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Is The First Always The Hardest?

Oscar (AmBull)

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I have read a lot recently on DOL about how people’s older dogs teach their new puppy’s so much about behaviour/boundaries. I have been wondering if this makes the first dog/puppy all the harder as they have no other dogs to really learn from. We don’t want to get another dog until Oscar is where he needs to be obedience wise and definitely needs to mature a lot, however we wonder at times if he will ever get there. Have other people experienced this? When do you know it is the right time for another dog?

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Ummm.. I don't think so. If you are a confident owner, and you have established that you're the pack leader, then adding another dog/puppy wouldn't be so hard. If Oscar already listens and follows you, then the other dog will see you as a pack leader and follow his lead in that way. Does that make sense?

If you feel totally 100% confident ready for another dog.

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