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Mating Dogs At Kcc Park

Bisart Dobes

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Yup - you read it right :cry: and its been bugging me all day - - -

Last night when out running two of my dogs two people arrived at KCC Park and parked close to where I was parked. I had my younger dog out at the time - the older (and very quick to 'catch' the ladies) dog had been out already (LUCKILY :eek: ). As I could see one of the people in the trees from where I was I called him in and put him on lead (as I had been training as well) to walk him back to the car.

When I had put him in the car I saw that their two dogs were in a tie :eek: . This was at KCC Park right out the front where the showrings are for all and sundry to see. People training their dogs about 20 mtrs away, the rotty club training was about to start so cars full of people, kids and dogs arriving etc etc

Now I personally don't have an issue with seeing dogs mate its a normal part of our world I guess but I do find it really weird that you would even consider doing a mating somewhere like that.

I can't imagine ever even considering putting my dogs - bitch or dog - in that situation. Not a secure environment, not a clean environment etc etc etc

This is the second time I have seen these people doing this, the other time was about 4 or 5 months ago. I don't know - it is just weird to me that you would consider that the right thing to do.

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We've done matings in some weird and wonderful places. We use a stud master who can be hard to track down, and have met him at a service station, in the carpark of an RSL Club, outside his work and at Erskine Park grounds......

Maybe it is a convenient place to meet for the mating, without having to make one party travel so far? There could be a variety of reasons. Not everyone leaves their bitches at the stud dogs home, some bitches are spoilt rotten and dont cope, and some stud owners dont have the facilities to cope with a bitch in season.

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I've done a mating at the showgrounds in a quiet corner of the pavilion. We were both going to the show, I had the dog and the bitch was coming down from the country and was right in on that particular day so it was the easiest place to do it. We did wait until general specials so there weren't so many people around, but no one seemed bothered.

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My Stafford "poisonous plant" litter was conceived on a cricket pitch somewhere in country Victoria. As they tied, the smartarse dog owner yelled out "HOWZAT!" :eek:

You gotta do what you gotta do when and where you can do it! :eek:

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I had a male who wouldn't "do it" at the vets and we needed to collect semen. So I chose a park nearby early in the morning, round the back of the building fronting onto thick bushland in the bloody rain and people kept wandering by. It doesn't matter if you choose the quietest corner, someone always turns up at the worst time... :eek: I couldn't do it at home as I lived too far away.

I don't see why matings are a problem at KCC park. It's dog grounds, set aside for dog activities. It's a dog activity :eek:

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Well sometimes you just have to get the dogs mated where ever you can. My whippet had her final mating at a Mini Horse show at Ballarat a few weeks back :( . People have commitments and if you really really want the bitch bred, well you have to work around peoples schedules.

Well I did get to watch cute little horses while the dogs were tied for 20mins :rofl:

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