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Pimple On His Neck


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I noticed a pimple like thing on my boy's neck last night. There was a little bit of dried puss on his fur, so it seems to have burst. I've booked him into the vet tomorrow, but should I be worried? He doesn't seem to be bothered by it.

Edited by megan_
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From your description they sound like the small sebaceous cysts I find on my dogs from time to time. I pop them and squeeze them out and they disappear. Sometimes I put a drop of Betadine on them if I've got it handy. However if you're worried or unsure check with your vet.

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one of my gsd's has had a lump for a week or so now and I was just thinking I'd better get her to the vet after reading another recent thread but today after her bath I noticed it had a small head so I couldn't resist squeezing either.Now everytime she comes over for a pat I'm checking it again to see if it needs another squeeze :laugh:

My other girl had these quite reguarly but this one has never had any before

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I have just noticed two on muzzle and another one on his neck. They are kind of hard like a wart, but must have some gunk in htem as his fur is gunky around them. I will now take him to the vet but is this normal with a sebacious (sp) cyst? He was groomed 1.5 weeks ago and the groomer didn't mention anything (so I think they're new). Also, I brush and pat him all the time and haven't noticed these before.

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