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First 70-200mm Pics


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As some of you know I was lucky enough to borrow anniek's Sigma 70-200mm lens today and have a play.

I am 100% sold on getting this as my next lens.

I only had a couple of hours but love the results for my first go :vomit: (It was also the very first time I met a doler!)





Edited by becandcharch
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Crap! I've had mine for months and I've never managed to get shots like those! I love the snarly shot, there's alot of body language talk going on there. How's those threatening glaring eyeballs. I love the PP you do with the muted browns and greens too.


Oh hang on. Have I been misreading the whole time. I was thinking it is the 70-200 but I see now it's the other way round, 20-700!!! :vomit: I dont think I realised there was such a lens. Going off to look now.

another edit

OK I am back now after hunting, I think you got it the wrong way round. You mean the 70-200 dont you. Please dont tell me there's a 20-700.

Edited by Kirislin
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Ahahaha whoops! No Kirislin there is no 20-700. Posting after midnight can make you do strange things... :vomit:

The black dogs name is Jabba and he's a local at our off lead park. I am also adamant that he has Sharpei in there but they were told Staffy X Lab. Who knows.

Kja its going to kill me having to wait. My little 50mm looked sad when I put it on after. :eek:

Birthday is in May and hubby is hinting that i'll have it then.

PooMother im with you. I only said yesterday that when im rich I want a walk in wardrobe full of lenses! The problem with this hobby we all love is that its a very expensive one!

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These are great - Terranik and I were just talking about this lens the other day.

I'm still tossing up between the canon 70-200 and the sigma 70-200 - I tend to be pretty hard on my lenses and I've heard the canon tends to stand up to that a bit better than the sigma. I don't know how true that is though!

The butts shot is brilliant! Love it!

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Wonderful Bec, just wonderful. Would you mind sharing some of the settings please? ISO - f stop - speed.

You do realise that prices are heading back up now, I suggest you buy it yourself on your credit card, then get the reimbursement for your birthday :eek:

ps. my birthday is May too - must be why we are both so nice :vomit:

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Obviously I havent done alot of research on brands but is there a difference between Canon and Sigma as far as quality go??? I wont be investing in another lens until this time next year (am off to NY next year so will buy more camera items over there woohoo) Just curios I know there is the saying you get what you pay for.........

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Shell its the best!! In the end I couldnt justify an extra $1000 or so bucks for differences (if any) that im not sure I would even notice.

Poomother the main difference is Sigma doesnt have IS (image stabilization). The dogs were pegging it around and my mate had a fair pace on her bike and I had no problems without this.

There are endless debates on other photography forums and the verdict is pretty split.

Annie thanks for the heads up! Anything that means I can get it sooner!

There is a guy on this forum http://photography-on-the.net/forum/ who is a proffesional sports photographer I have been reading a lot of his posts about settings. I am now only shooting in M and found what he said below useful

I will probably choose an aperture of f/2.8 (wide open to minimise the DoF) and a shutter speed of 1/1000s (fast enough to freeze the action, but not so fast that I have to set too high an ISO). Therefore I will take a meter reading and use the ISO as my variable to get that particular combination. If the combination is not possible (low light), then I will reduce my shutter speed accordingly.

Anyhoo, heres my exif data -

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1000)

Aperture: f/2.8

Focal Length: 200 mm

ISO Speed: 1600

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Awesome photos Bec! This lens and a 100mm macro are next on my list of must haves but I'm not sure how I'd go with getting the Sigma lens if it doesn't have IS. My hands tend to shake slightly and even with the nifty fifty I have to be sure I keep the shutter speed faster than what I need with the IS lenses or the picture ends up blurry. I imagine it would be much worse with a zoom lens so may have to fork out the extra $$ to go Canon. :rofl:

Thanks :) It would be great to see if you can have a play with a Sigma and see how you go. I didn't see a problem at all.

I know there are some places you can hire them, that might be an idea? Oh these toys are too bloody expensive!

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Unfortunately JS you are on a different manufacture to me, otherwise I'd lend you mine, with a monopod to see if that handles your little shake :laugh:

For $1000 though, you can't beat it!

Welcome to the Sigma club Bec... your off to a great start with those shots :o

Just about to order the 2x teleconverter for mine... that extra reach should be great for some of the sporting events I have been going to recently :D

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