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New Nsw Legislation For Greyhounds


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This was posted in the Hawkesbury pound thread:

Due to new legislation all owners/trainers will now be forced to advise & account for every dog in care, living on properties or leaving care including surrenders or those pts. Pts must now be administered by a Vet other than a pound.

Can anyone confirm if this is true? Can anyone tell me where to find the relevant legislation?

I am hoping that this would be beneficial in the long run, BUT if greyhounds have to be taken to a vet for pts and are not surrendered to the pound, then they lose the chance (slim though it may be) of being picked up by a rescue group :laugh:

Is this type of legislation already in place in other states? If so, has it improved things for greys or not?

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i thought the same too, will they just go to the vets, by passing the pound?

or can they get around it by surrendering them still? i think it is still cheaper for them to surrender than pts, so will go this way if they can.

i too am worried it may make things worse. :laugh:

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It sounds like they will still be able to surrender to the pound or PTS but they will have to keep records of what they do. I'd like to know how it will be policed, as I thought that the GRA already had guidelines in place.

I don't like to see any dogs in pounds but Greys in particular, as the often become ill in a very short space of time. The one's that shit me the most are those who dump on a Saturday night in the middle of winter after a race. No rugs, fresh from the track with no weight on them.

I've pulled one such dog from DAS, I tracked down his details and he raced on the Sat night and was dumped in the night pens. He developed a respiritory infection that was so bad, he had to be PTS the day after he came home.

I'm not sure how it will work though, the one's that have raced would be easier to keep track of but for those who go unnamed there's really no way of knowing their fate.

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Daisy - the new legislation starts on the 1st of March and does allow for greyhounds to be surrendered as pets.

Re your question about euthanasia, the new forms ask for the following:

"What was the main reason the greyhound was euthanased?

Due to Injury

Illness / Age

It was not Suitable for Re-homing or GAP

Lack of Ability

Certificate of Euthanasia from a Registered Veterinary Surgeon or signature and stamp required on form"

edited for clarity

Edited by lillypilly
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  lillypilly said:
Daisy - the new legislation starts on the 1st of March and does allow for greyhounds to be surrendered as pets.

Re your question about euthanasia, the new forms ask for the following:

"What was the main reason the greyhound was euthanased?

Due to Injury

Illness / Age

It was not Suitable for Re-homing or GAP

Lack of Ability

Certificate of Euthanasia from a Registered Veterinary Surgeon or signature and stamp required on form"

edited for clarity

'Lack of ability' - this is the bit that bothers me, they are still going to be bred willy-nilly and slaughtered when not of any further use :laugh:

it is good that they can be surrendered as pets - but how many owners can be bothered rehoming when it is much easier just to send them off to be pts

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Daisy, to me it's the kinder option to PTS, rather than dump in the pound.

If they were surrendered to the pound then they could be rehomed/rescued straight away, but many don't, they dump them and the dogs then have to serve time.

There are always more Greys needing a home, then there are foster/rescue/GAP places. I can't see how not allowing to leave in pounds is going to result in any more dogs not getting rescue, anyone with an available place could take one of the list of trainers that are waiting to do the right thing.

ETA: Maybe this is the start of at least some form of accountability.

Edited by SBT123
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Thank you Daisy :) I too would like to learn more about the legislation.

I am assuming that this has been put in place to stop imhumane killing of Greyhounds. This is not uncommon.

I agree that at least they have a chance of being assesed in some pounds. Greys who test well, then may find an opportunity in rescue & a new home.

It is much cheaper to surrender a Greyhound at a pound than it is to have them pts by a vet/pay for body removal etc.

This is why there is concern that we will see more Greyhounds surrendered, combined with the fact that before the legislation takes effect any Greys not up to scratch will be surrendered so owners & trainers are not accountable for them.

Rescuers of this delightful breed are already struggling to keep up, there is going to be enormous pressure & some very sad moments ahead. :laugh:

There have been Greyhounds surrendered last minute on a weekend after breaking their legs during racing at Hawkesbury.

It is devastating to witness an animal who's life appears to be so worthless to those who are responsible for it.


