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Bee Sting


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Keep an eye on him and if there is any sign whatsoever that his tongue / mouth / face / throat is swelling, straight to the vet.

Apparently about half of dogs will have an allergic reaction to bee stings - which can be life threatening - and about half won't.

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Thanks. He is fine now :thumbsup: I will keep an eye on his paw as my female got stung in December and it ended up infected and needed a trip to the vet.

I better get DH out there to mow the lawn as it is overgrown with clover and attracting all the bees

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As Sam&Saki said - any swelling of the face / mouth / throat or any difficulty breathing should have a vet visit.

Dogs that only have a local reaction can just be monitored closely. It is unusual to find the sting but occasionally we do and if it is still present I would gently scrape it from the skin. You could also use an icepack to reduce pain and swelling.

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