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Reminiscing Thread


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How did you get started in showing?

What was your first dog/breed?

What is your favourite memory? (Doesn't need to be a win but just a significant moment, maybe the moment you knew you were hooked?)

Who do you thank from your early days?

Who really helps/helped you out and you wouldn't be where you are without them?

There are more questions I was thinking of but this will do for now. Feel free to add questions or whatever other answers you think fit.

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How did you get started in showing? We bought our first dog when I was about 7 - we all showed him at different stages, my mum, dad and I.

What was your first dog/breed? Cairn Terrier called Duffy

What is your favourite memory? I don't remember it well but I am forever greatful that other people, have and still do, entrust me with their dogs to show. Right from the start I was given the opportunity to help handle Chihuahua's and a Fox Terrier (Smooth).

Who do you thank from your early days? My mum, Diane Chard (Chardell Chihuahua's), Prue Burnett, Carol Smith (my dog show 'other' mother)

Who really helps/helped you out and you wouldn't be where you are without them? Everyone in Darwin has helped me in some way, whether it be what to do or what not to do, but apart from the above my favourite person and still a major influence in my showing life is Sandra Lew-Fatt, without the guidance of these people I would never have achieved the things that I have in Junior Handling or in the Confirmation ring.

Over favourite memories Some of my other favourite memories include competing at JH finals, my very first BIS with Sandra's Pug Bonnie. The night Bonnie got her last points for her Grand Ch. Cindy Easterbrook offering to purchase a Lhasa Apso for me to campaign and the day he got his title.

Too many to list probably.

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How did you get started in showing? I'd shown horses and no longer had the time or the stables at home, so I opted for showing a dog instead

What was your first dog/breed? My first pedigree was a Frenchie, my first show dog was a Dobe

What is your favourite memory? From days gone bye, it would have been my very first BIG under Mr Valli. I was so new to it all that I had no idea I'd won it , until he yelled at me " do you want it or not? " :laugh:

Who do you thank from your early days? Lena Cordon, who saw the potential and Mae Hart who was a bloody hard task master

Who really helps/helped you out and you wouldn't be where you are without them? Mel from Joden has basically set me up again from scatch, after many many disappointments and getting to the point where I could have packed it all in. She's not just given me dogs but the very best from her kennel.

In terms of help at the shows Emily-Kate and Georgia have been way more help than the OH over the last few years :laugh: and I wouldn't get in and out of the ring most weekends without AmstaffAmbition.

Over favourite memories My first dog just turning six months and a judge saying to me that he nearly did it, over much older competition. The next day he won his first challenge and RUBOB.

Moments of clarity and personal achievement It was only last year that it all came together and I finally said to myself that I can handle a Stafford, I don't screw it up anymore and I can overcome anything that the dog chucks at me in the ring. I now change dogs and bitches with confidence and ease and understand that they are all different and show them accordingly. It only took 15 years to get there :(

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How did you get started in showing?

When I bought my first Manchester Terrier I decided to join the local all breed club. I had thought more along the obedience lines but they had a peek at the dog and suggested I 'show'...I knew nothing about it and figured what the hell...how hard can this be? Figured I'd show a few times and see how it went...got hooked badly and am still at it!

What was your first dog/breed? My first purebred dog was a sable GSD however I didn't show her...it wasn't til I got my first Manchester Terrier that I started this madness!! (see above)

What is your favourite memory? (Doesn't need to be a win but just a significant moment, maybe the moment you knew you were hooked?) It wasn't a case of knowing when I was hooked or a specific memory that did it, but my strongest memory was when I took that terrier in as a puppy and he went breed for his first points over a champion.

Who do you thank from your early days? One of the most influencial people was a woman named Laurinda who was a handler and amazing to watch. She could go from a Dane to a Chihuahua and never miss a beat. She was kind enough to take me under her wing and show me the ropes. I will always be grateful to her for helping this newbie and consider her one of the most influencial people to me.

Who really helps/helped you out and you wouldn't be where you are without them? See above. As well I give a lot of credit to a great all breed club and one woman named "noonie" who kept us grounded when we won and picked us up when we lost....she was an amazing woman who we lost two days after our show finished one year and we always will miss her humour and experience.

