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Oh No She's Eaten A Load Of Grapes!


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I have just found out Jenna managed to get into a bag of grapes and has eaten about half. I estimating about 300gms worth, going on what is left. She weighs 18.8kgs.She must have eaten them sometime between 9am and 11am this morning. I have rung round 3 vets and 2 have told me just to watch her. I am waiting for a call back from the third.

Does anyone have any experience of their dogs eating grapes. there are some really scary stories on the internet about it.

Right now Jenna seems fine and is showing no symptoms but I will be on tenterhooks for the next 24 hours.

Keep everything crossed for my greedy guts :D

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teekay I am sure your dog will be OK. Just watch and wait. My guys eat grapes as well and none have taken ill from them.

All my dogs have always eaten grapes, no ill effects except for the unfortunate incident with a whole grape vine full of luscious purple grapes, one greedy dog and a nice cream coloured carpet :D

Oh no, what a mess............ So glad I wasn't trying to clean that mess up!!!!

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Thanks for the replies. It's nice to know there are dogs out there who have suffered no ill effect from eating grapes. It would appear that it's a bit of a lottery as to whether they will affect a dog and no way to predict which ones will suffer.

Therefore we have decided, on the vets advice, to admit Jenna to the animal hospital for preventative treatment. They are giving her intravenous fluids for 48 hours to hopefully flush out any potential toxins in her kidneys. It may be overkill as she was perfectly healthy when I took her in but I would rather be safe than sorry.

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Pre-knowing grapes were bad all my newfs used to love them, because they are sweet and lolly like.............We never had any problems, but there are enough dogs who do get sick, so keep a look out. it will be a nervous wait for you. i hope it all goes well

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I take 'poison for dogs' reports with a grain of salt (meaning I may pay attention enough to watch the dog afterward, but don't panic). . . unless I have good reason to believe. I think there were half a dozen suspect grape poisoning cases where the dog died in the US one year. At that rate, it's like labeling peanuts as 'poison for children'. I've also heard that avocados and tomatoes are poison to dogs . . . .mine love both.

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I take 'poison for dogs' reports with a grain of salt (meaning I may pay attention enough to watch the dog afterward, but don't panic). . . unless I have good reason to believe. I think there were half a dozen suspect grape poisoning cases where the dog died in the US one year. At that rate, it's like labeling peanuts as 'poison for children'. I've also heard that avocados and tomatoes are poison to dogs . . . .mine love both.

I agree, I think most things you just need to be careful about. Having said that though, Moose ate a couple of macadamias once and was very very ill. Now I'm a bit nut phobic with him. :rofl:

I think the best thing to do is ring your vet and follow their advice. If they say just to watch your dog then that's what I'd do. In my case I was told to bring him in ASAP as macadamias can be highly toxic. But again, some dogs can eat a whole handful and be fine, others will eat 1 and get sick.

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Well we have just collected Jenna from the vets. It seems she hasn't had any adverse reaction to the grapes, she is eating and pooing normally so we are very relieved.

However, I have just noticed she has a small lump on her snout. It's about the size of a pea. It's hard to touch and doesn't seem to bother her. Pretty sure it wasn't there when she went in yesterday. Groan, just something else to worry about. I will pop her back to the vets on Monday if the lump is still there.

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have just noticed she has a small lump on her snout. It's about the size of a pea. It's hard to touch and doesn't seem to bother her. Pretty sure it wasn't there when she went in yesterday. Groan, just something else to worry about. I will pop her back to the vets on Monday if the lump is still there.

Highly likely it's some sort of rub from her being in confinement - pushing at the cage door, something like that. Glad she is yet another one who doesn't keel over at the sight of a grape :o

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