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Today I Have Lost My Best Friend


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Today was the day I have been dreading for a very long time,

I had to say goodbye to my best friend, but now she is free of pain & tablets.

I know she will be waiting for me at the bridge.

She certainly had a very fullfilling 16 years, I am still in shock at the moment. :laugh:

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SB **I knew when I gave Misty into your keeping 16 years ago that I could not have found her a better home**To have lived so ;ong with so many health problems is testament to the Care and Love you lavished on her and for that I Thank You**RIP sweet Lady

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SB, I am so sorry for your loss. Your loss is devastating because your love for Misty was so deep. She was a very, very special girl and my heart breaks for you having to go through this terrible grief.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. RIP Misty! :rofl: Wait for your mum at the bridge. She will miss you so much! :rofl:

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There are no words that can heal your pain ,but please know my thoughts run deep ,Misty will be waiting for u ,you did all you could for her ,try consouling yourself with the dedicaion you both shared .

Reat easy now misty no more pain .

watch over yr treasured ones .

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