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Took my two to obedience training tonight... Gave Jedi the night off and did some work with Ahsoka (and Woofenpup's Abby).

Soaks is going so nicely now! I don't know what happened, but for a little while it felt we had gone back a few paces (it could've been her season) but tonight she was a lovely little worker!! If she heeled like that every time we trained, I would sit down and do an entry for her first trial! She even did a nice rock solid SFE!

She's doing nicely with the scent work too... Picking out the correct one most of the time... She makes a real effort to let you know she's SNIFFING... LOUDLY... :D

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:D TerraNik about Soaks sniffing loudly - I really should upload Ness's video from her part of the session the other day :) . Sorry she has me in stitches doing articles when we train sometimes - not only does she send them flying but yep she sniffs very very loudly.

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Sophie cracked me up yesterday. I'd set up four witches hats in a rectangle to practice our turns but she remembered the last time I set them up I had food under each one and as we heeled around them I'd lift one up and release to the food, so anyway she comes running over to one of the cones and is scratching at it madly with her little claws it was so cute and funny, I was cracking up :laugh: and Banjo likes to push them over :confused: .

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My husband video-ed me training Mason tonight, I am so shocked how my walking changes when I am training him, its really bad!!

You know the rule is that if you video a training session you have to share! :laugh:

Daisy did a couple of nice formal retrieves at training tonight :confused: Just have to work on getting her to come in closer when she returns.

When we came home we did some SD work, she was VERY enthusiastically retrieving the metal article and has started sniffing them and picked up the right one most of the time. Will keep going tomorrow and will see if it is starting to sink in.

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Hey UD people! Does anyone know how long is acceptable for giving a signal on the directed retrieve? I think my signal is a bit extended still and need to shorten it but I don't know how short I need to aim for. Would 5 seconds be too long?

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My husband video-ed me training Mason tonight, I am so shocked how my walking changes when I am training him, its really bad!!

You know the rule is that if you video a training session you have to share! :laugh:

Daisy did a couple of nice formal retrieves at training tonight :confused: Just have to work on getting her to come in closer when she returns.

When we came home we did some SD work, she was VERY enthusiastically retrieving the metal article and has started sniffing them and picked up the right one most of the time. Will keep going tomorrow and will see if it is starting to sink in.

Huski - from experience, don't stay on just 2 articles for very long - it helps them learn that there is a right and wrong article.

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Huski - from experience, don't stay on just 2 articles for very long - it helps them learn that there is a right and wrong article.

LOL Ptolomy! So funny you should say that, I went to 3-4 articles tonight just to see how she'd go! She was reliably picking up the right article when there were just two so I decided to make it a bit more difficult to test her. She made a couple more mistakes when I added more articles but by the end she was sniffing them and bringing back the right one. Am sure it is no where near reliable yet though, can't wait for tomorrow's training session!

Edited by huski
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Huski - from experience, don't stay on just 2 articles for very long - it helps them learn that there is a right and wrong article.

LOL Ptolomy! So funny you should say that, I went to 3-4 articles tonight just to see how she'd go! She was reliably picking up the right article when there were just two so I decided to make it a bit more difficult to test her. She made a couple more mistakes when I added more articles but by the end she was sniffing them and bringing back the right one. Am sure it is no where near reliable yet though, can't wait for tomorrow's training session!

Its when there are about 4 articles on the ground that the dogs suddenly realises and starts checking the other ones out rather than bringing back the first one they come to. This time with Cider I made sure all the articles were fairly close together where in the past I had them the distance the website recommended which from memory was quite wide.

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Its when there are about 4 articles on the ground that the dogs suddenly realises and starts checking the other ones out rather than bringing back the first one they come to. This time with Cider I made sure all the articles were fairly close together where in the past I had them the distance the website recommended which from memory was quite wide.

What I found with Daisy tonight is that if the articles are too far apart, she is actually less likely to get the right one. When I put them closer together, she actually started sniffing them to find the one I put down. Not sure if this is right or if it was just good luck, but hopefully we are on the right track!

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It sounds like you are doing a terrific job huski and you seem to be enjoying training at the moment as well - which is great news.

I love watching the kids learn new things :confused:

I am just uploading videos of Ciderbear at K9 tonight doing scent for the first time. This dog only started learning scent just over a week ago and tonight I took it to a different venue for the first time and then because I was using the set for the UD kids - I forgot and left the leathers down (Cider is yet to even see a leather article). Its a work in progress :laugh:

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Very nice Cider :confused:

Very interesting as I put the articles out by hand earlier in the evening. I had forgotten that I had :laugh: and did SD with both my dogs with 3 of my own articles.

Both boys picked the correct articles easily. It just goes to show that the dogs learn the hot scent. I also have never been pedantic about airing off articles because I'm lazy. My trialling set (which also doubles as my training set :D )sits in the car sealed up until I trial ;)

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