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Smell Stopper


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Couldn't think of what the "correct" name for this may :laugh: be, but I'm asking opinions on "the best" potion to spray over an area where a puppy has had an accident. Logan (9 week Golden Retriever) had an accident when he went into our lounge room yesterday. I used what I thought was a "good" one, but this morning he went back to the same spot again. I was just one step behind him, it seems he "likes" this spot...but I don't! :) I am mad at myself for allowing him to get into this room, he was just so quick...baby gates today !! Any suggestions most gratefully appreciated!

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You don't want to use anything with Amonia in it - so generally none of the common house hold cleaning products.

For hard surfaces, vinegar works well.

There are also a number of speciality products you can buy for pet urine, I've used 'Urine Off' (on carpet and polished wood) which seemed to do the job, I had a blacklight as well to check the area afterwards. Most of these products require you to remove as much of the urine as you can and then soak the area with product and leave to dry naturally.

When our lab was a baby we went through an awful lot of paper towel until we got the toilet break timing right. :laugh:

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Ohhh I'm so hearing you, the little Humphrey Bumphrey had a big disaster on Saturday - read my post in the Golden Retriever thread :rofl::rofl: Suffice to say it involved carpet, paper towels, a blocked toilet, water and then a broken washing machine!!! :rofl: oh it was fun and games.

I did the vinegar/water thing, seems to be ok so far. Although funnily enough we had planned to pull up the carpet in a few weeks to replace with floorboards - great choice me thinks!!! :rofl:

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