and thought the different smells on my hands might confuse her but it didn't :)

Edited by huski
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My two have definitely mastered the 'drop' :rofl: . It's so nice to see it click that they understand the verbal drop without me having to stoop over :thumbsup: which wasn't a good look. It was funny, I seperate them while I train but I leave Buster out and today when I said drop he would drop to so I'd throw him cheese and he's a real great catch.

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Might even take the metal articles to training tonight to see how she goes with distractions around. Not expecting much though as she's never worked them on grass before.

Big brag!

I took the full set of metal articles to training tonight.

Daisy only started learning SD on Thursday, and we only started working with more than one or two of the metal articles on Monday. We haven't trained anywhere other than the living room floor, and tonight I had the articles down on the grass with loads of smells, other dogs, noise, people etc around. She was totally on the ball and brought back the right one every time :rofl::thumbsup: And we must have done it at least a dozen times throughout the night. AND we did it 'properly' a few times with Daisy and I turning around, someone else putting the scented article down, and then turning around and giving her the command.

I am so proud of her she has really picked it up quickly :rofl:

Now to train wood and leather :rofl: Does everyone train them separately? Should my next step be training wood on its own, then leather on its own, and then mixing them up? Should I start scenting different metal articles instead of using the same one each time?

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Good job Tiggy :cry: If the dogs are competitive you can play the game of who drops first gets the treat! Pretty soon you have them dropping real quick but be careful to only reward after you have cued it.

My two have definitely mastered the 'drop' :rofl: . It's so nice to see it click that they understand the verbal drop without me having to stoop over :cry: which wasn't a good look. It was funny, I seperate them while I train but I leave Buster out and today when I said drop he would drop to so I'd throw him cheese and he's a real great catch.
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:cry: :cry: I move on to woods among woods and leathers among leather and then mix it up. You should find she gets it pretty quickly after having done the metals! Other people do it differently so its something that you have to work out what suits you and your dog. If she starts having problems go back to the step at which she was successful. I would still keep the fronts and finishes separate at this early stage.

Might even take the metal articles to training tonight to see how she goes with distractions around. Not expecting much though as she's never worked them on grass before.

Big brag!

I took the full set of metal articles to training tonight.

Daisy only started learning SD on Thursday, and we only started working with more than one or two of the metal articles on Monday. We haven't trained anywhere other than the living room floor, and tonight I had the articles down on the grass with loads of smells, other dogs, noise, people etc around. She was totally on the ball and brought back the right one every time :eek::rofl: And we must have done it at least a dozen times throughout the night. AND we did it 'properly' a few times with Daisy and I turning around, someone else putting the scented article down, and then turning around and giving her the command.

I am so proud of her she has really picked it up quickly :eek:

Now to train wood and leather :rofl: Does everyone train them separately? Should my next step be training wood on its own, then leather on its own, and then mixing them up? Should I start scenting different metal articles instead of using the same one each time?

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My question of the day is when does close, prancy heeling become crowding??? Has anyone been pinged for crowding?

I've been pinged for crowding back in the early classes, not the whole way through the heel pattern but in some sections particularly coming up to a right or right about turn. I've worked really hard to ensure Ella doesn't push into me when heeling, rather walks along very closely looking at me. If you can feel a dog pushing against you or coming across the front of your leg then that will be classified as crowding. There is a difference between being able to feel the dog closely at your leg and feeling it push into you.

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