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Anti Itch Help


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Thanks guys, I will keep her hair trimmed as short as possible as this may help stop the little buggers getting trapped.

It is definitely not a contact allergy but a clear bite response. We can run on the same grounds numerous times with no effect. When she gets bitten it is a definite ouch (like stepping on a piece of glass) reaction followed by limping and biting at the paw. More often than not there is a biting ant trapped between her pads, too many times for it to be coincidental.

I shall endeavour to keep her away from ants and do the best I can to provide relief when they strike :) .

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I doubt that would help that much if at all, SnT, although not intending to pour water on what might be an otherwise helpful suggestion. Thing is, it wouldn't be as though the ants are seeking the OP's dog out. It is more that her dog is standing on them. If I were an ant, I'd probably bite if I was stood on too. I could hardly be 'repelled' if the actual object stood on me.

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Quite right Erny, in my head I was picturing that they were a bit attracted to Bindi's fur and perhaps this was happening during standing around in class or in stays.

But yes Levi did describe that she was standing on them so it's just my warped little brain. :rolleyes: *Backs away slowly....*

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*Backs away slowly....*

:rolleyes: Please don't *back away*. I can imagine how you drew to that picture in your head :(. I am not exactly innocent at drawing to the wrong *image* in my head. That's what imagination does and what we produce when we read text.

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