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Another Charlie Update

W Sibs

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Despite Charlie's high spirit and being back to himself again. He looks great and looks healthy. His inside isn't getting better. His problems bones are actually vanishing :rofl:

They are going to do another test.. something that has NEVER happens in Australia and that's Vitamin D deficiancy. Interesting to see what the test results have to say... every other test is always been inconculsive.

Other from that, he has to go back for another xray in 6 weeks... he won't be on other special meds. Only metacam (anti infam meds) when he needs it. I think they want to see how fast his bones is "vanishing"

They are all shocked on how great he looks and is acting, because his condition he should be in pain and won't be able to to walk. Must less try to run away from the vet when she tried to pick him up :thumbsup: One of the specialist said the reason for that is probably how my boyfriend and I treat him. We treat him like a dog, we keep his mind active, we still take him everywhere and we don't feel bad for him... I thought that was a nice thing to say.


one of my fave pics of Charles Wentworth

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Gee, that's crook So not only is he not assimilating Vit D, it is going from his body? So calcium uptake would be affected? Not metabolising it?

Does the specialist have any ideas?

BTW, he is really cute, I haven't seen any photos of him before (never go to the photo thread, if he is there), such a dark colour, such a cute face. He is very Cav. looking.

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Sometimes I seriously think the specialist is clueless.. LOL

Seriously, they have never seen a case like Charlie before. There is never a confirm test results, so they have been working with what seems right. All the things they are coming up with, they have never dealt or heard of before. So, they are quite unsure on what to do.

But, looking online I just found a study that seems to say that vitamin D deficient dogs may have elevated parathyroid hormone levels (which Charlie has) and that the body doesn't respond as well to that hormone, causing low calcium in the blood.

and thanks Jed.. he is very cute :thumbsup:

He is looking more and more cav as he is getting older.

Edited by charleswentworth
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excuse me for my lack of knowledge lol, what does this mean for charlie, is this condition treatable? I have seen you around in the forums a bit and its very obvious that you love your dog so much and to have a bone issue so young makes me feel for you very much :rofl:

I looked at your sig and saw that he is only 11 months old and I thought OMG hes so young and to already going through so much, I cant even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you and charlie. :thumbsup:

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excuse me for my lack of knowledge lol, what does this mean for charlie, is this condition treatable? I have seen you around in the forums a bit and its very obvious that you love your dog so much and to have a bone issue so young makes me feel for you very much :rofl:

I looked at your sig and saw that he is only 11 months old and I thought OMG hes so young and to already going through so much, I cant even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you and charlie. :thumbsup:


His condition is very rare... so they don't know how to treat it.

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CWW - I really hope very hard that there is something that can be found and done for Charlie.

I congratulate you on your attitude. I'm sure you are more upset and worried than what your very sensible posts portray - I love the fact that you treat Charlie like a dog. I think that's one of the highest honours we can give our dogs. Good for you. Many people find that hard to do when there is nothing wrong with the health of their dogs. To be able to do so in the face of such a trying health issue must be very difficult. After all, I know that you are human with human emotions too.

Good luck. I'll be wishing it so hard for Charlie and for you.

Edited by Erny
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I'm really sorry to hear that Charlie's health isn't improving CW. I had hoped that he was making slow progress (well, fast progress would be better, but since you hadn't said anything I thought that maybe it was just slow going).

He certainly is looking quite cav-like. He even has the whole blenheim colour happening. ;) Gentle hugs for the lovely boy and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the Vit D difficiency is the key and that it's workable. :offtopic:

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Thanks guys.

I'm feeling a bit down about the whole thing, because I honestly really believe that Charlie was getting better. It might be a very slow process (which i expect and prepared myself for), i didn't expect to think that he wasn't improving.

But, I'm watching him playing "Search" with his daddy (it's his favorite game and we discovered a new way we could get him to eat his dry food :offtopic: ) right now with that determine look on his face and that goofy grin he has when he finds his reward. It's hard for me to be down to long, because despite the news I got, I just know that he will get better.

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