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Barf For A Puppy?


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Hello all!

I am trying to get my puppy settled on a new diet, and since he turns his nose up at his royal canin kibble, I was thinking of going BARF. Would this be ok for a puppy? He is a 14 week old mini dachshund. I'm able to get the Dr B patties from my local pet store (non pet selling). Would this be a better idea than making my own since he's a baby? I just want to make sure he gets all the right nutrients. With the patties, how much would I feed the 2.7kg fella? Do I just defrost the night before?

Looking forward to hearing your words of wisdom!

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Just found this on the barfaustralia website:

Puppies – Small to Medium Breeds

Feed 3% - 5% of bodyweight per day – divided into 3 to 4 small meals

So I assume it would be suitable for pups then! I'd love some feedback still on feeding this to puppies.. Also what flavour is the yummiest (for doggies lol!). I've read on here that some smell? I know the chicken one is popular but I feed my boy chicken necks, so he probably needs red meat in his diet. Otherwise I could get lambs necks instead of chicken necks then go with the chicken patties? What red meat bones are ok for such a small boy?

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I changed my Chihuahua puppy over to BARF patties about a week after I got him home. His breeder fed Advanced puppy biscuits and dog roll. He's 1 now and still on BARF, he loves it.

I just put my BARF patties in the fridge (unwrapped and in a container) the night before I need them to defrost. They don't usually fully defrost overnight so I sometimes I feed them partially frozen too.

Edited by moosepup
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My boss have their Leonberger put on BARF since 8 weeks, and the breeder fed her own raw mix...

she is big and strong and winning shows with her gorgeous coat:)

They give her chicken wings and necks and omega oils mixed in as well as BARF byitself can cause plaque build up as their is no chewing... so as long as they r getting stuff to chew one they will be fine :driving: Luna girl is a champ on it so im all for it :provoke:

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I started by GSD pup on the BARF patties when I got him ... I was going to feed him on Royal Canin or Artimas but he definately preferred the BARF.

As he got bigger and was eating more .... and I switched my older boy to BARF ... I found it easier to buy Canine Country as it came in a 1kg roll.

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Thanks so much everyone for your replies! I bought the chicken flavoured patties last night and defrosted them as you said moosepup, he had some for breakfast this morning and gobbled it all up! So I'm very happy!

A few more questions if you all don't mind? I think I'm going to feed him 3% of his body weight daily as he could put on a little weight, so that's just over 80grams a day. If I divide the pattie into 3 portions then that's 3 days worth of 75grams a day. So could I feed him that with a bone of some description each day? Or do you think he needs more of the pattie daily? How much do you guys feed with little dogs? Also do any of you alternate the flavours? I'm thinking of getting a few different flavours so he can have different ones each day (I should mention that he has an iron stomach and has never had a tummy upset from anything I've fed him!).

Lastly (lol), what bones are best for little dogs? Everything I have read on here is for big dogs! From my research I think I'll try: chicken necks (he already has these), chicken carcass, fresh roo tail (no idea where I'd find this though!), lamb flaps (not sure about these?) and lamb necks. Maybe salmon heads. Any others?

Thanks again everyone!

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brisket bones are good, softer so they can eat them all they are a bit fatty though so i cut some of the fat off

i get mine from woolies in the pet food section in a 1 or 2 kg bag otherwise a good buytcher should have them

you can get roo bones from a pet food shop but they are very hard and the dogs cant really eat them all but they are good for chewing

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I feed chicken necks, chicken wings, chicken frames, rabbit, brisket bones, whole fish.

Normally the packaging said to feed x amount of patties with the same amount of bones - these need to be digestible bones. Basically bones your dog will completely eat ... so I find the above better because they are eaten fully.

Stuff like roo tails and marrow bones are more recreational bones (for my boys) ... they chew on them but they are not fully eaten.

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I feed mostly chicken necks and wings. Brisket bones don't sit right with me either and my dogs don't enjoy them as much.

As for BARF flavours, I normally get chicken and lamb but sometimes get rabbit or beef. I defrost 2 patties together (1 of each flavour) and feed a bit of both to each dog. I mix in a little sprinkle of VAN Health Booster and they get sardines in oil a few times a week too. And the occasional dollop of yoghurt.

I also recommend Happy Paws Training Treats. They are completely natural (no colours, flavours, preservatives) and perfectly treat sized. I'd go with Perfect Puppy for a little guy like yours. It seems a little expensive but they last for AGES. And the customer service is top notch. :laugh:

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I believe that Dr B's patties are meant to be fed with about 60% RMB's, it isn't really specific about that on the packet though but in his books he raves that RMB's MUST be fed EVERY day, so it makes sense that they should make a fair part of the diet with his patties too!

I feed Canine Country BARF patties, I believe the quality is superior to Dr B's, otherwise it's basically the same idea.

It's easy enough to make your own if you have an idea of what you're doing, and the time to puree the veggies and liver etc. I'd recommend his book, Give Your Dog a Bone.

CHicken wings are the favorite here.

Good luck!

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I'm a bit worried about brisket bones from all the horror stories on here about dogs choking on them! I'm not sure what they even look like, off to google I go!

What about lamb shanks?

Unless I've missed something, I don't think you need to worry much about a Mini Dachshund choaking on a brisket bone. The only ones I've ever heard of are dogs with bigger and stronger jaws - Staffords and Bullmastiffs feature a fair bit - they seem to have the strength to be able to pull the bone in to their throats when it's too big to swallow. I've lost one that way myself :laugh:

Lamb shank - would he be able to eat the leg bone? It'd be a bit hard I would think? Oxtails are a good recreational bone for a smaller mouth too - lots of corners and bits to pull on and a lot of the bone is very soft and covered with gristle so very yummy for them.

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nadz- the idea of raw meaty bones is that the dog eats the lot- meat/gristle/bone.

so- NON WEIGHTBEARING bones- ie: not legs/shanks etc are the best to use, as they are somewhat softer :laugh:

Shanks can splinter- and they are very hard. Not ideal, IMO.

if your boy gets red meat in his patties- and gets soft chicken bones for his chewing/calcium , that may balance out :laugh:

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Thanks everyone I think I have it sorted now! He gets half a pattie a day (maybe less when he has put on a little bit of weight but we'll see), as well as a bone of some description most days. At the moment he has lamb necks and chicken necks but I'll adventure into different bones in the future. I'm also going to buy the beef BARF because currently he has chicken, and then I'll alternate the bones (chicken neck on beef BARF day, lamb neck on chicken BARF day).

Again, thanks to all :thanks:

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