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Pup Barking When Alone!


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We have just brought home our 8 week old Mastiff, however, when it came to sleeping time, i put him in 'his' room, put him to sleep...all was fine. When he woke up however, and realized that he was alone, he started barking and crying....I tried to let it go, and 'ignore' it, but eventually i gave in, and brought him in with us (with the excuse that it was raining and that it is his first night).

Now i know this must be a generic/basic/simple question, but what is the most suitable thing to do, to get him to get used to sleeping by himself....without being upset?

Any advice is appreciated.

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Are you crate training him? The easiest way is to put him in a crate and put it next to your bed, then you can put your hand down to reassure him and you will also hear him if he needs to go to the toilet. Over the next few weeks gradually move the crate to where you want the puppy to sleep. You will also find a crate very helpful with toilet training.

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HI Gabba

Welcome to new puppies, they cry , suggest that during the day puppy spends small amounts of time in his sleeping place ( do you have a Crate for him Crates are a fantastic den for a unhappy puppy ) as well as at night .

Puppies are not used to being alone they often have their litter mates and somtimes even still sleep close to mum at 8 weeks old so he is going to feel a little unsure ,

The first few nights tend to be a little sleepless but if you practise during the first few days when he is sleepy putting him where he is expected to sleep and being aware of when he is awake and ready to play going to him ( before he crys or after he settles not while he is crying ) he will begin to settle ( also helps if they can hear and see u moving around even if they can not get to you) , make sure that where he sleeps is his place , he is not sharing it or expected to move out of it for your family every day activity and can continue to be his place throughout his life this is one reason why people like crates

ticking clocks , radio on a low volume close to him can help a little but he will cry as he is a baby steel your self and do not go to him when he does and you should be done with this in a week , he will learn that crying will not get a response from you , you can go to him after he is quiet and give him some attention , I tend to wait for the cry to stop at night as my pups sleep confined inside I go to them and take outside to eliminate and then back to bed for both of us no play all business it does pass and you can take out the earplugs and get some sleep , Oh and we do love puppy picks please

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I agree with Miranda. Have him close to you, he is a baby and has only ever known his Mum and litter mates. All my pups/dogs have slept close to me, none have had issues at a later date when it comes to easing them to another sleeping area.

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