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Huski - from experience, don't stay on just 2 articles for very long - it helps them learn that there is a right and wrong article.

LOL Ptolomy! So funny you should say that, I went to 3-4 articles tonight just to see how she'd go! She was reliably picking up the right article when there were just two so I decided to make it a bit more difficult to test her. She made a couple more mistakes when I added more articles but by the end she was sniffing them and bringing back the right one. Am sure it is no where near reliable yet though, can't wait for tomorrow's training session!

I have lots more work today before I will be sharing my video's :confused: Mason is no where near as advanced as most of the dogs on here and my handling skills are somewhat shocking, but we are working on it and when we get better will post the video's.

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I have lots more work today before I will be sharing my video's :confused: Mason is no where near as advanced as most of the dogs on here and my handling skills are somewhat shocking, but we are working on it and when we get better will post the video's.

Ermm MM have you seen my videos??? My handling is appalling! Bad handling is no excuse not to post videos :laugh:

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We've been doing heaps of shaping since the Linda Orton-Hill seminars about a month ago.

It's been lots of fun and is improving CK's confidence no end. It is improving Xena's ability to bark no end as well!! LOL.

We've shaped CK's retrieve (careful - this is great if you want toys dumped in your lap constantly :confused: ) and our latest has been to shape both dogs doing figure of 8's in between my legs. They've been able to do it on command before, but can now do it in total silence. It's a lot quicker now and they are much keener to do it.

Next trick is weaving through my legs as I walk.

I've always done 'shaping' that ended up with 30% luring (just to start it off of course :laugh: ) and 70% shaping - which is pretty much luring because the dogs don't have to think. Now that I am 100% shaping behaviours the dogs are starting to think for themselves and are a lot more fun to play with.

What is everyone else shaping?

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I have lots more work today before I will be sharing my video's :confused: Mason is no where near as advanced as most of the dogs on here and my handling skills are somewhat shocking, but we are working on it and when we get better will post the video's.

Ermm MM have you seen my videos??? My handling is appalling! Bad handling is no excuse not to post videos :D

Lol if you think your handling is bad you would faint if you saw mine, I think your video's are quite good actually :laugh:

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I have lots more work today before I will be sharing my video's :confused: Mason is no where near as advanced as most of the dogs on here and my handling skills are somewhat shocking, but we are working on it and when we get better will post the video's.

Ermm MM have you seen my videos??? My handling is appalling! Bad handling is no excuse not to post videos :D

Lol if you think your handling is bad you would faint if you saw mine, I think your video's are quite good actually :laugh:

Mason's mum I have just the cure for your bad handling "Bedazzled where are you" - hmm what did you call it last night Caffy - blunt and to the point????

Happy to pick on you any time ;)

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I have lots more work today before I will be sharing my video's :eek: Mason is no where near as advanced as most of the dogs on here and my handling skills are somewhat shocking, but we are working on it and when we get better will post the video's.

Ermm MM have you seen my videos??? My handling is appalling! Bad handling is no excuse not to post videos :laugh:

Lol if you think your handling is bad you would faint if you saw mine, I think your video's are quite good actually :laugh:

Mason's mum I have just the cure for your bad handling "Bedazzled where are you" - hmm what did you call it last night Caffy - blunt and to the point????

Happy to pick on you any time :rofl:

I think I am my worst critic lol! Its good that I did the video though as its given me loads to work on, this morning when I trained I was very conscious of all the incorrect things I tend to do.

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:rofl: Ptolomy - I received a PM from bedazzled yesterday and the words blunt and to the point featured quite highly :laugh: . But thats what so nice about you all no beating around the bush and making a situation something it isn't.

I have to post a scent brag of my own from this morning. My motivation has been pretty low so since Ptolomy threw out the scent challenge last week I have become more motivated to train. Kenz has started scent in the past but then I just got preoccupied after 1 or 2 sessions and we would fall in a heap and I'd put it into the lets leave it for now basket as life would get in the way. I am also not a morning person and really struggle to train and remain upbeat first thing in the morning.

I went and walked my kids at the park and then came home and logged in to DOL as I would normally. After watching Ptolomy's video and finding I had an extra 15 minutes up my sleeve this morning I took both kids out the front with a box of articles.

Ness's articles are also in a bit of a hole at the moment and in need of remedial work. She has a bad habit of dropping articles at my feet or messy pick ups. Resulting in a number of fails at trials. Anyway placed out a full set of articles so 4 unscented woods, 4 leathers, 4 metals.

Ness got to play first. She nailed all 3 and actually stuck all three presents and they were nice clean tight holds :eek: .

Get Kenzie out to play. Using the same articles I had for Ness and not using heavily scented ones. Not even really overly food scented as I was using frozen 4 legs as a reward.

Hmmm ok maybe trying baby dog when she has been behind the fence waiting her turn isn't necessarily the most conducive to getting a thinking dog. Neither is using articles which are probably not totally aired :laugh: . First time I sent her and she found me a wood - and yep that was when I went oh shit that was the wood she had been using yesterday :laugh: . Never mind I took it off her without saying much and just sent her back to the pile. Well after that minor hiccup she was faultless.

She found both metal and wood reliably :laugh: . We even had an audience as mum had come out to watch. Bit of anticipation though with the not waiting until I had placed it a couple of times and mum couldn't understand why I still rewarded it - gotta love mums sometimes :rofl: . Then I thought well lets just see what she makes of the leather. Placed the scented leather out in the middle of the pile and sent her off. Well knock me over but she sniffed some of the non scented articles (including the non scented leathers) got to the scented leather went mum yep thats the one I am suppose to pick up and returned.