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I do think GRNSW is attempting to enhance the welfare of racing greys by tracking their lifecycle, however was any consultation made with owners/trainers?

Would ticking the box "Surrendered to another agency" include surrender to a pound?

Is post 1st of March going to be a nightmare for the greyhound trainers and clarity is needed on numerous points?

Eg: There appears to be no provision for the greyhound trainer/owner should one of their dogs die from natural causes or an accident?

Is an autopsy required?

How does the owner/trainer report a deceased grey that has not been euth'd?

..... and before anyone asks - no, I am not a greyhound owner/trainer!

It would be great to hear from GAP or other greyhound rescuers their thoughts on the impact re grey rescue pre and

post 1st march.

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  SBT123 said:
Daisy, to me it's the kinder option to PTS, rather than dump in the pound.

I agree - greyhounds generally do not do well in a pound situation. To be "dumped" then serve time in a stressful envirnoment, then pts is not a nice way for a greyhound to go. Far kinder to pts.

Greys are surrendered to shelters here in Vic, and it is interesting to note that the owners often tick the "rehomed as a pet" box, which is incorrect acording to GRV when we ring to have their ear brands checked.

I can see the spin doctoring now - "Increase in greyhounds rehomed in NSW... 40% rehomed as pets..blah blah" when in actual fact they have been dumped then pts and the box ticked!

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There's got to be a better way to report.

I think one way to overcome the box ticking and manipulation of the self reporting system, for those who choose to dump, would be for pounds to fill in a form for any Grey that comes in. The vast majority have tatts ? it could be as simple as the pound ticking and then sending it back to GRA


left in night pens


and then the outcome




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  SBT123 said:
There's got to be a better way to report.

I think one way to overcome the box ticking and manipulation of the self reporting system, for those who choose to dump, would be for pounds to fill in a form for any Grey that comes in. The vast majority have tatts ? it could be as simple as the pound ticking and then sending it back to GRA


left in night pens


and then the outcome




Have treid to get some of the shelters here in Melbourne to do that - but they don't want to get involved.

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  lillypilly said:
Daisy - the new legislation starts on the 1st of March and does allow for greyhounds to be surrendered as pets.

Re your question about euthanasia, the new forms ask for the following:

"What was the main reason the greyhound was euthanased?

Due to Injury

Illness / Age

It was not Suitable for Re-homing or GAP

Lack of Ability

Certificate of Euthanasia from a Registered Veterinary Surgeon or signature and stamp required on form"

edited for clarity

that form needs another reason added, cant be bothered and/or too stingy, many trainers get rid of them simply because they cannot be bothered booking them onto GAP and paying the fee, it's just convenient to them to put them down and they dont give a damn about the dog. :laugh:

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I think it could be aimed at trying to top the backyard disposal as much as anything. Too many are shot or exsanguinated out the back of a farm when no longer wanted. These hounds can still be reported as died, etc. Unless the Authority in each State is going to try and monitor breeders or trainers that seem to have a higher than normal turnover it won't change anything. It will just encourage it to stay underground, if the surrender to pound option is more difficult or involves more red tape.

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  anniek said:
  SBT123 said:
Daisy, to me it's the kinder option to PTS, rather than dump in the pound.

I agree - greyhounds generally do not do well in a pound situation. To be "dumped" then serve time in a stressful envirnoment, then pts is not a nice way for a greyhound to go. Far kinder to pts.

Greys are surrendered to shelters here in Vic, and it is interesting to note that the owners often tick the "rehomed as a pet" box, which is incorrect acording to GRV when we ring to have their ear brands checked.

I can see the spin doctoring now - "Increase in greyhounds rehomed in NSW... 40% rehomed as pets..blah blah" when in actual fact they have been dumped then pts and the box ticked!

Yes, I agree with the spin doctoring & agree there needs to be far more accountablity.

I agree with your point where Greyhounds struggle in pound environments. Mostly due to heat & cold.

