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Crate Training


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My two dogs were originally crate trained as puppies. But once they were toilet trained I really didn't bother with it and they just slept wherever they felt like, mostly on my bed. I've done some crate games over the years but I've never actually finished the whole program :cry:

My dogs used to be impeccibly behaved, however after I broke up with my partner in May last year my priorities changed a bit and slowly they became more and more unruly. Don't get me wrong they weren't neglected or anything like that... they still got their walks and some training etc but the standards for their house hold manners lapsed a little.

I know this is my fault and therefore need to rectify these things because I now have two door dashing, barking, jump all over the people at the front door dogs that have little respect for me as their leader. It's time to re-establish all the original boundaries.

The first step is for them not to sleep on my bed. Whilst I love having them on there I think that this is an important decision to make. I would love it if they could just sleep on their beds on the floor but that will never happen as they just magically appear on the bed...so sneaky!!!

Has anyone else crated their puppy and then gone back to it when they were older? Was it an easy transition? I can imagine that one of my dogs will not be too happy going back to living a dogs life after his life of luxury and having everything his own way!

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I crate trained James as a pup,but, like you as they got older stopped worrying about where they slept as he was well behaved...

I have recently started crating again... mostly for my Weimaraners benefit rather than james, but I crate James next to Ari in the hope that it will comfort her.

Initially it was a lot of praise, bones and fun things to do. I know that James no longer requires any of this stuff and sleeps during the day. He never barks in his crate. Ari still requires the extra entertainment otherwise destruction ensues (see my thread on bedding LOL), however she was never 100% crate trained as a pup as she broke out of a metal crate as a young puppy. James appears to be quite happy to go into his crate now. He gets fed in there also which I think helps.

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Keisha09 - Ness was maybe 4 or 5 when I introduced her to a crate (and she had never been crated as a baby) and she by choice opted to sleep in it when it was made available. Prior to that she slept on the bed. We got rid of the crate and replaced it with a dog bed and she still sleeps in the corner on her bed.

Her little feral sister on the other hand was crated for the first 6 or 7 months at night and migrated to my bed where she still prefers to spend the entire night :cry: .

I did however have a crate up in the other room for a long while last year and they both would routinely be found napping in it during the day.

Edited by ness
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