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Kurri Pound Online Petition


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Just to let Kurri & Cessnock locals know, the Council is holding one of their 10 year plan meetings for their 2020 program in Kurri next Tuesday 16 March. It'll be held ay the Community Centre (ie next to the Library) on Lang St at 6pm. To quote from the Facebook group:
This may be an avenue for us to get our thoughts across about the Pound and it's future in this 10 year plan.

There will be also other meetings for this Cessnock 2020 program. Alas we've missed most of them, but after the Kurri meeting, there's two more:

6pm Wednesday 17 March 2010:

Mulbring Community Hall, Stone Street, Mulbring

6pm Thursday 18 March 2010:

Millfield Community Hall, Crawford Avenue, Millfield

I went to this thing tonight... alas there weren't too many people there, about 30 or so, & no one but I seemed interested in the pound :D But at least I got the issue mentioned, in the meeting's "minutes", & some local awareness was raised about the place.

I just hope tomorrow night gets a better response when we try to present the petition to council.

BTW you can still sign the petition until tomorrow afternoon when I'll print it up. So, please, if you haven't sign it yet, do it now here: http://www.gopetition.com.au/petitions/ces...imal-pound.html

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DMA- When and where tomorrow are you presenting the petition, do you want some support, if daughter feels well enough we could come if you need the support.

We didn't get back from the hospital until 4.30 and she was still quite a bit zonked out lol, she has only just woke up properly.

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DMA- When and where tomorrow are you presenting the petition, do you want some support, if daughter feels well enough we could come if you need the support.

We didn't get back from the hospital until 4.30 and she was still quite a bit zonked out lol, she has only just woke up properly.

Some extra faces in the public gallery would be great, although I'm not doing the presentation as far as I know. Instead I'm going to be handing over the petition to a member of Dog Rescue Newcastle who, in turn, I'm told will be giving it to a councillor (although I don't know which one as yet).

Pass on my "get well soon" regards to your daughter. I hope you both can make it. The council meeting is at the council chambers in Vincent Street Cessnock (cnr of Cooper St) at 6.30pm. I don't know whether you can enter via the rear carpark or the front entrance on Vincent St, or maybe both, as I've never been to one of these things before :cheer:

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Some bad but also ironically good news. Alas we won't be able to present the petition tonight, for several reasons, the main one being we had to give a weeks notice before doing so instead of a 24 hour notice which I was lead to believe was the case.

The good side of this is we can keep the petition open for another 3 weeks. So, once again, please tell everyone you know about the petition & get them to sign. Likewise, if you haven't done so already, please do here: http://www.gopetition.com.au/petitions/ces...imal-pound.html

Edited by DMA
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