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Can Anything Be Done To Keep Cats Away?


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Perhaps she's implying that the cat becomes distressed and anxious if kept inside at night ....

Or maybe the cat does inside what it is currently doing outside the OP's window. The owner of course would find more comfort if the cat was elsewhere making its noise. Wonder if the cat is desexed?

Edited by Erny
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My dogs love to 'hunt' possums, they would much prefer to be left loose in the yard all night, but I confine them inside because their little whinges and barks might annoy the neighbours. Cat owners should have the same consideration.

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Ice cubes (evidence melts) and a sling shot ....

That's horrible. :laugh:

Maybe ... but I was sick of having to deal with the cat shit in my gardens, the mulch spread everywhere, the digging up of my plants, the screaming cat fights in my front yard and the dogs barking at them when they sit on the top of the fence.

I had tried a number of expensive "repellents" that did absolutely nothing ... along with a number of other things before I resorted to this and it only took a couple of good shots and they haven't come back again ...

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My dogs love to 'hunt' possums, they would much prefer to be left loose in the yard all night, but I confine them inside because their little whinges and barks might annoy the neighbours. Cat owners should have the same consideration.

My GSD's are the same - and i do the same thing, they are confined when i go to bed. As to the cats...i have several cats and they are all kept inside with access to the cat run - and they are happy, healthy and safe cats. As opposed to the people across the road who have two cats, they had a third which i believe was hit by a car, who wander over and annoy the surrounding neighbours dogs (including my own), they pee on my car, pee in my garden and crap in my garden - i'm sorry...i have several more cats then they do but noone would know unless i told them! Even the neighbours who can see the cat run have no idea how many cats we have! And that's how it should be...lol - dogs are to be contained in their yard...same for kitties, makes sense to me for the health and safety of my own animals let alone anyone elses sanity!

Apparently spearmint/peppermint oil can deter cats - not sure how often it needs to be reapplied tho. You can also get some fence toppers which can keep cats out due to how they are 'loose' and so the cats won't use that fence top because they can't 'land/balance' on it properly.

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In the letter she dropped into our box yesterday she said they had to take him to the vet to get medication in order to be able to keep him in at night as per my previous request. What could that be about?

trying to guilt you :laugh: it's their problem not yours. I have 3 contained cats and they do fine

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i have trapped and taken all roaming cats to the pound and i do not feel guity....what pushed me over the edge....having a nice day in the garden with the dog and she was really quiet so i went to investigate and she was eating cat shit...then on top of that the cat was sleeping on my sports car roof and leaving hair on it...they had to go!!!!

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You're in NSW.

It is illegal for their cats to be a nuisance - ie keep you awake at night.


It seems like someone complained to council and now the owner has to do something to keep her cat(s) in at night.

Keep a log and let your council know every time those cats wake you up.

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i have trapped and taken all roaming cats to the pound and i do not feel guity....what pushed me over the edge....having a nice day in the garden with the dog and she was really quiet so i went to investigate and she was eating cat shit...then on top of that the cat was sleeping on my sports car roof and leaving hair on it...they had to go!!!!

Darcy used to eat the neighbours cat poo too. It smells disgusting on their breath and then they want to come and give you kisses...ewww :laugh:

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I am having this EXACT problem. Neighbour's cat keeps coming into my yard and the freaking bell on its collar is like a gong - I can hear it coming down my driveway from a mile off and of course, at 12am in the morning my dog gets very territorial and starts barking/growling. It makes me mad that I have to scold him because this whole thing should NOT be my problem. Not to mention I sometimes get woken up at 2am because of said cat - seriously want to shoot it.

Have spoken to neighours twice, they take the stance that apparently if they remove the collar other neighbours have complained about their cat killing things. SO KEEP IT INDOORS YOU VAPID MORONS. Argh so frustrating!! They're pretty much choosing to ignore me, perhaps it's because I look "young', therefore they think my opinion or my problem doesn't mean much. The woman even had the BALLS to say: "it's cat versus dog" - what kind of stupid excuse is that??

I'm looking into getting a dog whistle because these said neighbours also have a yappy dog who likes to bark and I will be stationing myself outside, hanging over the fence and blowing whistle loud and clear. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Oh and once I get my drivers license you can BET I will be hiring a cat trap and taking said cat to the pound.

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I have a solution :provoke:.

Put an anti-bark collar on the cat.


Took me a couple of seconds to work this one out. LOL GREAT idea!!!

PS. Just purchased a dog whistle. I am going to give cat-owning neighbours a taste of their own medicine once it arrives.

Edited by chichihuahua
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They are small so why arent they kept inside houses!!! First they make a mess in others yards, they kill baby birds (they two were safe in our yard despite falling out of the nest as the mother bird was hanging around til a cat got both took them away and returned them the following week without their insides), and owners who let them roam dont seem to understand they are targets for cars, dogs, teenagers with firecrackers, etc (there are worse things than and ice cube or a cat trap).

And after the birds any cat in our yard will get sorted with the back door being opened for the dog to go out there (she loves to chase cats and its her yard!! no she doesnt catch them she just likes to chase them now rats whether they be grey ones or bush rats she does try to catch...)

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