I understand pounds are very individual in their care & rehoming. Hawkesbury do coat the dogs during winter, and they make sure the Greys in particular get out into the run each day. They have overhead sprinklers during hot days & do the best they can under the circumstances. But they are only one pound.

As surrenders Greyhounds have very little time at Hawkesbury, 24 hours, 48 most often, so lengthy impound time is not an issue. Many Greys are kenneled during their lives anyway.

What is crucial (short term) in an effort to give these dogs a chance is a temp assesment with someone who is experienced with the breed. This is only a brief indication in the pound environment though it is a great start.

I have met so many standout Grey's at Hawkesbury who have moved into rescue & the most incredible homes.

I do not for one moment believe we can help them all, though until they are assesed we simply dont know what potential they may have in a home environment.

Assesment as a minmum is so important. I shudder to think of those wonderful souls not afforded this opportunity.

It remains mindblowing for me that this breed in particular are such a disposable comodity. A captive workforce who have no voice. They do not even recognise their "name" when entering the pound as they are simply a number.

Sorry for the rant :laugh: It breaks my heart.

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I was thinking about Hawkesbury when I started this thread, the pound staff and volunteers really do a good job and there are a few greyhound rescuers who take greys from HP, so they do get a good chance at rescue from there, and the conditions are fairly good.

I really do hope the new legislation does some good, but it probably depends greatly on how well it is actually policed.

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We have this in WA and have done so for some time, any registered Grey has this form as part of their registration and weight card.

I've copied and pasted the relevant questions from the 2 page form, there is also a form the Vet must fill in if the Grey has been or has to be euthanased

Retired as Pet - Owner to Keep........................................................

.................... (Attach Registration Certificate)

(Owner’s name/s)

Retired as Pet – Trainer to Keep........................................................

.................. (Attach Registration Certificate)

(Trainer’s name)

Retired as Pet – Third Party to Keep – (Please advise below of the Third Party’s Name, Address and Contact Details)

(Attach Registration Certificate)

Euthanased by a Veterinary Surgeon (Attach Vet Certificate and Registration Certificate)

Deceased – Due to an injury / illness / accident or similar. (Please provide a written explanation in the space below

and attach the Registration Certificate)

Admitted to the WAGRA “Greyhounds As Pets” Programme (Attach Registration Certificate)

Retired to Stud – For breeding purposes as a Brood Bitch / Stud Dog and is residing at .................................................

Retired to Stud – Owner retaining for breeding purposes as a Brood Bitch / Stud Dog and is residing at

(Please circle whichever applicable)

Greyhound Racing Rule 106(3) states:

At the time that a greyhound retires as a racing or breeding greyhound, and if directed by the Controlling Body, the

registered owner of the greyhound shall be responsible for that greyhound and shall advise the Controlling Body if

the greyhound is to be retired as a pet, or in an approved adoption program, or has been euthanased by a

Veterinary Surgeon.

There are a number of rules which I haven't included and I guess the inception of these forms was to stop Grey's being dumped or euthanased for no good reason. At least there is some degree of control from the authorities.

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Hi Daisy

It's an attempt to be able to track the greyhound for its life, and to start putting some accountability back to owners and trainers who can just shoot the dog now, or dump it and not tell anyone.

Theoretically the local Greyhound Racing Authority can examine the data and ask questions of those who seem to dispose of a heck of a lot of greyhounds. I know Victoria are working on this avenue, and trying to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of greyhounds bred in that state. They are also asking a number of owners and trainers awkward questions.

Yes, the owner or trainer may fudge the questions on the form - but at least questions are being asked.

A GAP I know picked up a greyhound in a pound, and started tracing her by her ear tattoos. The original owner had decided that she was't fast enough, so had given her to a friend. The friend gave her to his niece, who then gave her to someone else and so on, and at some point in time she ended up on the streets and was impounded. There was no way to trace who had had her last, and whose responsibility she presently was, because none of these loving caring homes had bothered to microchip her (that GAP found her a loving home by the way, where she is cherished and looked after, and has a microchip which now says that she is registered to her current home).

Greyhound Racing in Australia is also moving to microchips.

Yes, not the total answer, but a step in the right direction.

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