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Blog Love - Do You Have A Blog?


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I know there are lots of people who have blogs for personal and/or work use. Blog love is a good way to increase readership, generate comments and also increase your SEO (search engine optimisation).

For it to work properly, it helps if you disable 'no follow'.

The instructions to disable 'no follow' for 'blogger' are easy to find using google. Wordpress blogs require a plugin.

However, you don't HAVE to do this to be a part of 'blog love' - disabling 'no follow' simply means that robots will crawl your site and also link to people who have left comments. The more links created, the more that google-bots like you. If you choose to not disable 'no follow' then it means that people will leave comments and love and it's just a bit of fun.


1. After you make a post on your blog, come in here and add the direct link to the post.

2. Leave comments on the three or four blogs listed above yours in this thread (at their blog, not in this thread).

Don't make stuff up. If you don't like what you see, find an element you do like, "I really like the dog", "her shoes are great!" - just find a positive element to talk about. It doesn't have to be elaborate.

sooo... I will go first.

here is our latest blog post... the groom is a brother of a DOLer :o


(I'll also comment on the next three blogs listed under me)

Edited by Ashanali
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Like Ash above I have both www.blogspot.com and www.wordpress.org blogs.

Blogger (blogspot) is so much easier and faster to use so far (I've only been using my WP one for a couple of weeks but it does take more time, I find).

Both are free. WordPress also has special themes you can purchase should you not find what you're looking for on the freebies.

Both allow you to customize your blog to suit your look and both have a good variety of plugins to expand the blog capabilities.

Wordpress, I think, has more themes (the way your blog looks/what it does) available and more doohickeys.

I'm a simple girl so I haven't delved into any fancy-schmancy stuff with either of them. I just want to be able to add content fast & easy then have it display the way I want it to.

I'd probably suggest starting out with blogger. It's super simple to import your existing blog into wordpress should you ever want to make a change. I did mine all by myself and since computers hate me, that was amazing LOL

BTW I blog every day on my personal blog -> Kristin's News so have not been putting those links here. I've been slack on the pro blog but hope to get better on that over the next little while, too.

Edited by kja
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Smoothie - love that you're telling this story :thanks:

Cutest little bug yesterday

Thursday's Thinking Out Loud post :laugh:

Thanks, Helen & Ash for the comments. I love comments!

BTW - a great thing to do is to subscribe to different blogs as you then get notification when something new is up. GoogleReader is free and popular. On my own blogs Kristin's News has an RSS feed at the top right so you can click that and choose your settings; on my photo blog it's a blogger one so there's a button at the top :rofl:

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