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How did you get started in showing? I just wanted a male English Setter with preference for a specific colour. He was the only male in that litter who was that colour but he was also the best... so suggestion was to start showing... took me a few months to get into the ring but once i figured I could do it without totally humilating myself i started showing more often... turns out i ruined my first dog LOL he hated the ring (retired without title) but i have learned a lot since then and can't wait for another one!!

What was your first dog/breed? first breed was a weimaraner... but they werent shown. First showdog English Setter.Currently show a weimaraner and OES.

What is your favourite memory? (Doesn't need to be a win but just a significant moment, maybe the moment you knew you were hooked?) I guess my favourite memory when i look back on it was winning RCC under a UK judge over older competition at the royal show. I didnt really know what it meant at the time but i look back on it as a pretty huge achievement particularly as I didn't ever have that much competition again! :rasberry: it was then i realised that my dog wasn't crap, just my handling.

Who do you thank from your early days? I guess from very early days would be my mum,who has been with me on this journey every step of the way... Liz, Spartan's breeder who entrusted me with my first showdog who she could have kept for herself... also worthy of thanks for the help i received is tracy mol. more recently i thank Suzanne who has helped me a lot with my current breed and learning more than i ever could have about weimaraners.

Who really helps/helped you out and you wouldn't be where you are without them? Faolmor and Mr Faolmor have helped me out so much and I wouldnt' have continued on with it if it hadnt been for them and the support and help i have had from them over the years. My mum again, cos she helped me through a lot too (including the hours spent grooming!)... Another person who helped me out was my sister, who saw that my need to show was greater than hers and allowed me to take on handling her OES when I had no dogs of my own to show...

Edited by SparkyTansy
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How did you get started in showing?

Thanks to Rebanne who pointed the breed out to me at a local show I fell in love with Fauves. Neil was very open to a newbie showing one of the pups and the rest is history.

What was your first dog/breed?

Basset Fauve De Bretagne. My first was Marie and I can't imagine loving a Fauve more than I love her. She's my girl.

What is your favourite memory? (Doesn't need to be a win but just a significant moment, maybe the moment you knew you were hooked?)

The first time we won a class in group was great. Another great moment was when the Judge corrected the steward on the name of our breed and after the show told me how close we came to getting Runner-Up in Group and how lovely my dog was - a huge thing from someone who has seen them overseas! Wodonga Show in 2008 when there were about 6 Fauves entered at one time. It was a great day with loads of showies watching on the edge of the ring as we all ran around - makes me smile just thinking about it!

Who do you thank from your early days?

First one of course is Neil who let me purchase my first bitch completely in my own name.

There have been a number of DOLers who have been really helpful - Rebanne for pointing them out, Tibbiemax & Morsha for coming to shows with me, SBT123 for helpful tips over the years including picking Daphne out of the litter AND choosing her name, Fifi for always been excited about every little thing that I do, Alicia from Taejaan for answering all my stupid questions every week and just for being my friend and my husband for letting me do this :rasberry: . I'm sure I've forgotten heaps of people who have been a huge part in me enjoying the beginning of my showing experience and I apologise if you are one of them!! So many DOLers have contributed to my enjoyment as well as lots of local showies who have nothing to do with DOL.

Who really helps/helped you out and you wouldn't be where you are without them?

See above!

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How did you get started in showing?

A friends mother had been showing Bearded Collies for many years so when I got my first show dog I decided to give it a go, with her help and guidance.

What was your first dog/breed?

Blue Roan Cocker Spaniel that I got when I was 7 years old and I wanted to show her but my parents weren't interested and we didn't know anybody who showed dogs anyways. First show dog (that I actually got into the ring with) was a Bearded Collie.

What is your favourite memory? (Doesn't need to be a win but just a significant moment, maybe the moment you knew you were hooked?)

The first time I won a class in group I was hooked. The breeder of my beardie had been helping me with grooming and showing the dog. I had recently started doing all those things myself and won a class in group so I was over the moon.

Who do you thank from your early days?

Kathy Tasker from Filial Bearded Collies. She was a fantastic help and still is.

Who really helps/helped you out and you wouldn't be where you are without them?

See above and Betty Stepkovitch for taking me under her wing.

Edited by Havasneeze
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