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Puppy School - Canberra, Act


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I have a 10 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and I'm keen to get her to puppy school (hopefully stop her annoying habit of attacking my feet while playing with her!)

Does anyone have any recommendations for good puppy schools in Canberra? I'm in the Woden area but willing to travel anywhere that's worth it! I'm hoping to get her in sooner rather than later and some of the places I've called have no spaces until mid-March unfortunately.

Any recommendations greatly appreciated!


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Hi Lola,

I took Saxon to the puppy pre-school at Hall Vet, in September last year. It was a good experience for us, the vet nurses who ran it were very friendly and knowledgeable. It only went for 4 weeks though and was mainly about socialisation. They did teach us (and the puppies) some basic commands and how to train using positive reinforcement/rewards, as well as toilet training tips, appropriate play between puppies, and an intro to examining your puppy yourself and preparing them for vet visits.

I'd certainly recommend it as a starting point, but as Saxon is my first dog, I don't have anything to compare it to. Also, don't know if you would get in before mid-March, but worth checking if you're interested.

Good luck!

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Does anyone have any recommendations for good puppy schools in Canberra? I'm in the Woden area but willing to travel anywhere that's worth it! I'm hoping to get her in sooner rather than later and some of the places I've called have no spaces until mid-March unfortunately.

Any recommendations greatly appreciated!


I'd recommend Delta instructors - there is a list of ACT based instructors here - http://www.deltasocietyaustralia.com.au/cgc/cgc_canberra.htm

I've met the person who is listed as being at the RSPCA and she's great

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