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To My Dearest Cat Sama


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I was not told of her passing until thursday, but our dearest family cat Sama (samantha) was placed into an eternal slumber on monday at the age of 22, her kidneys were beginning to fail and it was my dad who made the choice to let her sleep instead of allowing it to get to a stage she would suffer.

Sama has been my families cat for many years, she was a female tortoise shell born in whyalla, we first met her naughtily playing with her brothers and sisters around my nan and pops house, my mum decided to adopt sama out of all the kittens. Tortoise shells back in 1987 weren't very common. She sported a beautiful coat in her younger days, but her gorgeous face was not to be misunderstood, she did have a temper and she would often hiss or scratch once she had had enough pats.

When we moved to Adelaide she came with us, I remember her howling in the cardboard box she was kept in during the trip, she did not once shut up. And during our time in adelaide she got into a fight which we thought she was going to be blind in one eye, but lucky for her it was a surface scratch and she recovered well. And when we moved to mount isa when she was 5 she began to grow quite fond of me and would sit by my side when i sat in the grass to think, and would lay on my bed at night. at the age of 12 she was attacked with a slug gun, she recovered quickly and acted like nothing had happened. She was a very tough cat, and often showed up the dogs in the streets, no dog would dare try her, not even the rottweilers next door.

As things changed, she stayed with my mum when my parents broke up, but her constant moving around mount isa did not phase her. She took it all in stride, then when mum passed away she lived back with my dad, unfortunately at the time I had my own two cats with me, and as much as i would have loved her with me, she did not like my cats one bit, and as she was the family cat she stayed with my sis, brother and dad instead. She spent the rest of her days at my dads, even when i last seen her at 19 she was sharp on sight and sound and the only thing which showed she was older was the thinning of her coat and the now once beautiful tortoise shell coat was a mix of greys and sepia browns. Only in these last few months of her life had she begun to lose her hearing, but for a cat who was fed home brand cat biscuits her entire life, I can honestly say she was a one in a million.

Her death is sad, but I am happy that she had achieved such a long and healthy life, for this i am proud to have had such a cat like her.

So to my Dearest Sama

Forever cherished you will be, in our hearts and in our minds. Sleep well and never forget the memories you had when you were awake.


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