What I find fascinating is that when Ness went through the learning process (which took far longer then Kenz) and even this morning she would sniff the correct article and then have to go and check the others to make certain (this morning she did it with the leather). Kenz on the other hand seems to get to the correct article and go yep thats the one I am suppose to bring back. Even with the metals which she isn't keen on and struggles with she still gets to the correct metal and then persists with picking it up.

Interesting observation also is that she was only carrying the articles around the same time I was clicking yesterday so note to self vary when you click as I could pretty obviously see I had been clicking around the same point and she was anticipating the click and dropping the article :rofl: .

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Can I ask another scent related question - will post it here rather than via PM because somebody else might benefit from the answer. Kenz is still often marking the placement of the article by sight when I go and place the article out. She is obviously sniffing so I have no doubt she can use her nose but wonder if I need to start setting up scenarios so she isn't just sighting the article. Whether that be placing it out and then asking her to line up again or having her in a drop placing the article and then asking for a line up. Or is what she is doing at the moment ok anyway.

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Can I ask another scent related question - will post it here rather than via PM because somebody else might benefit from the answer. Kenz is still often marking the placement of the article by sight when I go and place the article out. She is obviously sniffing so I have no doubt she can use her nose but wonder if I need to start setting up scenarios so she isn't just sighting the article. Whether that be placing it out and then asking her to line up again or having her in a drop placing the article and then asking for a line up. Or is what she is doing at the moment ok anyway.

I have to be honest and say that I don't care if Cider watches where I put the article - the fact that she sniffs the other articles indicates to me that she understands the game. I still have to teach leather - so I will look at doing this in the next couple of days - I did send her for a leather article last night - she did bring the correct one back but it was pretty ugly. :eek:

This morning I started working separately on about turns - so this is with a view to scent and glove turns.

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Mason's mum I have just the cure for your bad handling "Bedazzled where are you" - hmm what did you call it last night Caffy - blunt and to the point????

Happy to pick on you any time :(

:D That's scary :rofl: .

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Hey UD people! Does anyone know how long is acceptable for giving a signal on the directed retrieve? I think my signal is a bit extended still and need to shorten it but I don't know how short I need to aim for. Would 5 seconds be too long?

can anyone help me? :)

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Hmm as short as possible would be my guess Seita. I will hold a signal as long as it takes for Ness to take direction - no point in sending her unless she is looking. I honestly don't know if I am losing marks for it I scored full marks at the last trial for holding a signal longer then I would have normally but Ness was determined she was going to go for glove 2 when she was suppose to be getting glove 1 so I held it until she committed to glove 1.

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Hmmm well we had an interesting SD training session tonight.

Daisy started off really well with four articles on the ground, she was sniffing them and bringing me back the right one and she did this at least half a dozen times.

But then for some reason started getting confused and kept trying to bring me back article number four a couple of times and I'd take it from her (no reward and no comment) then set her up again for another go. After that she got confused and wouldn't bring back the right article reliably.

I realised I picked up the scented article with the tongs and then moved the articles with the same tongs, but I don't know if that would produce enough scent on the other articles to make her confused or if it was something else.

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Hmm as short as possible would be my guess Seita. I will hold a signal as long as it takes for Ness to take direction - no point in sending her unless she is looking. I honestly don't know if I am losing marks for it I scored full marks at the last trial for holding a signal longer then I would have normally but Ness was determined she was going to go for glove 2 when she was suppose to be getting glove 1 so I held it until she committed to glove 1.

Yeh I figured as short as possible, it's just at this stage it sometimes takes quite a few seconds for Ella to lock onto a glove and I'm not going to send her before she's looking at the right one. I was just curious as to how long would be acceptable so I can aim for a certain length!

Ok another question, has anyone got any good methods/articles on teaching the seek back. I tried teaching it as a game and Ella definitely does look and sniff for it but I really want her to follow my track a bit closer to help her find it faster as sometimes she spends several very very long minutes searching for it. At the moment I send her and she sort of runs all over the place partially air scenting and partially with her nose on the ground. However I don't think she fully understands how to follow the track as she seems to follow it for a bit and then heads off in a random direction. On top of that she will often go off searching a very long way from where we've previously walked looking for it. I'm looking a bit into how people train dogs to track and trying to adapt that a bit but thought some of you guys might have some good ideas.

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Hmmm well we had an interesting SD training session tonight.

That makes two of us!!

Ahsoka has decided that the article I want her to bring me is the UN-scented article of the two!! Tonight she sniffed them both and then quite decisively picked up the non-scented article. Three times in a row! :)

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Hey UD people! Does anyone know how long is acceptable for giving a signal on the directed retrieve? I think my signal is a bit extended still and need to shorten it but I don't know how short I need to aim for. Would 5 seconds be too long?

can anyone help me? :rofl:

I had this discussion with the guru during the week as my beautiful gloves exercise has gone pearshaped :) What has happend is I about turn and he now starts scanning all 3 gloves - I give direction and his eyes are still going from 1 to 2 to 3 and back again and then he will lock on and I see a slight movement forward of the top half of his body - then I send. The question was how long can I stand there giving direction......

We decided that I had 2 choices - if I decided to stand up and regive the direction - thats a zero. If I kept my hand down giving direction - the judge could either say - send your dog AGAIN - or after I send she could deduct heavily for taking too long/extended signal - either one is a bummer :D

Before all this went haywire - my signals would have been probably 2-3 second long.

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Hmmm well we had an interesting SD training session tonight.

That makes two of us!!

Ahsoka has decided that the article I want her to bring me is the UN-scented article of the two!! Tonight she sniffed them both and then quite decisively picked up the non-scented article. Three times in a row! :)

Terranik - are you using the same heavily scented article and when Ahsoka brings back the wrong one are you replacing that with a clean new one?

Have you tried putting the articles really close together say 10cm?

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